83. Of conflicting laws, the latest pre vails. 84. Legal expressions having a fixed meaning, are not to be changed. 85. No one can change his mind to the injury of another. 86. To follow foolish precedents, and wink With both our eyes, is easier than to think. 87. No one can take a judicial oath, who does not believe that God will punish perjury. 88. Agents must keep within the scope of their authority, express and implied. 89. All agencies are terminated by the death of either of the parties. 90. The law requires not impossibilities. 91. When the public way is impassable, the neighboring ground may be passed over. 92. Every one may speak, and publish, what he pleases, being responsible therefor, 93. Persons, incapable in law, may ben efit, but not injure their estates. 94. All persons are incapable in law, who have not intelligent volition. 95. Rules of law should be founded in the nature of things. 96. Certainties can be possessed, uncer tainties cannot. 97. What is mine, cannot become an other's without my act. 98. The act of law, is the act of all sub ject to the law. 99. The last legal will, and the first legal deed, prevail. 100. Light, air, water, seas, bays, rivers, and lakes, are common. 101. Public officers, acting in good faith, within the scope of their authority, are responsible only to government. POLICY. 1. The more freedom, the more disci pline. 2. They who govern most, make the least noise. Attempt not to work upon the vulgar with fine sense, it is nonsense. 9. Welcome is the cheapest, and the best cheer. 10. Praise openly, reprove secretly. 11. If you be in a hurry, wait upon yourself. 12. Be not overcome of evil, but over come evil with good. 13. Make a slow answer to a hasty ques tion. 14. Never marry but for love, but see thou love what is lovely. 15. Those who are to be married, should choose whom they will have. 16. Let thy liking ripen before thou love, let thy love advise before thou choose, and let thy choice be fixed before thou marry. 17. To love with all the heart, is to love wisely. |