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Let us pray.

O God of all might and wisdom, by Whom alone Kings reign and people are made obedient unto them; We humbly beseech Thee to defend Thine own ordinance in the defence of our distressed King; that as Thou hast given him a most just title to his father's kingdoms, so Thou wouldst be pleased speedily to bring him unto the rightful possession of them. And to that end, that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to put the spirit of counsel, of courage, and of unity, upon them that are loyal to him. And for those that either openly oppose him, or those strange children that dissemble with him, that Thou wouldst infatuate their counsels and blast their endeavours, turning their hearts both to Thee their God and to the King; which we beseech Thee to grant for Jesus Christ His sake, our Lord and only Saviour. Amen.

The Epistle: 1 Tim. ii. 1-9.

The Gospel St. Mark x. 28-32.
Creed, etc.

After Church Militant Prayer:

Grant, merciful Lord, Thy protection and Thy blessing to our gracious King: that in all his ways he may be defended from all kinds of perils, and may so prosper in his endeavours, that all his people may, by the might of Thy hand, be brought to obedience under him, to serve and honour Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Blessing.

Here follow, in Cosin's handwriting, various Versicles and Collects, but it is not quite clear how they were intended to be used.

Canon Ornsby printed (Corr. i. 302), “Alterations in Cosin's handwriting, in the margin of the first page of a Copy of the Form of Prayer used in King Charles II.'n

Chapel at the Hague" (1650). In this office, none of the Psalms or Lessons are as above, and the first Collect is as follows:

Almighty and Everlasting God, Which didst give such grace to Thine anointed, our late dread Sovereign, that in his life and death he confessed, and showed forth Thy Truth in his humble and patient suffering, for the constant profession thereof, and Who hast knit together Thine elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical Body of Thy Son Christ our Lord: Grant us also grace so to follow him and all other Thy Saints, that we may come to those unspeakable joys which Thou hast prepared for them that unfeignedly love Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


(See p. 193)


The Bishop, upon the petition of them whom it may concern, and the place being duly prepared according to his advice and prescription, shall either by himself or some other whom he shall depute hereunto, repair unto the same place and there make these prayers following.

Our help standeth in the Name of the Lord.
Answer. Who hath made heaven and earth.

Our Father, etc.

Let us pray.

We do here humbly, O Lord, present ourselves before Thy Divine Majesty, beseeching Thee not to remember our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers, who have polluted this Thy sanctuary and defiled the dwelling-place of Thy Name, but to be reconciled unto us, and to accept this our bounden duty of reconciling this house unto Thee and unto Thy service, that being now purged and separated from all profane uses, it may remain an holy house for ever dedicated to sacred uses, for prayers, supplications, and intercessions to be therein made for all men, and especially for those that are of the household of the faith, and for the praise and

[blocks in formation]

glory of Thy Blessed Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Here follows the Act of Reconciliation.

In Cosin's "Order of Consecration of Churches," the following prayers differ entirely from those found in Bishop Andrewes' form.

At the place where Morning and Evening Prayer is made.

Hear the voice and prayers of Thy Church, O Lord, which shall be made unto Thee in this place. Let their prayer be set forth in Thy sight as the incense, and the lifting up of their hands be as the morning and evening sacrifice. Vouchsafe, O Christ, always to hear their prayers, and to offer up to Thy Blessed Father the supplications of Thy servants, as their only Mediator and Intercessor, to Him Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth One God, world without end. Amen.

At the Pulpit.

Grant, O Lord, that Thy Holy Word may in this place be truly and sincerely preached to the instruction and building up of them that shall hear it in all Christian faith and obedience, and become as good seed sown into good ground, bringing forth the fruit of holiness and godly works through Christ our Lord. Amen.

At the Pavement.

Grant, O Lord, Who art the resurrection and the life, to all them that die and depart hence in Thy faith and shall be here interred, that they may rest in peace until the day when the trumpet of Thy angel shall sound and call them out of their graves; and that we with them, and they with us, may have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, for ever in Thine everlasting kingdom. Amen.


(See p. 311)



In charitable and public works

which Fees at his election, etc.

Two Benevolences to the King soon
after his Consecration

Firstfruits and yearly Tenths,

A double subsidy in 1663

New Years' Gifts to the King

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Royal Aids granted by Act of Par

liament, and the Pension to the

. £27,430,





Queen-mother brought to £39,876 16s. 7d.

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1 Baker MSS. xxx. 377 ff. Canon Ornsby printed, from the Tanner MSS., a statement of a wider nature, drawn up in 1668, in which Cosin claimed that he had "allowed and expended in public and charitable works, over and above what he had received during his first seven years for fines of leases, the sum of £34,585."

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