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be their saviours, enacting the Jews of old, who stoned them that were sent to them and slew their prophets."

We now conclude with an expression simply of our earnest hope that some among our many competently qualified Missionary friends, or others, zealous in the cause of truth and Christianity, will not be tardy to turn this valuable tract into the vernacular idioms of each province of this vast empire. The original Sanskrit is in a very easy and tolerably pure style at all events the English Translation is so accurate to the sense, and even preserves so much of the manner and spirit of the original, that versions from it would answer every necessary purpose, and may at once therefore be undertaken even by such as are but slightly or not at all acquainted with "the language of the gods."


Missionary and Religious Entelligence.



On Saturday the 15th Jan. the Rev. Mr. Morton and family proceeded on board the Somersetshire on their voyage to England. In noticing Mr. Morton's departure we must be allowed to acknowledge the services he has rendered to the Observer as an Editor and a large contributor. had occasion in our Introductory Remarks at the commencement of this year to allude to his services in one department. Our readers are indebted to his pen for all the articles that have appeared in the Observer under the signatures of HAVARENSIS and of CINSURENSIS. His articles embrace many subjects. Besides those of an oriental cast, to which we previously adverted, his signature will be found affixed to reviews of works, western as well as eastern, and treatises theological, critical and literary. All his productions are distinguished by the same characteristics, liveliness of thought and expression. Altogether we have lost in Mr. Morton a most valuable coadjutor.-The Rev. A. Kreiss, formerly of the Basle Mission, has proceeded to Agra to labor in connection with the Church Mission at that station. The Rev. G. Pffander remains for the present in Calcutta.-The Rev. Messrs. Lacroix and Gogerly have returned to Calcutta, after an extensive and highly interesting ministra tion in the north-east of Bengal.—We understand that a Missionary belonging to the American Board of Foreign Missions may be expected in Calcutta early in the next year. A new mission is also about to be established at Moorshedabad in connexion with the London Society; the Missionary appointed to this station is now on his voyage.-We notice with pleasure the arrival in Calcutta of the Rev. Mr. Barker, Mrs. Barker, and Miss Bronson, from America, on their way to join the American Mission in Assam.

2. THE UNITED MONTHLY MISSIONARY PRAYER MEETING Was held last month at the Lal Bazar chapel. The address, delivered by the Rev. J. Thomas, was a very excellent and spirit-stirring appeal to

the laity on behalf of Missions. The text was, "Brethren, pray for us." The attendance was good.


At the Missionary Conference, the subject of Popery was discussed, and a very able report read on the present state of popery and the efforts of its emissaries for its propagation.


The Native papers state, that Lord Auckland, in his way down, visited the famous Idol-shrine at Brindabun, and gave 1000 Co.'s Rupees to the priests. We hope this is false, for the sake of our common Christianity.


The Eighteenth Annual Report of this deserving institution has just been sent us, and for which we tender our best thanks; but as we have already given a full account of the meeting of the Association and in that a syllabus of its labors and prospects, we need not do more than state that it contains some very interesting matter, and will, we hope, induce the Christian public to render its aid to promote the local circulation of the Divine volume in this city, almost wholly given up to idolatry.

6. THE REPORT OF THE CALCUTTA BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. We have been favored with the Nineteenth Report of the Calcutta Baptist Missionary Society-a most important and instructive document, and one which we are confident will amply repay a most attentive and diligent perusal. It is superior in the amount and kind of information, and the general views which it contains on Missionary operations, to the generality of such documents. We gather from it, that the Society in northern India has 42 stations, principal and subordinate; 27 Missionaries, 48 Assistant Missionaries and Native Preachers; 24 Churches; 757 Members; 23 Schools, 706 scholars; and in other parts of the world 80 stations; about 30 Missionaries; 77 Churches; 21,600 Members, 6000 day scholars, and upwards of 10,000 in Sunday schools. We regret to find that the Calcutta Society is in debt upwards of 1800 Co.'s Rs. We hope this will not be allowed to rest as an incubus on the labors of the Committee. We postpone to our next No. a fuller notice of this interesting Report.


A new monthly Missionary periodical has just appeared under the above title. The projectors state, that a similar work existed previously to the appearance of the Observer, when it was discontinued. The cause of the present publication is the lack of interest in many minds on Missionary subjects, owing to the want of more widely diffused information on the progress of the work of God amongst the heathen; this certainly would imply that we of the Observer have not been ample in our information on these topics. All we can say in extenuation is, that if it has not been so, the fault has not been ours; we have published all that has been sent to us, and shall be happy to continue to do so when it is of a catholic character. We sincerely hope that this new vehicle for diffusing Missionary information may answer the largest desires of those who have it under their direction. We extract the following letter from it on the interesting subject of Missions to Affghanistan. In our last we inserted a call from an Episcopalian; in this from a Baptist. May the whole Church be thus awakened to action.

"Knowing that you have the best interests of the heathen at heart, I take the liberty of addressing you for the purpose of drawing your serious attention towards the perishing multitudes in Affghanistan.

"There are two large cities in this country, Candahar and Cabul, where there are some hundreds of thousands of inhabitants who are perishing for lack of knowledge. They have no Christian Minister to teach them the errors of the Musalman, and the truths of the Christian religion. It is said there is a population of 300,000 in Cabul, which is a much larger place than Candahar. No doubt great good would be done in this country if Missionaries, who were well skilled in the Persian and Pashtu languages, could be sent into it for the blessed purpose of teaching the people how they may be saved from the wrath to come.

"An accession of Missionaries soon entered Burmah after a British Force went to that country, and their labours have not been in vain in the Lord; and no doubt were you now to send Missionaries into Affghanistan, the fruit of their labours would soon be made manifest to themselves and others. 'Righteousness exalteth a nation, and sin is a reproach to any people.' The great duty then for Christians to perform, is to use every scriptural means for the gracious end of teaching the nations how they may become righteous. Preaching Christ and him crucified must be considered the first and most scriptural labour for the conversion of sinners to God. The command is Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.' Further, the Scripture saith, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?'

"Though several Baptist Missionaries have lately come out to Calcutta, I am aware that many more are required for Bengal and Hindustan, and it is likely many more will be sent from England ere long; but it is to be hoped Affghanistan will be favoured with a few also, so that the people in this benighted land may be enabled to hear the joyful sound, and receive it to the saving of their souls. We pray that all people, from the least to the greatest, may know the Lord: then let us use our endeavours individually and collectively to send forth labourers into the whole world, that the knowledge of the Lord may spread from east to west, and from north to south, until the world shall be filled with the knowledge of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, whom to know is life everlasting."


It has been our painful duty for some time past to revert to the several ways in which the Lord's day is violated in this country by professing Christians. One of the most painful instances of such violation is recorded in the Calcutta Christian Advocate of the 22nd of February in the following letter, which we have transferred to our pages, in the hope that should it have escaped the observation of those for whom it was designed in that journal, it may meet their eye in this.

"To the Editor of the Christian Advocate.

"SIR,-Not only the title of your paper, but the spirit and temper with which it is conducted, entitle you to the appellation of Guardian of Christian morals. As such, if you have not already learnt, allow me to inform you of the desecration of last Sabbath by a British judge and a member of the Law Commission, in occupying a great portion of the day examining the senior department of the Hindu College boys at the Supreme Court Chambers. I shall do little more than state the fact, and leave you as well as every right-minded Christian to comment on or draw your own conclusions from so gross an outrage on Christian morality. When a judge and a commissioner of the land thus openly set at defiance the commands of the Almighty to keep holy the Sabbath day, which they ought equally (if not indeed pre-eminently) with the clergy and more private Christians, in a heathen land especially, to enforce, by example, in a regular and consistent attendance at the house of God-when such among the magnates of the land, I say, thus demean themselves, it becomes all who love the cause of Christ sincerely, to redouble their vigilance, and prayerfulness that God in mercy would turn the hearts of our Rulers to the wisdom of the just, give them to see the error of their ways, and lead them to turn unto Him with a true heart, that they may henceforth, by a holy life and conver

sation, recommend to others, and adorn themselves that cause and those commands they now so lamentably set at naught.

"Calcutta, Feb. 14, 1840.

I am,



Who can wonder, when the magnates of the land thus violate one of the first of the commands of God, that the land should “ mourn because of sin."


Since our last a petition has been presented to the Bombay Government on the subject of Mission work by several of the Native community. The prayer is for Government interference with Mission labour. The reply of the Government is, that it is neutral and cannot interfere. The petition has been ably replied to by Dr. Wilson, and the whole referred to the Supreme Government.-A new Native Unitarian Society has been formed in Calcutta.-The natives of Madras have petitioned the Government for the establishment of a college at that Presidency. The reply is encouraging.—Rajnarain Roy the "titled ruffian" has been fully committed for trial for contempt of court-and the two sons of Budinauth Roy have been committed for trial for the supposed murder of a poor man at Patturghatta. - Mutty Lal Seal has offered a lack of rupees for the establishment of a lying-in hospital for native females. It is to be attached to the Medical college. He has also offered 1000 rupees to any native widow who will marry again; the offer we hear has been accepted, at least an individual of the same caste with the Babu has offered to marry any widow on these terms. It is proposed to establish a Missionary Society at Agra, for supplying the immediate wants of that neighbourhood. These matters, connected with the following observations from the Calcutta Christian Advocate on the state of feeling on Religious subjects in our community, shew that we are evidently living in an important crisis.

"The state of feeling on the subject of Religion in this country, both amongst Natives and Europeans, is at present most extraordinary; nor can it long remain as it is. The very conflict of opinion must soon terminate; that it will be brought to an issue for good, we doubt not. Amongst our native fellow-subjects there are three classes of opinions, as it regards their own and the Christian faith-that of the orthodox Hindus, who adhere pertinaciously to things as they have been; the more enlightened, but sceptical, who are disposed to reject all religion and the enlightened but searching, who would find truth in every religious system, and construct a religion which should combine the excellencies contained in every existing creed ; -all and every one of these parties, however, appear desirous of keeping out the Christian faith as a whole, and yet, we believe, the general impression amongst themselves is that, ultimately Christianity must triumph. The first class is fully represented by the Bombay petitioners and the disciples of the Dharma Shabha; the second, by large classes of young men educated in the different Anti-christian seminaries; while the third finds representatives in those who would form the New Theophilanthropic School. Amongst the European or Christian community, we find those who would deem the introduction of Christianity a great bane, the sceptical party amongst professing Christians, the liberals; another party would introduce Christianity in a Unitarian dress; while a third would, by every legitimate effort, introduce it in its generally received or Evangelical form. All these parties appear united for the overthrow of the idolatries and follies of the East. The first certainly not avowedly, but yet assuredly through the alone medium of secular education: the latter, through the direct and purifying principles of our holy faith. The one would base education on purely Christian principles; the other would exclude it altogether but both the one and the other, (both Native and European) are strenuous for the promotion of education. The Bombay and the Madras Petitioners equally demand education; and thousands, who are represented by neither, ery for education, and are willing to receive it even through a Christian medium. The general impression on the native mind is, that the Christian religion is making rapid advances. In the letter of the Theophilanthropic Society, it is said that Chris

tianity is making terrible progress-the Bombay petitioners ask for the safety valve of Government influence, to check the progress of truth; while the general impression in the mind of every true Christian is that his cause must triumph. Such we believe to be the state of feeling on the subject of religion, at present, in this country. The end and the fruit it does not require much foresight to predict. The conflict must terminate in a full and complete triumph for the faith of Christ. We shall return to this subject in an early number."


We have this month devoted considerable space to the Reports of several of our excellent Missionary and Orphan Schools. We shall be happy in being made the medium of conveying aid of a pecuniary nature to the managers of any of these truly excellent institution. Nor would we forget to notice also the claims of Mrs. Wilson's Refuge, the London Society's Female School Society, and that of the Calcutta Baptist Mission. Benevolent Institution.

"In the last Report the friends of the Benevolent Institution had to lament the loss of the last of its venerable founders, the Rev. Dr. Marshman; and in the present they have with unfeigned sorrow to record the death of one who for twenty-two years presided over it, and devoted all his energies to realize the object for which it was founded. The Rev. James Penney came to this country in the year 1817, on purpose to take charge of the Institution; and from that time to the last day of his life, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the benefit of the children of indigent Christians, connected with it. By giving them a good education suitable to their condition and future prospects, and calculated to strengthen their mental faculties by instilling into their minds the principles of science and general useful information, and the knowledge of true religion, he endeavoured to prepare them for filling stations of respectability and usefulness in this world, and for enjoying pure and everlasting happiness in the next. He was admirably qualified for this work; himself possessed of a lively imagination and of an extensive knowledge of men and things, he could illustrate any subject in hand with wonderful facility and clearness, and pour light into the dullest minds; and being always lively and cheerful, he made all around him lively and happy too. Combining also ardent affection with manly dignity and unbending integrity, he secured for himself the respect and love of all his pupils. They felt, by his exposing and banishing their ignorance, that he was their instructor, and therefore they revered him: they knew, by his anxiety to promote the welfare of those who were in school, and of those who had left it, that he was their friend, and often their only friend, and therefore they loved him. How far he was successful in his endeavours it would be impossible to say, but that he was eminently so, at least in reference to secular education, an acquaintance with the East Indian Society in general, by whom he was universally known and respected, and an appeal to many of the public offices where this class of persons are employed, will abundantly testify.

As however, neither worth nor usefulness can ward off the shafts of death, this excellent teacher and devoted servant of God was attacked with cholera in February last, and thus suddenly torn away from his family and friends, and from this institution which has deeply felt his loss. "In consequence of this melancholy event the Managers did their utmost to provide a proper successor; and the Rev. Mr. Boaz in particular, with his usual activity and zeal, made considerable exertion, with very great success, to pay off a large amount of arrears due to the teachers, as well as to extinguish the debt accumulating against the Institution, and per* Press of matter has obliged us, however unwillingly, to omit some in type for insertion.-ED.

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