Bridge Or Barrier: Religion, Violence, and Visions for PeaceGerrie Ter Haar, James J. Busuttil BRILL, 2005 - 392 pagini The book discusses the transformative role of religion in situations of violent conflict. It considers both the constructive and destructive sides of religious belief and particularly explores ways in which religion(s) may contribute to transforming conflict into peace. This volume analyses the role of religion in its current manifestations and provides alternative views of it. It is concerned with the role of religion as a source of conflict that often takes violent forms, thus contributing significantly to current problems. Attention also focuses on questions of peace from the perspective of the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. A number of essays actualize a vision for peace based on religion and situate visions for peace in the wider context of human security. All chapters consider the policy implications of the theoretical and practical perspectives offered on questions of conflict and peace. The most important documents that have emerged from a variety of religious groups, notably those represented in the book, outlining their view on issues of peace and human rights are collected here, showing how religious believers have engaged with questions similar to those suggested by the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. |
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Bibliography | 371 |
383 | |
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
Bridge or Barrier: Religion, Violence and Visions for Peace Gerrie ter Haar,James Busuttil Previzualizare limitată - 2004 |
Bridge Or Barrier: Religion, Violence, and Visions for Peace Gerrie ter Haar,James J. Busuttil Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2005 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
action Africa Argentina Article Bangsamoro believers bio-centric Buddhist Catholic Church Christian conflict and peace conflict resolution conscience context created culture of peace Declaration of Human economic ecumenical efforts ethics example faith freedom gious global Hindu human rights violations human security identity ideology important individual Indonesian initiatives institutions inter-faith dialogue inter-religious Islam Israel issues Jayapura Jewish justice Kopassus land lives Lumad Mariz means Mindanao moral Muslim Muzaffar non-violence one’s organisations Pakistan Papuan participate peace process Peace Zone peace-building peacemaking Pentecostals person perspective Philippines political prajna programme promote Qur'an reconciliation religion religious conflict religious sector religious traditions respect responsibility rituals role secular shari'ah Silsilah situation social society Southern Cone spiritual structures struggle symbolic confrontation tion Torah transformation Umbanda understanding Universal Declaration values violence vision for peace Wamena West Papua women Yapen Yapen Waropen
Referințe la această carte
Comparative Perspectives on Shariʻah in Nigeria Philip Ostien,Jamila M. Nasir,Franz Kogelmann Vizualizare fragmente - 2005 |