By the old Capulet and Mountague, fault: Haue thrice difturbd the quiet of our streets. Benuo. Here were the feruants of your aduerfaries, Ben. Madame, an houre before the worshipt funne I noting his affections by mine owne, That most are bufied when th' are most alone, Moun. Black and portentious muft this honor proue, Vnleffe good counfaile doo the caufe remooue, Enter Romeo. Moun. I neyther know it nor can learne of him. Ben. See where he is, but ftand you both afide, Lle know his grieuance, or be much denied. Mount. I would thou wert fo happie by thy ftay To heare true fhrift. Come madame lets away. Benuo. Good morrow cofen. Romeo. Is the day so young? Ben. But new ftroke nine. Romeo. Ay me, fad hopes feeme long. Was that my father that went hence fo fast? Ben. It was, what forrow lengthens Romeos hours? Romeo. Not hauing that, which hauing makes them fshort. Ren. In loue. Romeo. Out. Ben. Of loue. Ro. Out of her fauour where I am in loue. Ben. Alas that loue fo gentle in her view, Should be fo tyrranous and rough in proofe. Ro. Alas that loue whofe view is muffled ftill, Should without lawes giue path-waies to our will: Where fhall we dine? Gods me, what fray was here? Yet tell me not for I haue heard it all, Heres much to doe with hate, but more with loue. Why then, O brawling loue, O louing hate, O anie thing, of nothing firft create ! O heauie lightnes ferious vanitie! Mishapen Caos of best seeming thinges, Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, ficke health, Still waking fleepe, that is not what it is: This loue feele I, which feele no loue in this. Ren. No cofe I rather weepe. Rom. Good hart at what? Ben. At thy good hearts oppreffion. Ro. Why fuch is loues tranfgreffion, Griefes of mine owne lie heauie at my hart, Which thou wouldft propagate to haue them preft With more of thine, this griefe that thou haft showne, Being vext, a fea raging with a louers tears. A choking gall, and a preferuing fweet. Farewell cofe, And if you hinder me you doo me wrong. Ro. Tut I haue loft my felfe I am not here, Ben. Why no, but fadly tell me who. Ro. Bid a fick man in fadness make his will. Ben. I aimde fo right, when as you faid you lou'd. Ah fhe is rich in beautie, only poore, That when he dies with beautie dies her store. Enter Countie Paris, old Capulet. Exeu. Of honorable reckoning are they both, And pittie tis they liue at ods fo long: But leaving that, what fay you to my fute? Сари. Capu. What should I fay more than I faid before, Shee hath not yet attainde to fourteene yeares: Paris. Younger than fhe are happie mothers made. When well apparaild Aprill on the heele And like her moft, whofe merite moft fhal be. Enter Seruingmen. Where are you firra, goe trudge about Through faire Verona ftreets, and feeke them out: My houfe and welcome at their pleasure stay. Exeunt. Ser. Seeke them out whofe names are written here, and yet I knowe not who are written here: I muft to the learned to learne of them, that's as much to fay, the taylor must meddle with his lafte, the fhoomaker with his needle, the painter painter with his nets, and the fisher with his penfill, I must to the learned. Enter Benuolio and Romeo. Ben. Tut man one fire burnes out anothers burning, Turne backward, and be holp with backward turning, And the ranke poyfon of the old will die. Romeo. Your planton leafe is excellent for that. Ben. For what? Romeo. For your broken shin. Ben. Why Romeo art thou mad? Rom. Not mad, but bound more than a mad man is. Shut vp in prifon, kept without my foode, Whipt and tormented, and godden good fellow. Rom. Stay fellow I can read. He reads the letter. Seigneur Martino and his wife and daughters, countie Anfelme and his beauteous fifters, the ladie widdow of Vtruuio, feigneur Placentio, and his louelie neeces, Mercutio and his brother Valentine, mine uncle Capulet his wife and daughters, my faire neece Rofaline and Liuia, seigneur Valentio and his cofen Tibalt, Lucio and the liuelie Hellena. A faire affembly, whether should they come? Ser. |