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most destruction of a ship's company, by eating improper fish! The Lord has given his people instruction both for life here and hereafter: instead therefore of acting in rebellion to the command of our Maker, there is cause to bless and praise his gracious love and tender care in thus providing, and so wisely ordaining infallible rules.

"Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries."


2 Sam. xi. 1.

"Ar the time when kings go forth to battle David tarried still at Jerusalem."


When it is our duty to be lawfully engaged, and which we neglect for personal indulgence, it generally ends in mortification, and sometimes ruin !


Gen. xxx. 1.

RACHAEL said, "Give me children, or else I die." She died in giving birth to her second child !

Direct not the Lord what blessing to bestow; the granted request may prove the tomb of desire!


Num. xxii. 8-19.

WHEN Balak sent to Balaam, he enquired of God, and was answered, "Thou shalt not go." When Balak sent a second time, Balaam said "Tarry."

When once assured of the mind and will of God, "confer not with flesh and blood," lest it bring shame, reproach, and death!


THERE is no possible state, or circumstance, that an individual may be brought into, but the Holy Writings, will supply suitable portions in all its beautiful variety.

Say to the Sportsman, come to the "Field the Lord hath blessed." Gen. xxvii. 27. To those who love pleasure; it is to be found "at God's right hand for evermore."-Call the glutton, tell him, here he may "eat a feast of fat things."-Tell the drunkard to "take the cup of Salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord," and he will have "wine on the lees well-refined." Even the covetous man may indulge to excess, if he will but covet earnestly the best gifts. Let the gardener watch "the fruits of the valley;" and "see whether the Vine flourishes, and sweet will be his ingathering." If the ploughman will put his hand to the Gospel plough, and not look back, he "is fit for the Kingdom of God." Servants serve your Master, the Lord of Glory, and he will pay you "the wages of Eternal Life." Tell the farmer, the Lord of the harvest has promised "not the least grain shall fall upon the earth:" "be strong in faith." Merchants, "make merchandise of Wisdom; " " it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold." Ye builders, lay a deep foundation, raise the superstructure very high; build a Temple for the Lord: and when ye lay the Top-stone, ye will shout "Grace, Grace, unto it." -The lovers of antiquity may here be indulged with researches into "the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills," where they may find a Gem called "Wisdom," exceeding every thing else in value; and a " Pearl of Great Price." -If our armies were clothed in the the armour to be found in Eph. vi. 11, &c. they would be invincible. To the poor in faith Jesus says, "But thou art rich!!!"

Rev. i. 9.

"I JOHN, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ," -so that our brother John, who wrote Revelation, was, according to his own testimony, as one of us, though highly endued with the Spirit-for Patmos means flesh !


THERE are but few names in Scripture that have not a very express signification:-the name that Pharaoh gave to Joseph, of Zaphnath-paaneah, means "a Saviour of the world."

Job is a type of Christ in his humiliation. Isaiah is the comforting, rejoicing Prophet-the Church in her happy state.

Jeremiah, the mourning, sorrowful, lamenting Prophet-the Church in her lost state.

Ezekiel, the sublime, mysterious Prophet-the Church in her glorious state. This is but a partial view.

Daniel among the Prophets, like John among the Apostles, greatly beloved; and to both the deep things of God were revealed.

Vanity in Ecclesiastes, means death.

Fools in Proverbs, unbelievers; therefore in calling any a fool, we condemn to perdition !

In Proverbs, Woman, Harlot, Stranger, Adulteress, mean the world. Woman, or Rebekah, and "woman taken in adultery," mean the Church.

There are many words in Scripture signifying much more than appears at sight. One, three, seven, second, first-born, place, in, gold, altar, wings, treasures, ox, ass, field, house, stone, iron, brass, day, night, vessel, sword, temple, tabernacle, &c.

Mamre, Hebron, Arba, Kirjath-arba, all mean the same place.


By which of the twelve gates will the believer enter heaven?

Where was the Rainbow before the flood? Why did it not exist ?

What is the memorial of God to all generations?

Who shall declare the generation of Him that "was despised and rejected of men?" For his name was cut off from the earth!

What is the name of the walls of Zion?

What is the name of the gates of the holy Jerusalem? What is the sceptre of the kingdom of God?

Where was our Lord spiritually crucified?

What is the universal sacrifice? Ps. iii. 5; and Jer. xxiii. 6.

Whose keeping of the Passover in the Old Testament is the most celebrated?

Which of the kings of Judah has the highest commendation?

What sin is the greatest? That against the Holy Ghost excepted.

What is the stumbling-block of iniquity?

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