T.S. Eliot's Bleistein Poems: Uses of Literary Allusion in Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar and DirgeInternational Scholars Publications, 2000 - 400 pagini Deals with the issue of Eliot's treatment of the figure of the Jew in his poems. Uncovers hitherto unrecognized sources in the contemporary history from which the poems emerged, and highlights Eliot's concern with Dante's poetry, emphasizing the need to remember the "metaphysical" Eliot. Contends that the poems "Burbank with a Baedecker: Bleistein with a Cigar," "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service," "The Hippopotamus," "The Waste Land," and "The Hollow Men" form an organic sequence and provide an absurdist improvisation on Dante's Commedia. Author information is not given. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR |
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Pagina 47
... present . A closer look at Bleistein and Klein is in order , from a different per- spective in each case . But this or such was Bleistein's way : A saggy bending of the knees And elbows , with the palms turned out , Chicago Semite ...
... present . A closer look at Bleistein and Klein is in order , from a different per- spective in each case . But this or such was Bleistein's way : A saggy bending of the knees And elbows , with the palms turned out , Chicago Semite ...
Pagina 50
... present only as a memory , is actually identified as a " Semite , " a designation assumed to be applicable to the Messrs . Bleis- tein . If this is the intended array , it imitates Dante's arrangment in In- ferno 4 : when ( Christian ) ...
... present only as a memory , is actually identified as a " Semite , " a designation assumed to be applicable to the Messrs . Bleis- tein . If this is the intended array , it imitates Dante's arrangment in In- ferno 4 : when ( Christian ) ...
Pagina 299
... present Christ " made flesh , " although the presentation is at multiple removes . First , Eliot's quatrains describe a painting of Christ , rather than Christ himself . Second , the unnamed artist who " designed " the painting must ...
... present Christ " made flesh , " although the presentation is at multiple removes . First , Eliot's quatrains describe a painting of Christ , rather than Christ himself . Second , the unnamed artist who " designed " the painting must ...
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T.S. Eliot's Bleistein Poems: Uses of Literary Allusion in "Burbank with a ... Patricia Sloane Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2000 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
actually Alfred Prufrock allusion Anthony Julius antisemitic Baedeker barge beast Bible Biblical Bleistein Browning's Burbank's epigraph Canaletto capitalized Christ Christian Church cigar Commedia Dante Dante's David Dirge Dorian drowned Eliot borrows Eliot's poems Eliot's reader Eliot's Sunday Morning epigraph epigraph to Burbank episode Eugenides Ezra Ezra Pound Ferdinand Gautier Gerontion Greek Guggenheim heaven Hebrew hell Henry hippo Hippopotamus identified includes Inferno James Jew's Jewish Jews John John Ruskin Joyce Joyce's Julius King Klein knees Lamb Leopold Bloom letters lines literary Little Review lust means mentioned merchant modern Mond money in furs narrator never Old Testament painting Paradiso passage perhaps Phlebas Phoenician play poet potamus Princess Volupine Prufrock quatrains question recalls Ruskin Saint says scene Semite seven Shakespeare's Sibyl slime smoke Sunday Morning Service Sweeney T. S. Eliot tion Tiresias Titanic Ulysses Venetian Venice verse Waste Land whore of Babylon word