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These abuses are to be corrected by the diffusion of sounder views respecting the nature and obligation of Sabbath observance. Ministers in their pulpits are the prime guardians of the rest and devotion of the day of the Lord. Let them set themselves to this as to a most important part of their work. All Christians who are alive to their duty in this matter ought to make conscience of setting forth and enforcing the duty to all those over whom they can exercise influence. The Missionary Conference, in order to call universal attention to the subject, will shortly issue and circulate a series of Tracts to be prepared by several of the members.

III. In very many private families there is a miserably low standard of Sabbath observance.-Bazar-making-neglect of the public worship of God-reading of Newspapers and books unfit for the dayidleness and unprofitable conversation-riding and driving-paying and receiving of visits-all these seem to be sins fearfully prevalent in this country. As to the employment of servants in any work that may be done on the preceding day, or may be left over to the next, or in any work which is not absolutely necessary to be done, we have already spoken at sufficient length. All the ways usually adopted for killing time, as it is called, bespeak a fearfully low tone of Christian feeling. If a man cannot spend the waking hours of a single day in exercises fitted to the day of the Lord, how is he to consider himself as possessed of the feelings and tastes and sentiments which will fit him for the enjoyment of the heavenly state? In heaven there is a perpetual Sabbath.

We fear that even amongst Christians there is a sad deficiency in some of these particulars. If they would only make an experiment of observing the Sabbath according to the way laid down in Scripture-if they would direct and require their servants to have all arrangements made so that nothing may interfere with the rest and the duties of the Lord's-day-if on the Sabbath they would make conscience of instructing their children and to the best of ability their servants—if they would "spend the day in the public and private exercises of God's worship, except so much as is to be taken up in the works of necessity or mercy,' they would soon find how pleasant a day it would become, and they would derive from it all the spiritual, mental and physical good which it was designed by its Divine Institutor to impart.

In advocating the cause of Sabbath-observance we feel that we occupy an honourable position. We are pleading for God, for the cause of the Sabbath is the cause of God. We are pleading the cause of man-of all men, for "the Sabbath was made for man," but especially of the poor, for the Sabbath is emphatically the poor man's day-of the heathen, who have few indeed to care for their interests of the rising generation, whom we would deliver from the baneful influence of evil

superintendent has not been long in the works, but he has already stopped one half of the work on Sabbath, and hopes soon to put a complete stop to all work throughout the whole of the Lord's-day. One reason he mentioned for being anxious to do so, apart from the sacredness of the duty, was this: "Neither I, nor any of my European assistants ever enter the works on Sunday, and I cannot have confidence that the work is well performed when the natives know that we will not go in upon them."

example, and put under the influence of domestic Sabbath Instruction we had almost said fire-side instruction-but that is a dream of the past-a vision of the far-off land of our childhood. Scotland-all our thoughts of Sabbath observance are mixed up with thoughts of theethy village churches with their humble spires-thy simple service meet for the taste of thy honest-hearted and unostentatious peasantry, and meet also for the worship of that God who seeks the adoration that cometh fresh from the breast-thy modest manses

"Lent to mortals just to shew

A specimen of heaven below."

Scotland, "whose is the Sabbath and the Sabbath-bard"-thy sons in multitudes have left thy shores to seek riches in this Eastern world; thy manses have sent forth their nurslings to this clime of the sun-for a Scottish manse is not a place of remaining-and canst thou not with them send out the Spirit of thy Sabbath-observance? Why do thy sons, when they come to sojourn in the land of the stranger, so oft forget the lessons which they learned in their father's house? Thou canst not send us out thy Spirit, but thy God, who has given thee the blessing, can also give it to us. Oh Lord God, who didst appoint the day of rest for man and beast! Jesus, thou Lord of the Sabbath! Holy Spirit, by whose influence alone the Sabbath can be called and felt to be a delight, do thine own work in the midst of us, and avert from us the condemnation of those who disregard thy day and thine ordinances.-ED.

Missionary and Religious Entelligence.


We are confident it will afford every friend to the cause of education and religion in India the highest satisfaction to learn, that letters from Alexandria have been received from the Rev. Dr. Duff. It is probable he may be detained there about one month, owing to the want of accommodation on the steamers, or other means of conveyance by the overland route. He may (D. V.) be expected in Calcutta in about a month.-Mrs. Charles, the esteemed lady of Dr. Charles, senior minister of the Scotch Church, together with her family, have embarked and sailed for Europe. We regret to find that Mrs. C.'s health should have required this movement, but we trust under God she may soon be restored in perfect health to her circle in India.


It has been our duty this month to chronicle the examinations and anniversaries of several of our city schools and public institutions. This to us has been a most pleasing labor; but we have not less pleasure in recording the account of the Annual Examination of the school at Fort Glo'ster, under the superintendence of the General Assembly's Mission. If it be true That many a flower is born to blush unseen,

And waste its fragrance on the desert air,'

it is no less so of some of the most valuable though unostentatious efforts of man to better the condition of his neighbour. We think this rule fairly applicable to the school at Glo'ster. It is entirely under the managemeut of a respectable and intelligent young native, formerly a pupil of the General Assembly's Institution in Caleutta. The school is partly supported by the Sirkars (heathen) connected with the works at Glo'ster,


partly by the proprietors, and also in part by the Assembly's Mission, under whose control it is placed by the other contributing parties. The school was first patronized by W. Patrick, Esq. merchant of this city, and is now fully encouraged by C. J. Orr, Esq. the resident at Glo'ster." The examination was held at the residence of the latter gentleman on Monday the 27th of January. The examination was conducted by the Rev. Messrs. D. Ewart and T. Smith, of the Scottish Mission, and the Rev. T. Boaz of the London Society; also by C. J. Orr, Esq. and Bábu Hara Shankar Dás, the zealous and persevering teacher of the school. The pupils underwent a very minute examination in English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, Astronomy, the use of the Globes, History of India, Scripture History, and other useful branches of learning. The acquaintance manifested by them with the various topics was highly creditable to their industry, and not less to the talent and attention of the master. After the examination, prizes were distributed to the more deserving by C. J. Orr, Esq. and the pupils addressed by the gentlemen present on the importance of a diligent and persevering improvement of the means placed at their disposal. Here we have a little oasis in the midst of an almost (as far as education is concerned) desert country; or here we have one of the flowerbeds of learning, opening its buds, displaying its beauties and shedding its odours on every hand, in the midst of a people who have been accustomed only to have presented to them in the form of education that which was calculated to repel and debase. May this infant institution long continue to flourish and increase under the fostering care of the Assembly's Mission, to which this, as well as the school at Táki, is under the highest obligation for the efficient superintendance afforded by the teachers of that valuable seminary.


The ninth annual examination of this important Institution was held on Friday, 3rd January. We were delighted to see it so well attended by both European and Native gentlemen. The large and respectable attendance was a sure indication of the high esteem in which the Institution is held; and the presence of so many respectable natives proves that superstition and prejudice are on the wane, and that the natives of Calcutta can appreciate the advantages of a good education even when coupled with the inculcation of a faith differing from their own. Many of the young men are evidently well acquainted with the doctrines of Christianity, as well as conversant with our science and literature; their minds are enlightened, their prejudices removed-some have boldly come out and openly professed themselves the disciples of Jesus, anxious to walk in his ordinances and commandments. These are results which might have been anticipated by all parties; for the whole course of instruction pursued in the Institution is calculated to produce them. The natives are aware of these facts, yet their children flock to the Institution, and there are at present in daily attendance about 660 boys. The large number of natives present at the last examination also shows that the Institution is still rising in public estimation.

The increasing popularity of the Institution may be traced to the following causes. 1st. The natives are beginning to perceive that so far as Hinduism is concerned, they have as much to fear from an infidel education as from a Christian one; and that while the former gives nothing in lieu of what it takes away, the latter, they are convinced, inculcates the principles of virtue, and fosters a spirit of benevolence. 2ndly. The Institution, while it aims at the improvement of the moral feelings, and the conversion of the soul to God, is second to none in India, in the efficiency of its mode, and extent of its system of literary and scientific education.

The deservedly high character of the Institution, and the advantages it is capable of affording, might be easily inferred from the known abilities of its conductors; but the proficiency of the scholars at the last examination, in the higher branches of science, proved beyond dispute that few if any Institution in the country could compete with it. A mere enumeration of some of the subjects in which the pupils were examined will show to those who were not present, the extent of the course of education pursued in the Institution. The higher classes were examined in the Scriptures, Christian Theology, the Evidences of Christianity, Euclid's Geometry, Conic Sections, Trigonometry, Algebra, the Differential Calculus, Astronomy, Logic and Political Economy, &c. &c. With all these subjects the lads appeared to be quite familiar. The readiness and accuracy with which they answered the searching questions put to them evidently showed that they were well instructed, particularly in scientific subjects. They appeared to be familiar not only with the results of philosophical investigation, but with the principles of science, and the calculations upon which its truths may be demonstrated.

We were much pleased with the Essays which were read, particularly one by Mahendra Lál Basák, a young convert who was lately baptized. This is the first instance which we have witnessed of a Native Christian reading his own productions in the English language before a large assembly of his countrymen. May we not hope that this is the first fruits of a large and abundant harvest!

We witnessed a new and interesting feature at this examination. We were gratified by listening to the reading of two essays in the Bengálí language. This is a decided improvement, and although the compositions were occasionally deficient in point of idiom, yet, if the Institution perseveres in paying that attention to the native languages, which it has for some time done, it will ere long produce as good Bengálí and Hindustání scholars as it has heretofore English ones. The increased attention which this department of education is exciting throughout the country augurs well for the general enlightenment of India. The vernaculars, after all, are the grand medium through which our religion, literature and science must be extensively diffused. It is with great satisfaction therefore we see the Assembly's Institution, adding to all the other blessings which it has conferred upon the natives, a correct knowledge of the structure and use of their own language. The Bengálí Essayists were rewarded with prizes, an example worthy of all imitation in kindred institutions. The business of the day was concluded by the distribution of prizes as rewards for proficiency and good conduct. The gold medal given by D. Macfarlan, Esq. to the best of the highest class, was gained by Banamáli De. The silver medal given by the Rev. Dr. Charles for the best Essay in English was gained by Mahendra Lál Basák. His Essay referred to above was one of the best compositions we have ever heard coming from a native. Mahendra also gained the silver medal given by the Rev. Mr. Ewart for the best English Essay on another subject. These and the other prizes were distributed by the Rev. Mr. Meiklejohn, who presided as Moderator of the Presbyterial Body of Calcutta.


The examination of the Christian Institution under the superintendence of the Rev. J. Campbell of the London Missionary Society, took place at Bhowanipore on the 24th of December. We attended this exami nation and derived from it great pleasure, and we trust not a little profit. Who that has a just estimate of the value of Christian instruction can fail to derive pleasure from the mere sight of four hundred boys brought into daily intercourse of the closest kind with a Christian Missionary?

Who that knows any thing of the painful and insinuating nature of idolatry can contemplate without a glow of gratitude the spectacle of so many sons of idolators imbibing the antidote to that soul-destroying poison? Who that has himself experienced the power and sharpness of the word of God can fail to be delighted when he hears this word intelligently read and explained by hundreds of heathens? Who that looks forward with earnest longing to the day when this mighty land shall be added to the kingdom of the exalted Messiah, can hesitate to hail this spectacle as he who watches for the morning welcomes the first streak of scarcely perceptible light which, though little and dim, he knows will brighten and expand, till the heavens shall be all illuminated and the earth shall rejoice in the effulgence of the orb of day? Who that knows the value of the gospel, and its adequacy to supply all the wants and to relieve all the distresses of men, does not feel his heart burn within him even when he hears that this gospel is in the hands and in the heads, if we may so speak, of hundreds whose fathers scarcely know the name of Jesus, but who bow down to stocks and stones, and give that worship to the works of their own hands which is due only to the one living and true God? How much more then does the Christian experience a transport of holy joy when with four hundred youths actually before his eye, each with the Bible or some Christian book in his hand, he looks back to the time, not so long a retrospect, when from the one end of the land to the other the Bible was not to be found, and forward to the time, God grant the prospect may not be distant, when scriptural knowledge shall be multiplied, and the gospel shall take its residence not in the heads alone but in the hearts also of the millions of India. There are of those whom we respect and love who think that the Missionary treasury is robbed when any portion of its resources are expended on such institutions as this: but we freely say that for ourselves we cannot conceive a more legitimate application of Missionary labour and Missionary funds, and let us add of Christian prayer; and we look upon it as a token of great good for this land, that Bible schools are now rising up over the length and breadth of the land, and the Missionaries of the cross are suffering the little ones to come to Jesus.

The examination was well attended by ladies and gentlemen, although Bhowanipore is at a rather inconvenient distance from Calcutta, and the lateness of the hour at which the examination commenced must have rendered it impossible for many to be present, without risking exposure to the heat. The Rev. Mr. Boaz, secretary of the Bengal Auxiliary Missionary Society, presided, and amongst the visitors we observed the Rev. Dr. Charles and Mr. Meiklejohn, Ministers of St. Andrew's Church; Messrs. Ewart, Macdonald and Smith, Missionaries of the General Assembly, and we think all the Missionaries of the London Society resident in Calcutta, besides Dr. Somers from Banaras. Besides these there was present a goodly number of ladies and laymen. The examination was chiefly conducted by Dr. Charles, Messrs. Morton, Piffard and Smith, who as well as all the visitors were in the highest degree satisfied with the attainments of the pupils, both in religious and in what has been called sub-religious knowledge. They manifested, according to their several standings in the school, at once a large and minute acquaintance with sacred history, the evidences and doctrines of the Bible, and the elements of those sciences which truths are peculiarly opposed to those errors which are sanctioned by the books esteemed sacred by the Hindus, as Geography, Astronomy, &c. These branches of knowledge had of course been communicated through the medium of the English language; but the cultivation of their mother-tongue had evidently not been neglected, as was evident from their readings in Bengali and their translations from English into that language. We look upon this as a matter of the last moment, since

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