| Richard Alleine - 1852 - 402 pagini
...honor. The honor of God Henvm Opened. 1 0 is very tender to him, he will not lose a tittle of it: " My glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." Isa. 42 : 8. I will not, and look you to it that you do not, give away my glory. What was the reason... | |
 | George Fox - 1694 - 508 pagini
...to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness, out of the prison-house. I am the Lord, that is my name, and my glory will...give to another, neither my praise to graven images." ver. 6, 7, 8. So Christ the light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen; and the Gentiles are... | |
 | Jacques Abbadie - 1694 - 558 pagini
...light of the Gentiles 5 to open the Blind Eyes, to bring out the Prifaners from the Prifon, &C. lam the Lord, that is my Name, and my Glory will I not give to another^ neither my Praife to graven Images. Behold, the former things are come topafs, and new things do I declare -,... | |
 | sir Matthew Hale - 1699 - 638 pagini
...thoufay unto them, 1AM hath fent me. Sometimes to fignifie the greatnefs of his Authority, Ifa. 42. 8. I am the Lord, that is my Name, and my Glory will I not givt to another. Sometimes to fignifie his his Power, Jer.io; 16. The LordofHofts is his Name. Sometimes... | |
 | George Fox - 1709 - 634 pagini
...Pr if oners from ' //_><? Prifon, and them that fit in Darknefs, out of tbe ' Prifon-houfe. I am tbe Lord, that is my Name, and ' my Glory will I not give to another, neither my Prjij'e ' to graven Images, ver. 6, 7, 8. So Chrift the Light is c ' come, and the Glory of the Lord... | |
 | Jesus Christ, John Henderson Thomson - 1871 - 720 pagini
...to their confusion, and for His own glory now trampled upon, and lying so low ; for He has said, ' I am the Lord, that is My name ; and My glory will I not give to another ' (Isa. xlii. 8). " Now I am to lay down my life, and indeed I do it willingly, and not by... | |
 | John Ray - 1714 - 430 pagini
...glorifieth me. So Praife is called a Sacrifice, and the Calves of the Lips, Hofea 14. 2. Efay 42. 8. / am the Lord, that is my Name, and my Glory will I not give to another. Efay 48. II. And I .will not give my Glory to another. The Scripture calls upon the Heavens... | |
 | John Ray - 1717 - 430 pagini
...glorifieth me. So Praife is called a Sacrifice, and the Calves of the Lipr, Hofea 14. 2. Efay 42. 8. I can the Lord, that is my Name.) and my Glory will I not -give to another. Efay 48. ii. And I will not give my Glory to another. The Scripture calls upon the Heavens... | |
 | Daniel Waterland - 1719 - 530 pagini
...you Jhall approach to any that is near of Kin to Him / am Jehovah, Lev. 18.6. I am the Lord (Jehovah) that is my Name, and my Glory will I not give to another; neither my praife to graven Images, If4x.8. * many more Places of like nature might be cited. But I chule to refer... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pagini
...bring out the PRISONERS from the Prifon, and them that fit in DARKNESS out of the Prifon-houfe. 8. I am the LORD, that is my NAME, and my GLORY will I not give to another. 10. Sing unto the Lord a new So NO, and his PRAISE from the End of the Earth : ye that go... | |
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