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HE following passage from the recently translated "Reflections of a Russian Statesman» by M. Pobyedonostseff, Procurator of the Holy Synod of Russia, deserves to be placed among the very finest things which have ever been said on the subject of religion:

"The essential in religion cannot be expressed on paper or categorically formulated. The most essential, the most persistent, and the most precious things in all religious creeds are as elusive and as insusceptible of definition as varieties of light and shade,-as feelings born of an infinite series of emotions, conceptions, and impressions. The children of different races and different faiths, in many relations may feel as brethren, and give to one another their hands; but to feel themselves worshippers in the same temple, joined in religious communion, they must have lived together long and closely; they must sympathize with the conditions of each other's existence; they must be bound by the most intimate links in the depths of their souls."

The same vein of thought is to be traced again in the following:

"There are ceremonies and practices which to abandon would be to deny one's self, for they reflect the spiritual life of man; they express his spiritual nature. In differences of ceremony are most clearly expressed the fundamental and deep diversities of spiritual conceptions hidden in the unrecognized domains of the soul."

Not only has Russia some instruction to offer the world through the heterodox Tolstoi, but also through the official Pobyedonostseff. In this book of his there is much thought, all the more impressive because it seems like the reflections of some person come from Jupiter or Saturn, so different are his ways of thinking from those of the Western world.

Yet the

passages which I have quoted might be taken up by a Scotch Presbyterian of the old-fashioned type, and applied to the Scotch metrical version of the Psalms, the old psalm-tunes, and the other characteristics of the old, unchangeable Scotch worship. There is something in those passages which has a generic application, and which strikes something at the root of all religious observances.

Pobyedonostseff, in his strenuous defence of the Russian Church, and his apology for the defects of the Greek clergy, would seem almost to verge upon the theological or untheological

doctrine known as Antinomianism; that is, the doctrine that faith alone will be enough,-without works, without morality. I do not say that he intentionally expresses this idea, however. He lays great stress upon religion as a thing by itself, and as being important and paramount by itself. He admits that as regards good works, as regards external appearances, as regards visible fruits, Russian Christianity is behind England, behind Protestantism. His language is somewhat vague, and the precise kind of works which he refers to is not very evident. He appears to admit certain moral shortcomings in the Greek clergy, the word "failings being italicized as though with a feeling of almost boastfulness. He then quotes the Gospel, the words of Jesus Christ. He asks:

"What is the part in the world and the church of the wanton and the dishonest, who, in the words of Christ, shall take a higher place in the kingdom of heaven than the just according to the law?"

Admitting the superiority of Protestantism in certain visible appearances, he asserts that Protestantism appears to him cold and empty, and that it fails to appeal to or move the heart; that it is lacking in the essential and central quality of religion. He admits that many of the rural clergy of Russia are ignorant, that their ministrations are unedifying, that their articulation of the liturgy is "muttering." This he regrets, and in this direction looks for and desires reform. Pobyedonostseff thinks that all the ideas and institutions of the West are mistaken, at the same time showing a very fair acquaintance with Western ideas and Western literature. It is quite evident that Western literature is not by any means tabooed in Russia. It is wonderful how much reality and how much depth there appears to be in the cogitations of this Russian politician. Crazy as are his views on the subject of representative government, there is an ingenious vein of reason running through them, and his whole book seems to have in it more body and more substance than one would naturally look for.






DAY in the life of a cadet in the Michigan Military Academy is an exceptionally busy and active one, with no counterpart in military exactness and academic richness except West Point. From «Reveille » until "Taps" every hour is fully occupied, and not a minute of time is wasted. The sound of the "Reveille" and the boom of the morning gun at six o'clock arouse the cadet and usher in the day's work. With a quickness only surpassed by that of a fireman, the cadet is out of bed, dressed, and has his room ready for inspection. "Mess call" sounds at twenty minutes to seven, and the "Assembly » five minutes later. At this summons a hundred and thirty cadets fall in and answer roll-call, and then the ranking captain marches the whole battalion in columns of fours to the mess hall. Each cadet stands at the back of his chair until the command is given: "Take seats!" when the chairs are swung back in the cadets' right hands, and all strike the floor simultaneously with the seating process. The ranking captain gives the command "Rest!» and immediately eating and talking begin. Thirty minutes is allowed for breakfast and for supper; dinner takes forty minutes. table, except the instructors' and chaplain's tables, seats ten; its head is called the chief and does the carving and ordering. Lively conversation is allowed at the table, but no rudeness. The food and service are equal to those of any first-class hotel. When breakfast is finished, at the order, «Battalion, attention! Rise!"-bang! go the chairs back into their places, and the battalion marches out and is dismissed.


Recreation, social chat, letter-writing, visits to the tailor or bootblack occupy the next half hour.

At eight o'clock the chapel call summons the cadets to simple and impressive services, consisting of Scripture-reading, a song, and the Lord's Prayer recited responsively.

Immediately at the close of the chapel services the academic work of the day is commenced with a noticeable earnestness. The academic day is divided into six recitation periods, each of which is announced by a bugle call. When this call is given the cadets having a recitation fall in line in the area, are divided into class squads, and are marched by the ranking cadet of each class to their respective recitation-rooms in the academic building.

This military method of going and coming from the class-room prevents slouchiness and loitering, and ensures promptness, attention, and order. It saves time and gives each cadet a whiff of fresh air and a little physical relaxation after the confinement of each recitation.

At eleven o'clock books are laid aside; white gloves, guns, leggings, sabres, and spurs take their place, and the infantry and cavalry drill of the day commences and continues for one hour. The various military movements are executed with all the exactness of regulars.

The stimulating outdoor exercise of the hour creates an appetite and a readiness for dinner, which is served at ten minutes past twelve. The battalion marches in as at breakfast and observes the same system.

The study and recitation periods begin again at one o'clock and continue until half-pastthree. The ensuing half-hour interval is designated "consultation period," because it gives the cadet a chance to consult his teacher concerning his work and to make up deficiencies if any exist.

The hours from four to six illustrate the diversity of activities of academy life. On the athletic field two football teams are in hard practice; five tennis courts are filled with lovers of that game. From the golf links comes the warning call of "Fore!" If a visitor strolls toward the buildings he will hear some musical organization at rehearsal,—band, orchestra, glee club, or mandolin club.

At 5:35 the first summons for "Retreat » is sounded. Presently the evening gun is fired and the flag is lowered, the band playing the national air, and the battalion standing in line. Then comes supper, after which there is an hour when the cadets are free to follow their own inclinations. At this time the library is usually full of young men reading the current monthly and weekly publications; most of the better class of which are to be found on the reading-room tables. At seven o'clock comes the "Call to quarters," which means that each cadet must go to his room for the study of his next day's work. At nine comes the warning "Tattoo," and half an hour later the bugle notes of "Taps" are sounded, by which time the cadets are required to be in bed and lights to be extinguished. The day's work is thus ended.



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HE only tea-factory in the United States is located at Pinehurst, near Summerville, South Carolina. stands in the midst of tea-gardens some fifty acres in extent, part of the beautiful estate of Dr. Charles U. Shepard, a scientist and scholar, who has made the production and manufacture of American tea his main study during the past decade.

Most people imagine that black tea and green tea differ because they are made from different species of the teaplant. Yet Linnæus, who gave the teaplant its botanical name, labored under a similar wrong impression. It was he who called the tea-plant, Thea Sinensis, and then, thinking that green and black

tea were the products of distinct shrubs instead of being different preparations of the same plant, made two species of the Chinese variety and named them Thea Bohea and Thea Viridis, a nomenclature which holds good to this day.

In this connection it is perhaps pertinent to remember that though either sort of tea may be manufactured from the same leaf, experience in the Orient has shown. that each variety of the tea-plant is better adapted for the manufacture of the one or the other. The intention of the grower to produce green or black tea will consequently influence the selection of the seed. From the Darjiling of India, and from the varieties of the higher

Copyrighted, 1900, by THE WERNER COMPANY. All rights reserved.


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elevations of Ceylon, northern Japan, and China which have been found most adaptable to the southern climate of the United States, better black than green tea can be made. The American product is on this account more likely to be manufactured into black than into green tea.

A tea-garden with its broad array of leafy bushes, about three feet in height, set out with geometrical precision, looking like well-pruned willows with glossy green foliage, affords a very pretty spectacle. The gardens at Pinehurst are in a state of perfect cultivation, as shown by the remarkable color of the leaves, a deep, velvety green shining with vigorous health on the lower leaves of the plant. The uniformity and perfection of shape of the plants, indicative of skilful pruning, is next noticeable.

Interesting and instructive as is the story of the scientific methods of soil treatment, of cultivation, and of pruning originated by Dr. Shepard, the process of manufacturing will appeal even more strongly to the inquiring mind. How are these fresh verdant leaves converted into the crisp black tea of commerce? What is the science of the preparation ?-what the chemical transformations of the leaf? It is the purpose of this article to answer these natural queries briefly by some

account of the methods of manufacture as conducted at Pinehurst.

Sheltered from the burning rays of the southern sun, on the South Carolina plantation, under the stately southern pines whose branches interlace high overhead, stands a substantial, three-story wooden structure with sloping roofs and wide verandas. This pleasant-looking house has a unique distinction, for it is the first teahouse or factory in the United States. Within the comfortable building is carried to completion the intricate and interesting process of tea-manufacture, from the first stage of withering to the final act of weighing and packing the tea for market. The visitor is impressed with the evident care exercised, and the cleanliness of all parts of the building, from the machine and firing rooms below to the broad lofts with shining floors above.

It is not a tedious operation, for teamanufacture must be accomplished with expedition. Nor is it a costly one. And it is essentially scientific. Even with the most complete knowledge so far attained and the best machines that have been devised, there still remains an open field inviting to more thoroughly scientific conclusions as to the best means of conserving the original nutriment and vigor of the leaf by an appropriate method of

preparation. Of course much of the value of tea depends upon its preparation.

Two processes are requisite in the manufacture of all teas: rolling, or other manipulation, whereby the leaves are preserved; and firing. In making black tea two additional steps are necessary: withering, whereby the leaf is prepared for rolling; and oxidation, or fermentation, whereby the oily cells in the leaf are broken and their contents rendered easily extractable by hot water. Machines have been successfully substituted for about all manual operations in the manufacture of black tea. The preparation of green tea, however, still involves much and skilful manual labor.

The process of manufacture may be said to begin with the picking of the leaf. This is a work requiring care and discrimination. The growing tea-plant throws out from its branches tender, bright shoots frequently during the season. These new shoots constitute a flush," and trained pickers must be at hand, at each successive flush, who are practised in the art of nipping off the leaves between the thumb and forefinger. Only the tip of the shoot and the most tender leaves are taken. If only the tender, unexpanded leaf bud at the end of the shoot is picked, the tea is called "flowery pekoe." If the first leaf, almost as tender as the bud, is added, it makes "orange pekoe." If the second leaf, slightly firmer, goes in, it becomes

simply "pekoe" tea. The addition of the next two leaves on the stem makes first and second "souchong." At Pinehurst never more than the second souchong leaf is included, for Dr. Shepard is aiming at the production of only the ânest grades.

The youngest shoots of the bush are used for tea, because the cell contents have not as yet become fixed, and those constituents which give flavor and body to the tea liquor are more abundant. About one fifth of the constituents of tea is cellulose; and from ten to twenty per cent is tannic acid, to which is due its pungency. There is a very large proportion of albuminoid matter in tea (legumin, globulin, and albumen), and from one to seven per cent of theine. Gallic, oxalic, and boheic acids; gum and dextrine; mucilage and pectin; fixed and volatile oils; gums and waxes; chlorophyll (which gives the color to the leaf); other mineral substances and moisture, - comprise the various constituents of the tea-leaf.

Trout-baskets have been found convenient receptacles for pickers in the field, because the leaves can be dropped one by one through the opening in the lid and lie lightly in the basket until removed; for while the green leaves are being picked they must not be packed too tightly, or allowed to lie long in a mass, for fear of fermentation, or a process similar to it which quickly sets in. For this reason the pickers are not permitted to remain in

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