This is a slight unmeritable man, meet to be sent on errands. 331. He that doeth evil, hateth the light. 332. Flattery is a servile vice. 333. Who overcomes by force, hath over come but half his foe. 337. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. 338. The fearful threaten. 339. Fear is a bad counsellor. 340. In a false quarrel, there is no true valor. 341. One doth not know how much an ill word doth empoison liking. 342. Bad questions, produce worse an swers. 343. A soft answer, turneth away wrath. 344. Truth, only, is consistent. 345. A life of soberness and self-com mand, is irksome to the multitude. 346. He that may do more than is fit, is on the way to do more than is lawful. 347. He that cannot mend his own case, will do what he can to impair another's. 348. A common danger produces unanimity. 349. In a free country, there is much complaint, with little suffering; in a despotism, there is much suffering, with little complaint. 350. There is no fear of God in a riot. 351. Young folks tell what they do; old ones, what they have done; fools, what they will do. 352. Marry, sir, they praise me, and make an ass of me. 353. There is nothing so absurd, as not to be supported by authority. 354. He who is anxious to know what others say of him, destroys his own peace. 355. Impunity always invites to greater crimes. 356. Truth may be often blamed, but never shamed. 357. In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, as modest stillness and humility. 358. Wise men, never sit and wail their loss. 359. Those who are in fault, always throw the blame on others, |