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It is a favourable circumstance to the Editor of a Volume like the present, that the Preface is the last article required by the Press. Never is a modest assurance more embarrassed, than in soliciting the attention of the Public to a work, the character of which is wholly comprised in anticipation and futurities. But when the conduct of a publication has been approved of, and the good opinion of its Readers is obtained, the uncertainties of a first introduction are over, and the most timid may assume a confidence which will not be censured as unbecoming or ungraceful.

The Literary Panorama has every reason to be satisfied with the reception it has met with: in point of character, we speak with grateful sensibility, no work stands higher; in point of sale, we need only appeal to the necessity for reprinting our early Numbers. And we feel the greater obligation to the liberality of the Public, because we are conscious, that not every intention has been completed, and that various improvements remain to be adopted. The effect of Continental events on a plan so extensive, as that formed in support of this undertaking, must be obvious to all : nor can our failings be properly imputed to us as faults.

For these favours we beg leave to return our sincerest thanks, and to solicit a continuance of the same candour in behalf of our future exertions; at the same time, assuring our Subscribers that no endeavour shall be wanting, on our part, to increase the merit and interest of a Work, which they have so handsomely honoured with their patronage and protection.

[blocks in formation]

From bottom, for tambs, choruses, and dactlys, read iambics, choruses, and dactyls.
For 1790, read 1740.

For Tower, read State Paper Office.

For joy, read of joy.

Bottom line, for 1796 read 1706.

29 For Pertowna, read Petrowna.

From bottom, for 1700, read 1670.

For tup, read it up.

Bottom line, for does, read do.

For easy flow of, read gracefully flowing.

For 1807, read 1808.

For No. VIII. read No. IX.

Bottom line, for Hurmboldt, read Humboldt.
For derived, read desired.






[blocks in formation]














[blocks in formation]

The Title, Preface, Table of Contents, the Signatures a. b. with the Pages marked in small numerical letters, to be placed at the beginning of the Volume. The Plates of Cattaro to face page 97.

[blocks in formation]

Ireland, grants; ways and means........ ib.

American Finances

[blocks in formation]

finances, 1786-Tables of Revenue.)

(Willcox-Hobson and Co,-Sampson.)

[blocks in formation]

(Madeira-Rio de Janeiro-Brazilian vege-

(Bible societies abroad, at home-mission
to Africa-friends of foreigners in distress-
unfortunate females-free chapel re-opened.)

(Population of Bengal-cattle opium-to-


sugar-cotton-silk-indigo -

bemp-yellow cochineal.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

(Neapolitan anger-funeral processions-
equipages-gaming-jealousy public rea-
ders-lottery- Maccaroni - filth-water
sellers-cheese sellers-milk sellers-heg-
gars-sea-fish- ambulatory preachers -
safety at inns-Viaticum-theft-mottos.)

Annals of Natural History, Madrid....

Buffon's Natural History of Man, Berlin....

Cultivation of Fruit Trees, Halle........

Piants of France

VOL. I. [Lit. Pan. March 1807]

(Lord Thurlow-Mr. Fox-J. J. Bachelier.)

[blocks in formation]

Price Current


[blocks in formation]

The subjects of these Tables being always

the same, they are not particularised in their foliow-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

(Louisiana Literature-Greenland, Trave's

in-ingenuity in goal-galvanism-Greno-

ble portraits - hurricanes, how caused-
China, mission to (French)-history of
physic-phosphate of magnesia in bones-
spider tamed-Grecian theatricals restored
-book trade in Germany-straw to whiten
-monument to Kepler-astronomical in-
struments-Greek school, Transylvania-
literature, Holland-exotic plants - Am-
sterdam, port of-Iceland new city-Bells
History of, Rome - antiquities - North
Cape, Col. Sk oljebrand-Dorpat, Livonia,
University-ladies seminary, imperial, sup-
pressed-college in Georgia-silk manufac-
ture in Spain-literature - medals, coins,
&c. population and institutions-burying
grounds-city discovered in Tartary-Ara-
bian works in Turkey.)

Avalanche of mountain, in Switzerland.... 419

French frigates taken

English frigate Constance lost

Promotions (Gazette)


[blocks in formation]


Appel's coins and medals, Vienna


(Mermaids-mermen-Christmas Carol by

Comasarye queen, her monument


G. Wither the Dey's sang.)

French army-strength of at different periods $11
Didascalia.. (Opera-Drury Lane Theatre- 314

Covent Garden Theatre--Beggar's Opera, note.)

(His bargain with Charles II.-influences
the K. of England's marriage-history of
Cromwell's procuring Dunkirk-buys that


town from Charles II.)

Proposita Philanthropica

[blocks in formation]

(Correction of John xix. 5.-in Tacitus-

Miscellanies of Physiology, &c by Roucher

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

(Coriolanus- 613

Observanda Externa..


East-India productions desirable in Europe 610

(Cotton-sugar canes-ind-goes-wheats-

Adrian and Orilla-Vindictive Man.)

(America, Astronomy - Eclipse - Esqui-
maux Christians Classical Literature-In-
dian Duelling-Denmark, Ice Praam-Ca-
nals in France-Persian professor-dumb
person, will of-Ceremony at Beauvais-
Prize Question-New Carriages. - Astro-
romy, solar spots-Insects, vivification of-
Persia-Black Sea-Caspian-Tiger cured
of Opthalmia-New Musical instrument
Roman Ruins in Germany-Price Ques-
tions, Gorlitz-Paper currency, at Vienna
-Hungary, Catho ic students Chinese
prohibit books.
-persecute Chris-
tians-India Company's servants repri-
manded - Missionaries, Baptist - Hindoo
religious ceremony-Galvanism, Italy.-
Astronomy Mexican-Philanthropic esta-
blishments Bergen-Greek schools, Crons-
- Elephant fossil ske eton - English
Merchants and Emp. Russia
archives, Spain-Hydrophobia cure of
Widow Linneus, death of Degree of Earth
measured-Sciences Academy, Stockholm
-Odin tomb of Seasons in Tartary-
Corrossive sublimate taken-Literary statis-
tics, Prussia.)


Observanda Interna

Nauti al

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Comforts of Human Life


tions with England-with the Emperor.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Historian for Youth, French


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