will give you rest." O, but this last COME, from the lips of our KING, will be the most joyful crowning word of all! The best wine is reserved for the last. Every soul who hath tasted of the first on earth, shall assuredly drink his fill at the fountain-head, in a blissful, neverending eternity of glory. "Ye blessed of my Father;" beloved from eternity, and blessed to eternity. Chosen in me, blessed in me with all spiritual blessings, I was given to, I sought you, and gathered you to myself in time; now come live and reign with me for ever in my kingdom. O, is not the thoughts of this enough to ipake one wish to break through the walls of our prison, the body!, Praise, O soul! Call together all thy faculties! Rather, O divine Spirit, realize the view, bring near the solemn, joyful day to our minds! Give us even now to dwell on it with rapture of affections and ardor of love. "Inherit the kingdom prepared for you;" not bought by your good. works, not purchased by your well-doings, not obtained by your faithfulness, but the free-gift of my Father's love and good pleasure, richly prepared by his free-grace and bounty, purposely reserved for you. Come ye; all of ye. Not one of my little flock shall be wanting; there is a mansion for each of you ere you had a being, or time commenced; the kingdom was established, the heirs chosen, places prepared. I visited you on earth, so that you loved me though you saw me not: I invisibly worked upon your hearts, and, drew them out in love to myself, my cause, and my brethren, so you approved yourselves my disciples by following my example. Come ye, enter, possess, and enjoy what you were born for, born again. to be meet for. O, methinks it strikes one's heart with heavenly. joy, to conceive of the loud hosannas and shoutings, (O that we may catch the heavenly flame!) "Salvation to our God, who sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb, unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.".... Rev. i. 5, 6. Now to the Lord that makes us know Be humble honors paid below, And strains of nobler praise above. ADDITIONAL MEDITATION FOR LEAP-YEAR. One born out of due time....1 Cor. xv. 8. God's children want no other, they can have no better proof of the life, death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession of their JESUS than what the scriptures afford: they say with their master, "thy word is truth."....John xvii. 17. They wish to have no other ideas of God, of Christ, and of themselves, than what the scriptures impress on their minds. They are fully satisfied of their hope of salvation by Jesus ONLY. This is the reasoning of their faith: "if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater.".... 1 John v. 9. God has borne witness to his Son Jesus in every type, ceremony, and prophesy of the Old-Testament: and by such signs, miracles, and even by his voice from heaven in the New, as are incontestible. And beside all these, the Spirit of God bears the inward testimony of faith, that our Jesus is risen. For we find our hearts attracted to him, our affections set on him, and we enjoy sweet fellowship with him. This is of distinguishing grace, "One shall be taken and another left." "This is hid from the wise and prudent, and revealed unto babes." What shall we say to this? "Even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight." Such humble sentiments are in all who have the mind of Christ. So Paul, when he saw himself a miracle of grace, accounted himself an abortion in nature; as mean, as contemptible as a child born by miscarriage, before its due time and proper growth; "the least of all apostles;" yea, as though he wanted words fully to express the opinion he had of himself, not only a sinner, but THE CHIEF OF SINNERS. Not only the least, but "me who am LESS than the least of all saints.".... Eph. iii. 8. Paul had now done with his notions of fulfilling terms and conditions to obtain God's favor, and entitle himself to salvation. O, now Christ was revealed in him! He saw his glory full of grace and truth. This stained all his former pride, laid his honor in the dust, and stopt his mouth to self-righteous confidence and human glorying. Strange pre-requisites Paul possessed to qualify him for the grace of God! Yet no one sinner by nature can boast of any better. But the same Lord who wrought effectually in Peter, was mighty in Paul, and he also converts every redeemed soul to Jesus. Let us not envy others their lofty thoughts of themselves, nor murmur against our Saviour for keeping us low and humble. But if Paul had, if all the children of God have such mean contemptible thoughts of themselves, are so little and base in their own eyes, will not satan attack and aim to distress them? Doubtless he will. For where he cannot delude sinners into a notion that they be your portion." O, what can any poor sinner say to all this? What can he do against all this? Say! Glorify his Lord, by confessing, Lord I am damned, but thou hast died; but for thy salvation, my state is as desperate as devils. What can he do? Honor his Lord, by obeying his word, "put on the whole armour of God, that ye may stand in this evil day, and above all (or rather upon all other parts of it) take the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked ONE.".... Eph. vi. 11, 16. Fiery darts! Yes, being dipt in the wrath and terrors of a broken law, they wound, inflame, and bring the fire of hell into the conscience. What is this shield of faith? The belief that Jesus is to us sinners a Saviour; that his blood has perfectly atoned for our sins; his righteousness has fully justified our persons; and that there is no condemnation to us. Thus shall these fiery darts of satan be quenched, and our conscience healed; this and nothing but this, can effect it. Mind this precious word, "ye shall be ABLE." The ability of our faith is nothing less than the almighty power of Jesus our God. This is engaged for us. By this we shall stand against every assault of satan; and all shall issue in present peace of conscience, and eternal salvation of soul. This is the glory of a christian, to resist satan in the faith of what Jesus is to him and hath done for him. We are sure to overcome him by the blood of the LAMB, but in no other way. "Shortly, our God of peace shall forever bruise satan under our feet." We "shall return and come to Zion with songs (of free grace) and everlasting joy shall be on our heads, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."....Isa. xxxv. 10. Now, christian reader, I commend thee to God and to the word of his grace, wishing thee sweet comfort in perusing these Daily Meditations. If cur Lord give thee only as much in reading as I have found in writing them, thou wilt have great cause for love and praise. Accept them as the labour of one "who is no prophet, nor the son of a prophet;" but who can, from his heart, say with Gideon, "my family is poor, and I am the least in my Father's house."....Judges vi. 15. Yet having been taught somewhat of the glory of Jesus from the word of truth, by the grace of the Spirit, I would rejoice to spread the glory of my Lord's precious name, |