Let him who sins when drunk, be punished when sober. Let every eye negotiate for itself, and trust no agent. 103. Use well the moments which decide your fate. 104. Rightly to be great, is not to stir without great argument. 105. Pollute not your mouth with filthy talk. 106. Strength, without wit and policy to rule, overthrows itself. 107. Think not that God is best pleased with what you are. 108. Be not vexed with trifles. 109. Promote not an unworthy man; it disgraces humanity. 110.. Happy is that country, whose public men are gentlemen. 111. Happy is that people, whose rulers rule in the fear of God. 112. Choose for rulers, old men well ex perienced in laws and customs. 113. Ask not that of another which thou wouldst deny to him. 114. Sedition springs from opinion. 115. Listen not to slander. 116. I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say, I love you. 117. Let the end try the man. 118. There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we may. 119. The devil can cite scripture for his purpose. 120. I will be master of what is mine own. 121. Well, I'll repent, and that suddenly, while I'm in some liking; company, villanous company, has been the spoil of me. 122. Every time serves for the matter that is then born in it. 123. Shut doors after you; fast bind, fast find. 124. Ay, now am I in Arden-the more fool I-when I was at home, I was in a better place-but travellers must be content. 125. I would we were all of one mind, and one mind good. 126. If you cannot do what you would, do what you can. 127. Do well whatever you do. 128. Be not angry till to-morrow. 129. Avoid all extremes. 130. Fly not, for that's the way to ruin. 131. It is better to be mute, than with an ass to dispute. 132. Heresy is not slain with a sword. 133. All things invite to peaceful councils and the settled state of order. 134. Great things resolved, will once more lift us up. 135. Remember the past, consider the present, provide for the future. |