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I hope it is some pardon, or reprieve, [Exit Clau. For the most gentle Claudio.-Welcome, father.

Duke. What is that Barnardine, who is to be execut ed in the afternoon ?

Enter Duke.

Prov. A Bohemian born; but here nursed up and bred: one that is a prisoner nine years old.

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Enter a Messenger.

Duke. This is his lordship's man.

Prov. And here comes Claudio's pardon. Mess. My lord hath sent you this note; and by me, this further charge, that you swerve not from the smallest article of it, neither in time, matter, or other circumstance. Good-morrow; for, as I take it, it is almost day. Prov. I shall obey him. [Exit Messenger. Duke. [Aside.] This is his pardon; purchas'd by

such sin,

For which the pardoner himself is in:
Hence hath offence his quick celerity,

When it is borne in high authority:

When vice makes mercy, mercy's so extended,

That, for the fault's love, is the offender friended.Now, sir, what news?

Prov. I told you: Lord Angelo, belike, thinking me remiss in mine office, awakens me with this unwonted putting on: methinks, strangely; for he hath not used it before.

Duke. 'Pray you, let's hear.

Prov. [Reads.] Whatsoever you may hear to the contrary, let Claudio be executed by four of the clock; and, in the afternoon, Barnardine: for my better satisfaction, let me have Claudio's head sent me by five. Let this be duly perform'd; with a thought, that more depends on it than we must yet deliver. Thus fail not to do your office, as you will answer it at your perll. What say you to this, sir?

Duke. How came it that the absent duke had not either deliver'd him to his liberty, or executed him ? I have heard, it was ever his manner to do s0.

Prov. His friends still wrought reprieves for him: And, indeed, his fact, till now in the government of lord Angelo, came not to an undoubtful proof. Duke. Is it now apparent ?

Prov. Most manifest, and not denied by himself. Duke. Hath he borne himself penitently in prison? How seems he to be touch'd?

Prov. A man that apprehends death no more dreadfully, but as a drunken sleep; careless, reckless, and fearless of what's past, present, or to come; insensible of mortality, and desperately mortal.

Duke. He wants advice.

Prov. He will hear none: he hath evermore had the liberty of the prison; give him leave to escape hence, he would not: drunk many times a day, if not many days entirely drunk. We have very often awaked him, as if to carry him to execution, and show'd him a seeming warrant for it: it hath not moved him at all.

Duke. More of him anon. There is written in your brow, provost, honesty and constancy; if I read it not truly, my ancient skill beguiles me; but, in the bold. ness of my cunning, I will lay myself in hazard. Claudio, whom here you have a warrant to execute, is no greater forfeit to the law than Angelo who hath sen tenced him: To make you understand this in a mani" fested effect, 1 crave but four days respite; for the which you are to do me both a present and a dangerous courtesy.

Prov. Pray, sir, in what ?

Duke. In the delaying death.

Prov. Alack! how may I do it? having the hour limited; and an express command, under penalty, to deliver his head in the view of Angelo? I may make my case as Claudio's, to cross this in the smallest.

Duke. By the vow of mine order, I warrant you, if my instructions may be your guide. Let this Barnardine be this morning executed, and his head borne te Angelo.

Prov. Angelo hath seen them both, and will discover the favour.

Duke. O, death's a great disguiser and you may add to it. Shave the head, and tie the heard; and say, it was the desire of the penitent to be so bared before his death: You know, the coursę is common. If any thing fall to you upon this, more than thanks and good fortune, by the saint whom I profess, I will plead against it with my life.

Prov. Pardon me, good father; it is against my oath. Duke. Were you sworn to the duke, or to the deputy? Prov. To him, and to his substitutes.

Duke. You will think you have made no offence, if the duke avouch the justice of your dealing?

Prov. But what likelihood is in that?

Duke. Not a resemblance, but a certainty. Yet since I see you fearful, that neither my coat, integrity, nor my persuasion, can with ease attempt you, I will go further than I meant, to pluck all fears out of you. Look you, sir, here is the hand and seal of the duke. You know the character, I doubt not; and the siguet is not strange to you.

Prov. I know them both.

Duke. The contents of this is the return of the duke;

you shall anon over-read it at your pleasure; where
you shall find, within these two days he will be here.
This is a thing, that Angelo knows not: for he this
very day receives letters of strange tenor; perchance,
of the duke's death; perchance, entering into some
monastery; but, by chance, nothing of what is writ.-
Look, the unfolding star calls up the shepherd: Put
not yourself into amazement, how these things should
be: all difficulties are but easy when they are known.
Call your executioner, and off with Barnardine's head:
I will give him a present shrift, and advise him for a
better place. Yet you are amazed; but this shall ab-
solutely resolve you. Come away; it is almost clear

SCENE III.-Another Room in the same. Enter

Clown. I am as well aequainted here, as I was in our house of profession: one would think, it were mistress Overdone's own house, for here be many of her old customers. First, here's young master Rash; he's in for a commodity of brown paper and old ginger, ninescore and seventeen pounds; of which he made five marks, ready money: marry, then, ginger was not much in request, for the old women were all dead. Then is there here one master Caper, at the suit of master Three-pile the mercer, for some four suits of peach-colour'd satin, which now peaches him a beggar. Then have we here young Dizy, and young master Deep-vow, and master Copper-spur, and master Starvelackey the rapier and dagger-man, and young Drop-heir that kill'd lusty Pudding, and master Forthright the tilter, and brave master Shoe-tie the great traveller, and wild Half-cann that stabb'd Pots, and, I think, forty more; all great doers in our trade, and are now for the Lord's sake.

Enter Abhorson.

Abhor. Sirrah, bring Barnardine hither.

Duke. Sir, induced by my charity, and hearing how hastily you are to depart, I am come to advise you, comfort you, and pray with you.

Barn. Friar, not I; I have been drinking hard all night, and I will have more time to prepare me, or they shall beat out my brains with billets: I will not consent to die this day, that's certain.

Duke. O, sir, you must: and therefore, I beseech you, look forward on the journey you shall go. Barn. I swear, 1 will not die to-day for any man's persuasion.

Duke. But hear you,

Barn. Not a word; if you have any thing to say to me, come to my ward; for thence will not I to-day. [Exit.

Enter Provost.

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Here in the prison, father,
There died this morning of a cruel fever
One Ragozine, a most notorious pirate,
A man of Claudio's years; his beard, and head,
Just of his colour: What if we do omit
This reprobate, till he were well inclined;
And satisfy the deputy with the visage
Of Ragozine, more like to Claudio?

Duke. O, 'tis an accident that heaven provides!
Despatch it presently; the hour draws on
Prefix'd by Angelo: See, this be done,
And sent according to command; whiles I
Persuade this rude wretch willingly to die.

Prov. This shall be done, good father, presently.
But Barnardine must die this afternoon:

Clown. Master Barnardine! you must rise and be And how shall we continue Claudio,

hang'd, master Barnardine.

Abher. What, ho, Barnardine!!

Barn. [Within.] A pox o' your throats! Who makes that noise there? What are you?

Clown. Your friends, sir; the hangman: You must be so good, sir, to rise and be put to death.

Barn. [Within.] Away, you rogue, away; I am sleepy.

Abhor. Tell him, he must awake, and that quickly

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To save me from the danger that might come,
If he were known alive?

Duke. Let this be done;-Put them in secret holds,
Both Barnardine and Claudio: Ere twice
The sun hath made his journal greeting to
The under generation, you shall find
Your safety manifested.

Prov. I am your free dependant.

And send the head to Angelo.

Now will I write letters to Angelo,

Quick, despatch,

[Exit Provost.

The provost, he shall bear them, whose contents

Shall witness to him, I am near at home;

Clown. He is coming, sir, he is coming; I hear his And that, by great injunctions, I am bound

straw rustle.

Enter Barnardine.

Abher. Is the axe upon the block, sirrah?

Clown. Very ready, sir.

Bara. How now, Abhorson? what's the news with you?

Abhor. Truly, sir, I would desire you to clap into your prayers; for, look you, the warrant's come.

Barn. You rogue, I have been drinking all night, I am not fitted for't.

Clown. O, the better, sir; for he that drinks all night, and is hang'd betimes in the morning, may sleep the sounder all the next day.

Enter Duke.

To enter publiely: him I'll desire

To meet me at the consecrated fount,

A league below the city; and from thence,
By cold gradation and weal-balanced form,
We shall proceed with Angelo.

Re-enter Provost.

Prov. Here is the head; I'll carry it myself.
Duke. Convenient is it: Make a swift return;
For I would commune with you of such things,
That want no ear but yours.

I'll make all speed. [Exit.

Isab. [Within.] Peace, ho, be here! Duke. The tongue of Isabel:-She's come to know, If yet her brother's pardon be come hither: Abher. Look you, sir, here comes your ghostly fa- But I will keep her ignorant of her good, her: Do we jest now, think you ? To make her heavenly comforts of despair,

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Duke. Good morning to you, fair and gracious daughter.

Isab. The better, given me by so holy a man. Hath yet the deputy sent my brother's pardon? Duke. He hath releas'd him, Isabel, from the world; His head is off, and sent to Angelo.

Isab. Nay, but it is not so. Duke.

It is no other:

Show your wisdom, daughter, in your close patience.
Isab. O, I will to him, and pluck out his eyes.
Duke. You shall not be admitted to his sight.
Isab. Unhappy Claudio! Wretched Isabel!

Injurious world! Most damned Angelo!

Duke. This nor hurts him, nor profits you a jot: Forbear it therefore; give your cause to heaven. Mark what I say; which you shall find'

By every syllable, a faithful verity:

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The duke comes home to-morrow:-nay, dry your fore his entering, that, if any crave redress of injus

Ang. And why should we proclaim it in an hour be

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ice, they should exhibit their petitions in the street? Esca. He shows his reason for that: to have a despatch of complaints; and to deliver us from devices hereafter, which shall then have no power to stand

Who do prepare to meet him at the gates,

against us.

There to give up their power. If you can, pace your


In that good path that I would wish it go; And you shall have your bosom on this wretch, Grace of the duke, revenges to your heart, And general honour.


I am directed by you.

Duke. This letter then to friar Peter give;

'Tis that he sent me of the duke's return:
Say, by this token, I desire his company
At Mariana's house to-night. Her cause, and yours,
I'll perfect him withal; and he shall bring you
Before the duke; and to the head of Angelo

Accuse him home, and home. For my poor self,
I am combined by a sacred vow,

And shall be absent. Wend you with this letter:
Command these fretting waters from your eyes
With a light heart; trust not my holy order,
If I pervert your course. Who's here?


Enter Lucio.

Friar, where is the provost?


Good even!

Not within, sir.

Lucio. O, pretty Isabella, I am pale at mine heart to see thine eyes so red: thou must be patient: I am fain to dine and sup with water and bran; I dare not for my head fill my belly; one fruitful meal would set meto't: But they say the duke will be here to-morrow. By my troth, Isabel, I lov'd thy brother: if the old fantastical duke of dark-corners had been at home, he [Exit Isab. bad lived.

Duke. Sir, the duke is marvellous little beholden to your reports; but the best is, he lives not in them.

Lucio. Friar, thou knowest not the duke so well as Ido: he's a better woodman than thou takest him for. Duke. Well, you'll answer this one day. Fare ye

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with child.

Ang. Well, I beseech you, let it be proclaim'd: Betimes i' the morn, I'll call you at your house: Give notice to such men of sort and suit,

As are to meet him.


I shall, sir; fare you well. [Exit.

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The provost knows our purpose, and our plot.
The matter being afoot, keep your instruction,
And hold you ever to our special drift;
Though sometimes you do blench from this to that,
As cause doth minister. Go, call at Flavius' house,
And tell him where I stay: give the like notice
To Valentinus, Rowland, and to Crassus,
And bid them bring the trumpets to the gate;
But send me Flavius first.

Peter. It shall be speeded well. [Exit Friar.
Enter Varrius.

Duke. I thank thee, Varrius; thou hast made good haste:

Come, we will walk: There's other of our friends
Will greet us here anon, my gentle Varrius. [Exeunt.

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She speaks this in the infirmity of sense.

Isab. O prince, I conjure thee, as thou believ'st There is another comfort than this world, That thou neglect me not, with that opinion

The duke is ent'ring; therefore hence, away. [Exe. That I am touch'd with madness: make not impossible The phinse is to the matter.

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MY very worthy cousin, fairly met :

Our old and faithful friend, we are glad to see you.
Ang. & Esca. Happy return be to your royal grace!
Duke. Many and hearty thankings to you both.

We have made inquiry of you; and we hear
Such goodness of your justice, that our soul
Cannot but yield you forth to publie thanks,
Forerunning more requital.

Ang. You make my bonds still greater.

Duke. O, your desert speaks loud; and I should wrong it,

To lock it in the wards of covert bosom,
When it deserves with characters of brass
A forted residence, 'gainst the tooth of time,
And razure of oblivion: Give me your hand,
And let the subject see, to make them know
That outward courtesies would fain proclaim
Favours that keep within.-Come, Escalus;
You must walk by us on our other hand ;-
And good supporters are you.

Peter and Isabella come forward.

Peter. Now is your time; speak loud, and kneel before him.

Laab. Justice, O royal duke! Vail your regard

Upon a wrong'd, I'd fain have said, a maid!

O worthy prince, dishonour not your eye

By throwing it on any other object,

Till you have heard me in my true complaint,

And given me, justice, justice, justice, justice!

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Pray you, take note of it and when you have
A business for yourself, pray heaven, you then
Be perfect.

I warrant your honour.

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Or wring redress from you: hear me, O, hear me, here.

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Duke. Mended again: the matter; -Proceed.
I sab. In brief, to set the needless process by,
How I persuaded, how I pray'd, and kneel'd,
How he refell'd me, and how I reply'd;
(For this was of much length,) the vile conclusion
I now begin with grief and shame to utter:
He would not, but by gift of my chaste body
To his concupiscible intemperate lust,

Release my brother; and, after much debatement,
My sisterly remorse confutes mine honour,

And I did yield to him: but the next morn betimes

His purpose surfeiting, he sends a warrant

For my poor brother's head.


This is most likely !

Isab. O, that it were as like, as it is true!
Duke. By heaven, fond wretch, thou know'st not
what thou speak'st;

Or else thou art suborn'd against his honour,
In hateful practice: First, his integrity

Stands without blemish :-next, it imports no reason,
That with such vehemency he should pursue
Faults proper to himself: if he had so offended,
He would have weigh'd thy brother by himself,
And not have cut him off: Some one hath set you on;
Confess the truth, and say by whose advice

Thou cam'st here to complain?


And is this all?

Then, oh, you blessed ministers above,
Keep me in patience; and, with ripen'd time,
Unfold the evil which is here wrapt up

In countenance !-Heaven shield your grace from woe,
As I, thus wrong'd, hence unbelieved go!

Duke. I know, you'd fain be gone :-An officer!
To prison with her:-Shall we thus permit
A blasting and a scandalous breath to fall
On him so near us? This needs must be a practice.
-Who knew of your intent, and coming hither?

Isab. One that I would were here, friar Lodowick.
Duke. A ghostly father, belike:-Who knows that

Lucio. My lord, I know him; 'tis a meddling friar;
I do not like the man: had he been lay, my lord,
For certain words he spake against your grace
In your retirement, I had swing'd him soundly.
Duke. Words against me? This'a good friar, belike!
And to set on this wretched woman here
Against our substitute!-Let this friar be found.

Lucio. But yesternight, my lord, she and that friar
I saw them at the prison: a sawey friar,

A very scurvy fellow.


Blessed be your royal grace !

I have stood by, my lord, and I have heard

Your royal ear abus'd. First, hath this woman

Most wrongfully accus'd your substitute;

Who is as free from touch or soil with her,

As she from one ungot.


We did believe no less.

Know you that friar Lodowick, that she speaks of?
Peter. I know him for a man divine and holy;

Not scurvy, nor a temporary meddler,

As he is reported by this gentleman;
And, on my trust, a man that never yet
Did, as he vouches, misreport your grace.

Lucio. My lord, most villanously; believe it.

Peter. Well, he in time may come to elear himself;
But at this instant he is sick, my lord,

Of a strange fever: Upon his mere request,
(Being come to knowledge that there was complaint
Intended 'gainst lord Angelo,) came I hither,

To speak, as from his mouth, what he doth know
Is true, and false; and what he with his oath,
And all probation, will make up full clear,

Whensoever he's convented. First, for this woman;

(To justify this worthy nobleman,

So vulgarly and personally accus'd,)
Her shall you hear disproved to her eyes,
Till she herself confess it.


Good friar, let's hear it. [Isab. is carried [off, guarded; and Mariana comes forward.

Do you not smile at this, lord Angelo ?-
O heaven! the vanity of wretched fools!
Give us some seats.-Come, cousin Angelo;
In this I'll be impartial; be you judge
Of your own cause. Is this the witness, friar?
First, let her show her face; and, after, speak.

Mari. Pardon, my lord; I will not show my face,

Until my husband bid me.


What, are you married?

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