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there were few readers among them; and some of those who could read were very shy: they had not heard much of our books. We persevered however, and gradually the whole number was disposed of, either to persons who begged them, or to persons who gladly received them when offered.

Saturday 22nd was the day of the festival; crowds of people paraded the streets all day. I had so many applications for books at my own house, that my stock in Bengali was soon exhausted. I had determined to go out about twelve and join the native brethren; but I was taken suddenly unwell, and was unable to go. I went in the evening with brother Leonard, and when we reached the native chapel, we found that nearly all the books were gone. Our native brethren had opened the chapel in the morning, and had been engaged, either in the chapel or near it, in talking and giving away books many hours. They had distributed, on that spot, in two days, about 1000 volumes, chiefly, of course, single gospels. On this day, a few volumes in Hindustani excepted, the contents of both the boxes were exhausted. They containted 2,112 volumes. Supposing about 112 volumes in Hindustani remained, mostly single gospels, it follows, that from the 10th to the 22nd, i. e. in 13 days, 2,000 volumes were distributed.

It may perhaps be thought, that many of these books must have been given in a very indiscriminate and careless manner. Such however was not the case. We never force books on people; on the contrary we withhold them till we are satisfied that those who solicit them, can read and are likely to read them. This plan we adopt as much as possible, even in a crowd, where we seldom give any thing larger than a single gospel; and when people come to our houses for large books, we make them submit to many interrogatories before they obtain their request. I now refuse even small books to many who can read, when I think they have received them before or are not likely to read them. Some now come to me for books, and beg with great importunity, just to amuse themselves and inflict a little trouble on me; but long practice has taught me to know these characters, and I send them away as they come. the other hand, as our books spread in the country, many new faces appear. They have seen books with their neighbours and they want some for themselves. Thus, for one volume given away, we may expect three or four new applicants. This, I think, is the secret of the increasing demand, after so many have been supplied, and so many refused.


On the 25th Chánd went to Narindiya, a place crowded with boats. Many of the boat people requested books, but he had none to give. This was to be regretted, as they might have been very widely dispersed.

Last Sabbath morning, in our native chapel, I again preached on the subject of idolatry, taking for my text Isaiah xliv. 9-20. The people, about 40 in number, heard with fixed attention. When I had done, a man stood up: "All this is very true; give me a book, that I may learn more of Christianity." Chánd gave him a Testament which he had reserved for his own use. The same man attended again in the afternoon.

Would it not be well to publish, in a separate form, the book of Isaiah and the first nine chapters of Daniel? They contain some very pointed passages against idolatry, many predictions concerning our Saviour, and many about the nations of the earth, which may be illustrated by profane history. I would say, Print it in both languages.—Ibid.


We have been sorry to learn that the funds of that most excellent institution, the District Benevolent Society are quite inadequate to the

demands which are made on its benevolence. In its native asylum, there are at present about 200 inmates. the number of out-pensioners is very considerable. In many instances, it affords temporary relief to those who are suffering from want and disease. In order to give effectual relief to the objects at present dependent upon it, it requires an income of about Rs. 12,000 per annum, while only Rs. 8000 form about the average of its annual receipts. It is manifest that some extraordinary effort must be made on its behalf.

Considerable additions have lately been made to the Translation and Examining Committees, of the Bombay Tract and Book Society. It is hoped that greater expedition in the publication of the Scriptures and tracts in the vernacular languages of this Presidency will be the consequence. For some time past, the Committee of the Bible Society has had mouthly meetings for the despatch of business; and by this arrange ment the interests and efficiency of the institution have been materially advanced. The Committee of the Tract Society has determined to meet once in the two months.

It has been resolved. that in consideration of the extent of the province of Gujarat, the prospects of increased missionary agency within its borders, and the multitudes of the mercantile class of natives speaking its language who reside in, or visit Bombay, a fourth part of the funds of the Tract Society be set apart for the publication of tracts and small books in Gujaráthi.—Bombay Spectator.


In our last number, we expressed our expectation of soon welcoming to the shores of India, the ministers lately appointed by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland to labour in the peninsula of Gujarat. In doing this, we were guilty of a lapsus pennæ in reference to the name of one of the missionaries. The necessary correction will be made, and additional information given, by our introducing the following extract of a letter to Dr. Wilson, from the Rev. Mr. Morgan, of Belfast, dated the 12th August.

"You may think it strange that no answer has yet been forwarded to you from the Synod of Ulster on the subject of your communication recommending the district of Kátiáwár as a suitable field for a Mission to the heathen. Allow me to assure you this has not arisen from inattention or disrespect. Your communication was highly esteemed, and determined us in the selection of our first Missionary field. But we did not wish to write until we could do so with entire satisfaction, and that, by the blessing of God, we are now enabled to do. Our two Missionaries have been chosen, both tried men, having been ministers in congregations and having renounced their charges at the call of the church to go to the heathen. They have both been married within a few weeks. Funds have been raised sufficient to make a commencement. . . The names

of our Missionaries are James Glasgow, formerly minister of Castledawson, and Alexander Kerr, formerly minister of Portadown. May the Lord carry them to the heathen with the fulness of the blessings of the gospel of Christ. You will accept the thanks of our missionary directors and of our Assembly for your valuable communication and the interest you have taken in our cause. The name of our church now is The Presbyterian Church in Ireland,' and that of our principal ecclesiastical assembly the General Assembly.' This includes the General Synod of Ulster and the Secession Synod, who are now happily united."—Ibid.

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Some of our readers may perhaps have heard some rumours respecting the existence of religious inquiry at Bainthur, originating in interpretatians which have been made of different passages of Lingayat books, which are supposed to intimate the conversion of the people to another faith through the instrumentality of foreigners. We are happy to have it in our power to give precise information on the subject.

The three following notes are from the pen of the Rev. Joseph Taylor of Belgaum, who has shown a very commendable zeal in early embracing an opportunity of personally Investigating the circumstances of the case. Bainthur, Sunday night, 23rd November, 1839. (1). Through the mercy and care of our Heavenly Father, I arrived safe and well here last Friday. I spent the day before yesterday with the German Missionaries at Hoobly. Immediately on my arrival, I had an interview with the people, by whom I was invited, and saw them today also. I find they know very little, or rather scarcely any thing, of Christianity-more than the name. They profess however to have no faith in their own religion, and that the Linga which they wear is of no use, and can profit them nothing, and may be cast off. They would, I suppose, in one way immediately embrace Christianity, or rather take upon themselves the profession of it, that is, if I would engage to secure them from loss, and procure the power of Government to support them against any unpleasant results. But of course I can give them no such assurance. I purpose staying here a day or two longer to sift them further, and ascertain, if I can, their true motives. There is certainly a stir among the people in this and some of the adjacent villages, who are of opinion that some great change is about to take place, and that one religion only will prevail, and that all castes will become one, or rather that there wilt be no caste at all. And though some readily say, that the Christian religion, according to what is predicted, is to be the prevalent religion, yet they are very ignorant of the doctrines and requirements, the graces and duties of Christianity. They listen to me very quietly, and apparently with attention; but there is no anxiety evinced about their soul's salvation. There is no earnest inquiry made," What must we do to be saved," nor any desire evinced to make themselves acquainted with the nature of Christianity and its author, the work he did, the salvation le wrought out, and the glory to which he exalts his people. Nor do they inquire to know the temper, dispositions, and conduct required of those who believe on his name. May the Lord direct and give me wisdom and grace to know and do what will be for his Glory and this people's good. I would ask all my friends to pray for me.


Tuesday night, 25th November, 1839. interview

(2)with the people for about five or six hours to-day. One of their promised books was brought this afternoon, and part of it read. It is indeed surprising that many things are predicted, which have been either already accomplished or are now being accomplished. They have agreed to let me-take the book with me to translate into English. There seems to be something worth knowing, further regarding this book, and one or two others which they produced this night while I was at the Guru's house, and parts of which they read. A few of his disciples, from one or two of the adjacent villages; came in this night, and I had a very favourable setting before them the nature of the Gospel. They seem

I have had a long, and on the whole an in 1839.



opportunity that the time is not far distant when all the people will become one, that is, that the distinctions of caste among the people will

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cease, and that the Christian religion, will universally prevail, and all merely from what is predicted that a religion will be brought to their notice and which they will be invited to believe by a people corresponding with the English (and many particulars are recorded regarding their. appearance, dress, simple manners, their power, conquests, &c.) and which they are assured is to be the prevalent religion. They are likewise in those books exhorted to receive and follow this religion, and threatened with severe judgments if they despise and reject it. So far it is good and hopeful; but the greater portion of the people know little more of the Christian religion than that it is the religion of the English. They have no apparent sense of sin and their need of salvation by Jesus Christ to. save them from sin, with the teaching and influence of the Holy Spirit to make them wise and holy. But they may, notwithstanding, be a people prepared of the Lord, to hear and receive his word; and I think a residence of a month or so is desirable, or frequent visits among them, until something more satisfactory or tangible is manifest, so as to make it necessary to make some arrangement for their further instruction and to admit such as may afford evidence of a change of heart and true faith in Christ, into his Church by baptism.

(3). Since writing the above, I had an interview (on the morning of the 26th November) with several individuals who were assembled at the. Guru's house. Extracts from one or two of their books, which they appeared to venerate very much and consider inspired, were read by a man of the goldsmith caste, to whose judgment and interpretations much deference appeared to be paid; but, the interview was to me not at all satisfactory, for when I endeavoured to set forth the truths of the Gospel, there was much evident listlessness and apathy. No anxiety was evinced to understand the things which were spoken. Some questions were put about forms and ceremonies which would be necessary to observe if they became Christians. I told them there were other things of greater importance for them to know and experience first; otherwise, whatever they may profess or whatever they may do, would avail them nothing. This kind of address they did not at all seem to relish; but they would profess the Christian religion (holding still in veneration their own books), under the assurance of protection from harm by the Government, and security against any temporal loss. After being with them upwards of two hours, I left them, but was invited to return the evening, which I purposed doing, but, having ascertained that in consequence of several additional persons having during the day come in from adjacent villages, flags were hoisted and other ostentatious preparations made for shew, I was induced to decline going, especially as I had also learnt, that a report was in circulation that I was come with authority from Government to install the Guru there, as the High Priest of this new sect. My 3* duty appeared clear, that I should not lend myself to promote any improper views or expectations, among the people, and that the evil should be nipped in the bud. I therefore, preferred rather to represent the Gospel to them in its native unostentatious character and at once to tell them that instead of immunities and emoluments those who embraced it would be exposed to loss and persecution. And as several were assembled in the vicinity of my halting-place, Solomon (the native teacher who accompanied me) and I went out and alternately addressed them för a considerable time. A few objections were made by some brahmans, but we appealed to the common people who heard us apparently more gladly.. We endeavoured fully to explain to them the nature and doctrines of the Gospel, the obligations and duties of those who embraced it, with the happy results attending the reception thereof both here and hereafter." It was not till it was quite dark the people separated.

The disappointment was evident in the party which had made the preparations alluded to, and they used various means to induce me to change my purpose. Nothing, however, was evinced to indicate any particular concern for the welfare of their souls, but rather, like Saul with Samuel, they sought to save their credit among the people. Though I felt it my duty not to support what appeared to me a worldly scheme, under the cloak of our holy religion, I still think the people there should not be altogether neglected. Some further attempts should be made to instruct them more fully in the truths of the Gospel. I therefore communicated the particulars of my visit to the German missionaries at Hoobly; and as they are the nearest to them, they may easily go among them. May the Lord direct them and bless whatever endeavours they may use to bring them to right views of the things which make for their everlasting peace, and may it be found that my short visit, has, by the Divine blessing, been attended with some beneficial results. I should have remained out for a few days longer on my tour; but the sudden indisposition and death of a dear child induced my return home sooner than I intended.

The following note is from Mr. Layer of the German Mission.

"Mr. F. and I have returned from a tour to those people who from prophetical books of their own have been led to recognize in the religion of Christ that true religion which the above books speak of as to come, and which they require their readers to embrace. It is now a year and two months since two of their head-men came first to our notice, on a visit they paid us at Húblí. I had several conversations with them; but so crude and carnal were their notions about Christianity and conversion to it, and so little did we see, as we thought, of any signs of the Spirit of God working in them, that we rather believed them to be persons who wanted to aggrandize themselves by a connection with Europeans. They came to us in Húblí and Dharwar again and again, and afterwards they went to Belgaum too to the Missionary brethren, and received afterwards a visit from Mr. T. in their own region, who was however called away from them by family afflictions. Since that time, their head-man has been very much with us, and grown much in our esteem. About three months ago, Mr. F. and Mr. E. were for about three weeks among these persons, and on their return stated to have seen many things which they could not help regarding as proofs of a sincere desire to forsake Idolatry and to receive the Gospel, and yet also many things which had no reference to the kingdom which is not of this world. The result of our present visit to them, is the conviction that there is indeed a work of the Spirit of God begun in them, and that we must therefore apply ourselves with all zeal and earnestness to the business of making them disciples of Christ, in so far as our own instrumentality is concerned. As to their own prophecies (a mass of confusion as they are), it is not impossible that the Lord should make use of them as of a star that must lead them to Christ. O that the great head of the Church might pour out his Holy Spirit upon them, that many of them may indeed become children of God. The way in which they themselves desire to become separated from Heathenism and brought under Christian instruction and Christ (and besides which we ourselves see as yet no other), is the raising of a new village. This has great difficulties, and lies still very dark before our eyes. However, our consolation is, that if the Lord has ordained it so, light and open doors will in the proper time spring up."

We shall mark with interest the progress of this work.

The Lingayats are not so gross in their idolatrous observances, nor so bigotedly attached to caste, nor so much devoted to polytheism, as the followers of the Brahmanical system. A very interesting account of their

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