Greg. That fhewes thee a weake flaue, for the weakest goes to the wall. Samp. Tis true, and therefore women being the weaker vessels are euer thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Mountagues men from the wall, and thrust his maides to the wall. Gré. The quarrell is betweene our masters, and vs their men. Samp. Tis all one I will fhew my felfe a tyrant, when I haue fought with the men, I will be ciuill+ with the maides, I will cut off their heads. Grego. The heades of the maids. Samp. I the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads, take it in what fence thou wilt. Grego. They must take it * sense, that feele it. Samp. Me they shall feele while I am able to stand, and tis knowne I am a pretty peece of flesh. Grego. Tis well thou art not fish, if thou hadft, thou hadft been poore Iohn: draw thy toole here comes of the house of Mountagues. Enter two other feruingmen. Samp. My naked weapon is out, quarrell, I will back thee. Gre. How, turne thy backe and runne; Samp. Feare me not. Gre. No marrie, I feare thee. Samp. Let vs take the law of our fides, let them begin. Gre. I will frown as I paffe by, and let them take it as they lift. Samp. Nay as they dare, I wil bite my thumb at them, which is a difgrace to them if they beare it. Abra. Doe you bite your thumb at vs fir? Abra. Doc you bite your thumb at vs fir? Samp. Is the law of our fide if I fay I? Gre. No. Samp. No fir, I doe not bite my thumbe at you fir, but I bite my thumbe fir. Gre. Doe you quarrell fir? Abra. Quarrell fir, no fir. Sa. But if you doe fir, I am for you, I ferue as good a mā as you. Abra. No better. Samp. Well fir. Enter Benuolio. Gre. Say better, here comes one of my maisters kinsmen. Samp. Yes better fir. Abra. You lie. Samp. Draw if you be men, Gregorie, remember thy washing blowe. They fight. Benu. Part fooles, put vp your fwords, you know not what you do. Enter Tibalt. Tibalt. What art thou drawne among these hartleffe hinds turne thee Benuolio, look vpon thy death. Ben. I doe but keepe the peace, put vp thy fword, or mannage it to part these men with me. Tib. What drawne and talke of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Mountagues and thee: Haue at the coward. Enter three or foure citizens with clubs or partyfons. Offi. Clubs, billes and partifons, ftrike, beate them downe Downe with the Capulets, downe with the Mountagues. Enter old Capulet in his gowne, and his wife. Capu. What noyfe is this? giue me my long fword hoe, Enter olde Mountague and his wife. Moun. Thou villaine Capulet, hold me not, let me go. Enter prince Efkales, with his traine. Prince. Rebellious fubiects enemies to peace, Will they not heare? what ho, you men, you beafts: Το To know our fathers † plefure in this cafe: Exeunt. Moun. Who fet this auncient quarrell new abroach? Ben. Madam, an houre before the worshipt fun, And stole into the couert of the wood, I measuring his affections by my owne, Which then most fought, where most might not be found : Being one too many by my weary felfe, Pursued my honour ‡, not purfuing his,! And gladly fhunned, who gladly fled from me. Mount. Many a morning hath he there beene feene, With teares augmenting the fresh mornings deaw, tfuriber. bumour. F 4 Adding Adding to cloudes, more cloudes with his deepe fighes, But all fo foone as the all cheering funne, Blacke and portendous must this humor proue, Ben. My noble vncle doe you know the cause? Is to himseife (I will not fay how true) So farre from founding and difcouery, Ere he can fpread his sweete leaues to the ayre, Or dedicate his beauty to the fame. Could we but learne from whence his forrowes grow, Enter Romeo. Benu. See where he comes, fo please you step aside, Ile know his greeuance or be much denide. Moun. I would thou wert fo happy by thy ftay, To heare true shrift, come madam lets away. Benuol. Good morrow coufin. Romeo. Is the day fo young? Ben. But new ftrooke nine. Romeo. Ay me fad houres feeme long: Was that my father that went hence fo faft? Exeunt. Ben. |