Easter Celebration

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Nicolae Sfetcu, 19 mar. 2015 - 31 pagini

Easter is the most important solemnity (just before Christmas) of the Church. It is the first of the five cardinal feasts of the Catholic liturgical year. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ laid down by the Bible, the third day after his passion. The solemnity begins on Easter Sunday, which for Catholics mark the end of fasting of Lent, and lasts for eight days (Easter week, or week or radiant, or week of eight Sundays).
 Many customs dating back to ancient times designed to accommodate the return of spring attached themselves to Easter. The egg is the symbol of germination occurs in early spring. Similarly, the hare is an ancient symbol which has always represented fertility.
 The custom of the Easter egg was found among Coptic Christians from the late fifth century, it is perhaps in memory of ardent eggs (ova ignita) with which the martyrs were tortured or red egg laid by an imperial hen the day of the birth of Alexander Severus in 208 BC. The tradition of offering eggs in spring dates back to antiquity: the Persians, the Egyptians offered, as a lucky, decorated hen eggs as renewal sign.
 The rabbit once symbolizing fertility and renewal (like spring), it was in Upper Germany where was born the tradition (Osterhase) before it spreads in the Germanic countries. Subsequently, this tradition is exported to the United States by German immigrants in the eighteenth century.



Easter food
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 Experience in the domains of engineering, Quality Assurance, electronics and Internet services (translation, web design, Internet marketing, web business solutions).
 Owner and manager with MultiMedia
 Developer of MultiMedia Network
 Partner with MultiMedia in several European and national research and development projects
 Project Coordinator for European Teleworking Development Romania (ETD)
 Member of Rotary Club Drobeta Turnu Severin Continental
 Cofounder of the regional association and president of the Mehedinti Branch of Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software
 Initiator, cofounder and president of Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities
 Member of Internet Society
 Initiator, cofounder and president of Romanian Teleworking Society
 Cofounder and vice-president of the Mehedinti Branch of the General Association of Engineers in Romania
 Physicist engineer - Bachelor of Physics, Major Nuclear Physics
 Internal auditor for the Quality Management Systems
 Specialist in industrial Nondestructive Testing
 Attested for Quality Assurance
 Hundreds of publications (books, e-books, articles), mainly from the IT domain.
 Languages: Romanian, French, English

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