Safe & Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention and InterventionCorwin Press, 26 aug. 2008 - 136 pagini Make a difference in school safety and security with these practical, realistic strategies! This timely resource for new, veteran, and aspiring school administrators offers cost-effective techniques for creating a safe environment for students, staff, and the community. The authors use their experience in education and law enforcement to show how administrators can combine the need for a secure campus with the desire to maintain an open and welcoming school. Educators will find recommendations that can:
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Pagina vi
... Appropriately 82 Strategy 23 Intimidation , Harassment , and Bullying : Fear Factors in the Twenty - First - Century School 85 Strategy 24 Holiday Blues : Responding to Seasonally Despondent Students 89 Strategy 25 Tabletop Exercises ...
... Appropriately 82 Strategy 23 Intimidation , Harassment , and Bullying : Fear Factors in the Twenty - First - Century School 85 Strategy 24 Holiday Blues : Responding to Seasonally Despondent Students 89 Strategy 25 Tabletop Exercises ...
Pagina 7
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Pagina 8
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Pagina 13
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Introduction | 1 |
1 Planning | 5 |
2 Response Strategies | 41 |
3 Professional Development | 75 |
4 Top Ten | 99 |
Resources | 105 |
113 | |
115 | |
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
Safe & Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention and Intervention Judy M. Brunner,Dennis K. Lewis Previzualizare limitată - 2008 |
Safe & Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention and Intervention Judy M. Brunner,Dennis K. Lewis Vizualizare fragmente - 2009 |
Safe & Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention and Intervention Judy M. Brunner,Dennis K. Lewis Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2008 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
aid supplies appropriate areas assigned badges behavior bullying campus cell phones chaperones check-in procedures checklist cocurricular activities Corwin Press create debriefing Dennis Lewis discuss district document drill educational electronic devices emergency event emergency plan emergency response plan emergency response team employees ensure equipment expectations faculty meeting fight flip chart folder guidelines hallways ical identify IESP important in-place sheltering incident individuals instructions law enforcement located occur parents person personal digital assistants policies practice principal problem relocation safe school safety and security safety committee scenario school administrators school community school counselor school day school emergencies school environment school leaders school nurse school personnel School Principals school safety situations specific staff development student handbook student search students and staff students with disabilities substitute teachers supervision supervisory tabletop exercises teacher handbook Thousand Oaks threat throughout the school trip visitor check-in written