I will not swear, these are my hands :-let's see; I feel this pin prick. Would I were assured Of my Cor. condition! O, look upon me, sir, And hold your hands in benediction o'er me :— Lear. Pray, do not mock me: I am a very foolish fond old man, Fourscore and upward; and, to deal plainly, I fear I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man; To be my child Cordelia. If Cor. And so I am, I am. Lear. Be your tears wet? Yes, faith. I pray, weep not: you have poison for me, I will drink it. I know, you do not love me; for your sisters You have some cause, they have not. Cor. Lear. Am I in France? Lear. Do not abuse me. No cause, no cause. In your own kingdom, sir. Phy. Be comforted, good madam: the great rage, You see, is cured in him; and yet it is danger To make him even o'er the time he has lost.1 Cor. Will 't please your highness walk? You must bear with me: Pray now, forget and forgive: I am old and foolish. [Exeunt Lear, Cordelia, Physician, and Attendants. Gen. Holds it true, sir, That the duke of Cornwall was so slain? His banish'd son, is with the earl of Kent In Germany. Kent. Report is changeable. "Tis time to look about; the powers o' the kingdom Approach apace. Gen. The arbitrement 2 is like to be a bloody. Fare you well, sir. [Exit. Kent. My point and period will be throughly wrought, Or well or ill, as this day's battle's fought. [Exit. To reconcile the interval of his insanity to his apprehension. * Decision. ACT V. SCENE I. The camp of the British forces, near Dover. Enter, with drums and colors, EDMUND, REGAN, Officers, Soldiers, and others. hold; Edm. Know of the duke, if his last purpose [to an Officer, who goes out. Re. Our sister's man is certainly miscarried. Re. Re. I am doubtful that you have been conjunct And bosom'd with her, as far as we call hers. Edm. No, by mine honor, madam. 1 His settled resolution. 2 Forbidden. Re. I never shall endure her. Dear my lord, Be not familiar with her. Edm. Fear me not: She, and the duke her husband, Enter ALBANY, GONERIL, and Soldiers. Gon. I had rather lose the battle, than that sister Should loosen him and me. [aside. Alb. Our very loving sister, well be met.— Sir, this I hear: the king is come to his daughter, With others, whom the rigor of our state Forced to cry out. Where I could not be honest, I never yet was valiant: for this business, It toucheth us as France invades our land, 1 Not bolds the king; 1 with others, whom, I fear, Edm. Sir, you speak nobly. Re. Why is this reason'd? Gon. Combine together 'gainst the enemy: For these domestic and particular broils Are not to question here. With the ancient of war on our proceedings. Edm. I shall attend you presently at your tent. Re. Sister, you'll go with us? Gon. No. Re. 'Tis most convenient: pray you, go with us. 1 i. e. not as it emboldens the king to assert his former title. 2 Opposition. Gon. O ho, I know the riddle. [aside.] I will go. As they are going out, enter Edgar disguised. Edg. If e'er your grace had speech with man so poor, Hear me one word. If Alb. I'll overtake you.-Speak. [Exeunt Edmund, Regan, Goneril, Officers, Soldiers, and Attendants. Edg. Before you fight the battle, ope this letter. you have victory, let the trumpet sound For him that brought it: wretched though I seem, [Exit. Alb. Why, fare thee well; I will o'erlook thy paper. Re-enter EDMUND. Edm. The enemy's in view; draw up your powers. Here is the guess of their true strength and forces By diligent discovery; but your haste Is now urged on you. |