Oppose not force to reason, nor reason to force. 139. Nor think thou with wind of airy threats to awe whom yet with deeds thou canst not. 140. With strength and counsel joined, think nothing hard. 141. The wife, when danger or dishonor lurks, safest and seemliest by her husband stays. 142. To know that which before us lies In daily life, is the prime wisdom, 143. Regard no man's opinion of what he does not understand. 144. Seek not temptation. 145. I know no spells, use no forbidden arts, my trust is in the living God. You see our danger on the utmost edge of hazard, which admits no long debate. 151. Tempt not the Lord thy God. 152. Use no art in friendship. 153. Aim at the highest. 154. Never deceive your physician, or your lawyer. 155. Be merry, but sin not. 156. Be slow in deliberation, but quick in execution. 157. Do as you would be done by. 158. In making innovations, the utility should be clear. 159. Attend sedulously, question clearly, answer coolly, and cease when you have nothing to say. |