It appears to be the general opinion, that the public prosperity of this kingdom is encreasing. In stating the Ways and Means for 1806, May 7, Sir John Newport described the official value of the exports last year, as amounting to £5,202,000, which, was greater than any year since 1792, which was considered as the most favourable year for the trade of Ireland. The exchange had kept steadily low for the last four months. The Loan was contracted for last year at £5 12s. 4d. per Cent. the present year at £4 17s. 3d. i given by his Majesty, 127,450 1,000,000 Treasury Bills 500,000 Balance in Treasury 4,575,000 The product of the Irish Revenue for 1805, was 3,520,000, this 18,075,000 he proposed to raise to 3,800,00 Expences. New Taxes. Principal and interest of the On Muscovado Sugar, 3s. 6d. public debt, appropriated an nually 8,000,000 70,000 60,000 On Russian and Swedish Iron, America has so many relations with Britain, that we consider a slight statement of its concerns previous to the appearance of our work, as no less necessary for a proper understanding of allusions likely to occur, than if it were a European state. That this immense country should increase in population, can excite no wonder, when we reflect on the natural atachment of man to the labours of the field; on the space which yet remains unappropriated in the western wilderness; and on the spirit of emigration which the troubles of Europe have promoted to an uncommon degree. The accounts of this country are kept in DolJars, which, for ease of calculation, may be taken at 5s each. their true value is 4s. 6d. Civil department, pensions, sur veys, and miscellanies 1,150,000 Foreign intercourse 200.000 Military, and Indians 1,030,000 Navy 1,070,000 £11,450,000 Extras. 600,000 sumed by French Convention unpaid, 1804, September 30 3,400,000 15,450,000 Receipt exceeds Expenditure 2,625,000 £18,075,000 |