Imagini ale paginilor


Abbott, E. Stanley, Forms of insanity in five years' admissions to, and
discharge from, the hospitals for the insane in Massachusetts, III.
Barnes, Frances M., Jr., Metabolism in general paralysis; an examination
of the urine, blood, and cerebro-spinal fluid, 301.

Brill, A. A., A case of schizophrenia (dementia præcox), 53.
Brown, Sanger, Notes on the treatment of acute insanity, 669.
Chapin, John B., The insanity defense for crime, 71.

Clark, L. Pierce, Conscious epilepsy, 295.

Coleburn, A. B., A study of body temperature in paralytic dementia, 551.
Cornell, Wm. Burgess, A study of the auto and somatopsychic reaction in
four cases of dementia præcox, 529.

Diller, Theodore and George J. Wright, The differential diagnosis between
hysterical insanity and dementia præcox; with report of an illustrative
case of hysterical insanity, 253.

Drew, C. A., Impressions of some asylums in Scotland, 657.

Dunton, William Rush, Jr., The cyclic forms of dementia præcox, 465.
Evans, Britton D., Court testimony of alienists, 83.

Farrar, Clarence B., Some origins in psychiatry, 277.

Ferris, Albert Warren, Borderland cases of insanity and the voluntary
patient, 133.

Frost, Henry P., Neurasthenic and psychasthenic psychoses, 259.

Funkhouser, Edgar B., Scarlet fever as an etiological factor in the psy-
choses, 623.

Garvin, William C., Acute alcoholic hallucinosis (acute alcoholic paranoia),


Hamilton, Samuel W., Review of infective-exhaustive psychoses with spe-
cial reference to subdivision and prognosis, 579.

Hattie, W. H., Huntington's chorea, 123.

Jones, Ernest, Psycho-analytic notes on a case of hypomania, 203.

Jones, Ernest, On the nightmare, 383.

Kanavel, Allen B., and Lewis J. Pollock, Partial thyroidectomy for cata-
tonic dementia præcox, 437.

Lane, Laura A., A study of the Moro tuberculin ointment test, with special
reference to its use in the insane, 477.

McGaffin, C. G., An anatomical analysis of seventy cases of senile dementia,

May, James V., A review of the recent studies of general paresis, 543.
Mills, Charles K., Hysteria, what it is and what it is not, 231.

Moore, J. W., The application of the immunity reaction to the cerebro-
spinal fluid, 537.

ckard, Frederick H., An analysis of the psychoses associated with
Graves' disease, 189.

›llock, Lewis J. and Allen B. Kanavel, Partial thyroidectomy for cata-
tonic dementia præcox, 437.

irdum, H. D. and Beatrice A. Stevenson, Hereditary chorea (Hunting-
ton's), 129.

icksher, Charles, Impressibility in dementia præcox, 219.

iley, I. Woodbridge, Mental healing in America, 351.

Hobinson, Chalfant, Was King Edward the Second a degenerate? 445.
osanoff, A. J. and John I. Wiseman, Syphilis and insanity. A study of
the cerebro-spinal fluid, 419.


Russell, William L., The medical service of state hospitals for the insane,

Sa..dy, William C., Studies in heredity with examples, 587.

Somers, Elbert M., The Value of staff conferences in state hospitals, 571.
Southard, E. E., Anatomical findings in senile dementia: A diagnostic

study bearing especially on the group of cerebral atrophies, 673.
Stanley, Charles E., A report of three cases of Korssakow's psychosis, 613.
Stevenson, Beatrice A. and H. D. Purdum, Hereditary chorea (Hunting-
ton's), 129.

Townsend, Theo. I., The Ganser symptom and symptom-complex, 631.
Wells, Frederick Lyman, Motor retardation as a manic-depressive symp-
tom, I.

White, William A., The new Government Hospital for the Insane, 523.
Wiseman, John I. and A. J. Rosanoff, Syphilis and insanity. A study of the
cerebro-spinal fluid, 419.

Wright, George J. and Theodore Diller, The differential diagnosis between
hysterical insanity and dementia præcox: with report of an illustrative
case of hysterical insanity, 253.


Motor Depression as a Manic-Depressive Symptom.

Fig. 1, 8; Fig. 2, 9; Fig. 3, 11; Fig. 4, 14; Fig. 5, 15; Fig. 6, 17

Fig. 7, 20; Fig. 8, 22; Fig. 9, 25; Fig. 10, 26; Fig. 11, 29; Fig. 31; Fig. 13, 35; Fig. 14, 37; Fig. 15, 39; Fig. 16, 41; Fig. 17, 4 Fig. 18, 44; Fig. 19, 46; Fig. 20, 47.

Huntington's Chorea.

Charts, 126, 127.

Conscious Epilepsy.

Plate I, 298.

Dr. Edward Holmes Van Deusen.

Frontispiece, 351.

Syphilis and Insanity.

Blood-collecting Tube, 424.

The Cyclic Forms of Dementia Præcox.

Chart 1, 471; Chart 2, 473; Chart 3, 475.

The New Government Hospital for the Insane.

Plates II-V, 528.

A Study of Body Temperature in Paralytic Dementia.

Chart 1, 552; Chart 2, 558; Chart 3, 560; Chart 4, 566; Chart 5, 568. Anatomical Findings in Senile Dementia.

Plates VI-XI, 708.



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