Amendment numbered 4: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 4, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert $2,200,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 7: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 7, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert $39,876,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 10: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 10, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert $2,275,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 11: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 11, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert $65,388,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 16: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 16, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert $5,300,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 25: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 25, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert $6,450,009; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 27: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 27, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed by said amendment insert: FEDERAL JUDICIAL CENTER SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Federal Judicial Center, as authorized by Public Law 90-219, $300,000. And the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 28: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 28, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert, $10,750,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 29: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 29, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert, $8,750,000; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 30: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 30, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert, $750,000; and the Senate agree to the same. The committee of conference report in disagreement amendments numbered 5, 12, 13, 14, 17, and 18. STATEMENT OF THE MANAGERS ON THE PART OF THE HOUSE The managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 17522) making appropriations for the Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and for other purposes, submit the following statement in explanation of the effect of the action agreed upon and recommended in the accompanying conference report as to each of such amendments; namely: TITLE I-DEPARTMENT OF STATE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSIONS INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES COMMISSIONS Amendment No. 1: Appropriates $2,075,000 as proposed by the House instead of $2,085,000 as proposed by the Senate. EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE MUTUAL EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL EXCHANGE ACTIVITIES Amendment No. 2: Appropriates $31,000,000 instead of $30,000,000 as proposed by the House and $33,000,000 as proposed by the Senate. Amendment No. 3: Provides that not less than $8,500,000 shall be used for payments in foreign currencies which the Treasury Department determines to be excess to the normal requirements of the United States instead of $8,700,000 as proposed by the House and $8,400,000 as proposed by the Senate. Amendment No. 4: Provides that not to exceed $2,200,000 may be used for administrative expenses instead of $2,000,000 as proposed by the House and $2,250,000 as proposed by the Senate. GENERAL PROVISIONS DEPARTMENT OF STATE Amendment No. 5: Reported in technical disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to recede and concur in the amendment of the Senate. TITLE II-DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LEGAL ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Amendment No. 6: Appropriates $23,598,000 for "Salaries and expenses, general legal activities" as proposed by the House instead of $24,163,000 as proposed by the Senate. (4) Amendment No. 7: Appropriates $39,876,000 for "Salaries and expenses, United States attorneys and marshals" instead of $39,590,000 as proposed by the House and $40,545,000 as proposed by the Senate. Amendment No. 8: Appropriates $4,200,000 for "Fees and expenses of witnesses" as proposed by the Senate instead of $3,200,000 as proposed by the House. Amendment No. 9: Deletes the $7,500,000 for "Law enforcement assistance" as proposed by the Senate. Amendment No. 10: Appropriates $2,275,000 for "Salaries and expenses, community relations service" instead of $2,200,000 as proposed by the House and $2,350,000 as proposed by the Senate. FEDERAL PRISON SYSTEM Amendment No. 11: Appropriates $65,388,000 for "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Prisons" instead of $64,879,000 as proposed by the House and $65,638,000 as proposed by the Senate. LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION Amendment No. 12: Reported in technical disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to appropriate $63,000,000 instead of $69,000,000 as proposed by the Senate. The amount agreed to provides funds as follows: 1. Grants for establishment of State planning agencies and develop- 2. Matching grants to improve and strengthen law enforcement.. 5. Federal Bureau of Investigation program-training programs 6. Administration-all activities. Total.. $19, 000, 000 29, 000, 000 6, 500, 000 GENERAL PROVISIONS-DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3, 000, 000 3, 000, 000 2, 500, 000 63, 000, 000 Amendment No. 13: Reported in technical disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to concur in the amendment of the Senate with an amendment which will exempt only the Federal Bureau of Investigation from the provisions of Section 201 of Public Law 90-364. TITLE III-DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Amendment No. 14: Reported in technical disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to concur in the amendment of the Senate to provide for the acquisition of one aircraft. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS Amendment No. 15: Appropriates $35,000,000 for "Research and technical services" as proposed by the House instead of $35,500,000 as proposed by the Senate. OFFICE OF STATE TECHNICAL SERVICES Amendment No. 16: Appropriates $5,300,000 for "Grants and expenses" instead of $5,000,000 as proposed by the House and $5,600,000 as proposed by the Senate. MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Amendment No. 17: Reported in technical disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to concur in the amendment of the Senate to appropriate $119,800,000 for "Ship construction". Amendment No. 18: Reported in technical disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to concur in the amendment of the Senate to appropriate $6,700,000 for "Research and development". FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT CONTROL Amendment No. 19: Appropriates $3,000,000 for "Salaries and expenses" as proposed by the Senate instead of $4,000,000 as proposed by the House. TITLE IV-THE JUDICIARY SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Amendment No. 20: Appropriates $2,110,000 for "Salaries" as proposed by the House instead of $2,207,500 as proposed by the Senate. COURTS OF APPEALS, DISTRICT COURTS, AND OTHER JUDICIAL SERVICES Amendment No. 21: Appropriates $43,500,000 for "Salaries of supporting personnel" as proposed by the House instead of $44,000,000 as proposed by the Senate. Amendments Nos. 22 and 23: Provide for the increase in the dollar limitations as proposed by the Senate to allow for the employment in grade J.S.P. 9 of additional law clerks for circuit judges. Amendment No. 24: Appropriates $11,900,000 for "Fees of Jurors and Commissioners" as proposed by the Senate instead of $7,900,000 as proposed by the House. Amendment No. 25: Appropriates $6,450,000 for "Travel and miscellaneous expenses" instead of $6,200,000 as proposed by the House and $6,700,000 as proposed by the Senate. Amendment No. 26: Appropriates $1,846,500 for "Administrative Office of the United States Courts" as proposed by the House instead of $1,861,500 as proposed by the Senate. FEDERAL JUDICIAL CENTER Amendment No. 27: Appropriates $300,000 for "Salaries and expenses" as proposed by the Senate. |