SECTION 6. ELECTION TO REMAIN UNDER STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM Section 6(a) provides for an election between the date of the enactment of this legislation and its effective date (the first day of the first pay period that begins on or after January 1, 1969) by technicians who were covered by a State retirement program as to whether they will remain under that program. The consent of the State would also be required if an affirmative election is made. This would protect the equity of technicians with long periods of covered State service. Those who do not so elect, together with technicians not covered by a State program, and all persons employed in the future as National Guard technicians will be covered by the Civil Service Retirement Act. Section 6(b) permits members of the National Guard on active Federal duty on the effective date of this act, who were ordered to active Federal service subsequent to January 1, 1968, from a technician position or a person who entered on active Federal duty from a technician position for the purpose of performing a statutory tour in the National Guard Bureau or other headquarters or agencies bearing a responsibility for National Guard matters, to make the same election if reemployed within 60 days of their release from that active Federal service and 30 days after such reemployment. AUTHORITY FOR CONTINUATION OF FEDERAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THOSE WHO ELECT TO REMAIN IN STATE SYSTEMS Section 6(c) continues the authority contained in current law (32 U.S.C. 709(f)) for a Federal contribution to the retirement system of any State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico which covers its National Guard technicians under its retirement program, reduced by the Government's contribution toward the employer's social security tax in those jurisdictions which cover their employees under that program as well. Instead of imposing a permanent 612-percent ceiling on the total authorized contribution as under current law, this section would authorize a corresponding increase in the maximum in the event the Government's contribution under 5 U.S.C. 8334 is increased. Provides further, that a person who retires under a retirement system of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, shall not, after such retirement, be eligible for any rights, benefits, or privileges to which retired civilian employees of the United States may be entitled. SECTION 7. AUTHORITY TO CONTINUE SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS FOR THOSE WHO ELECT TO REMAIN UNDER STATE SYSTEMS This section amends section 218(b) (5) of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 418(b) (5)), to include technicians who have elected to remain covered by a State retirement system. Since section 5 of the act would cover all other technicians under the Civil Service Retirement Act, this category would be denied concurrent coverage under the Social Security Act by reason of the provisions of section 210(a) (6) of the latter act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 410(a)(6)). SECTION 8. PROVISIONS RELATING TO CONVERSION OF TECHNICIAN POSITIONS TO GENERAL SCHEDULE AND WAGE BOARD POSITIONS OF THE UNITED STATES Subsection (a) provides for fixing the compensation of technicians. whose pay immediately prior to the conversion was (1) lower than the minimum rate of his new grade, (2) equal to a rate of the appro priate grade, (3) between two rates of the appropriate grade, or (4) in excess of the maximum rate of the appropriate grade. (b) Provides that the conversion from National Guard technicians to Federal pay scales shall not be considered to be transfers or promotions within the meaning of section 5334(b) of title 5, United States Code. (c) Provides for crediting a technician with a salary increase if it has been earned but not credited before the conversion. (d) Would, on the date of conversion, credit the length of service of a technician in his grade and step since his last salary increase toward his first in-grade increase thereafter. (e) Would prevent a salary increase resulting from the conversion of a position from being considered as a step increase. SECTION 9. AUTHORITY FOR THE RETENTION OF NATIONAL GUARD OFFICERS WHO ARE TECHNICIANS UNTIL AGE 60 (1) Restates existing authority which permits the Secretary of the Army to retain in an active status until age 60 any Army National Guard officer who is assigned to a headquarters or headquarters detachment of a State, territory, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia. Provides, further, that any Army National Guard officer, who is employed as a technician in a position in which membership in the Army National Guard is required as a condition of employment, may be retained in an active status until age 60. (2) Provides that the Secretary of the Air Force may retain in an active status until age 60 any Air National Guard officer who is employed as a technician in a position in which membership in the Air National Guard is required as a condition of employment. SECTION 10. REQUIREMENT FOR UNIFORM REGULATIONS AS APPROVED BY THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Requires that the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force under this act be approved by the Secretary of Defense and that they shall, so far as practicable, be uniform. SECTION 11. EFFECTIVE DATE OF JANUARY 1, 1969 Provides that the effective date of this act shall be January 1, 1969, and that no deductions or withholding from salaries which result therefrom shall be initiated before the first day of the first pay period that begins on or after January 1, 1969. The committee adopted January 1, 1969, as the effective date in view of the administrative details required in converting over 42,000 technicians to Federal employees status. Among other things this task involves the conversion of all job descriptions to Federal classified or wage board positions. This date was recommended by the Department of Defense. CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW In compliance with clause 3 of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, there is herewith printed in parallel columns the text of provisions of existing law which would be repealed or amended by the various provisions of the bill as reported. 32 U.S.C. EXISTING LAW § 709. Caretakers and clerks (a) Under such regulations as the Secretary of the (b) Enlisted members of the National Guard and civil- (c) Under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary concerned, material, armament, and equipment of the Army National Guard, or Air National Guard of a State THE BILL Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- SEC. 2. Title 32, United States Code, is amended as (1) Section 709 is amended to read as follows: 66 "(a) Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of "(1) the administration and training of the Na- "(2) the maintenance and repair of supplies issued or Territory, Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone, or the District (d) Under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary (e) Funds appropriated by Congress for the National (f) The Secretary concerned shall fix the salaries of 32 U.S.C. 314 § 314. Adjutants general (a) There shall be an adjutant general in each State and Territory, Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone, and the District of Columbia. He shall perform the duties prescribed by the laws of that jurisdiction. "(c) The Secretary concerned shall designate the adjutants general referred to in section 314 of this title, to employ and administer the technicians authorized by this section. EXISTING LAW (b) The President shall appoint the adjutant general (c) The President may detail as adjutant general of the (d) The adjutant general of each State and Territory, THE BILL is: "(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law and (2) a technician who is employed in a position in (3) a technician may, at any time, be separated from his technician employment for cause by the adjutant general of the jurisdiction concerned; |