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Jean-Robert Flambard: Potache." By Mark A. Delany, Professeur au Lycée de Tours. Pp. xv + 119, with 10 illustrations. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., York House, Portugal Street, Kingsway, W.C. 1917. Price 1s, 6d. net, or with Vocabulary and Notes, 2s net.


The purpose and plan of this attractive French reader for English-speaking children are altogether admirable. It is an attempt to raise the veil that has hitherto covered the lycéen's life, and to reveal it to his British pal." Jean-Robert is an average French schoolboy, and the Lycée Descartes here described is a typical French lycée. The eleven chapters of this little book provide in simple words and uncomplicated phrases a realistic account of French school children and their ways. There is a good vocabulary with notes, and several instructive illustrations. It is just the reader which might be used with advantage in English schools, and would doubtless do much to make our boys and girls better acquainted with the sons and daughters of the gallant fighting men and working women of France, whom we are proud to count as patriots and our loyal Ally.


"L'Anglais sans Peine: Etude de quelques Difficultés de la Langue anglaise, sous la Forme de Scènes dialoguées (Traduction francaise en Regard)." Lady Bell, Auteur de "French without Tears,' &c. Pp. 88. Londres: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 18, King William Street, Charing Cross, W.C. 2. Paris: 79, Boulevard Saint-Germain. 1917.

Lady Bell is to be congratulated on having rendered a real service to French and English scholars and their teachers by the preparation of this little volume. It contains a list of commonly used English verbs "avec des exemples de la

façon dont le sens en peut être changé en y accouplant des adverbes ou des prépositions." Lady Bell in her preface says: "J'ai choisi pour ce travail le cadre d'une courte narration suivie, mêlée de phrases dialoguées, afin de mieux faire ressortir la manière d'employer ces accouplements dans la conversation." The construction of the work is ingenious, and it will prove suggestive and helpful. There is an excellently arranged


"Le Petit Chaperon rouge: Petite Comédie enfantine en trois Tableaux avec Chansons et Rondes accompagnées de Musique, Annotations, &c." Par Lady Bell. Pp. 18. Paris and London: Hachette and Company. 1917. Price 1s. net.

This simple, interesting, and easily arranged play should be acceptable in many schools. It provides an excellent combination of dialogue and songs well adapted to the powers of children. As an educational and recreative excursion it is certain to be generally approved.

Journal of Home Economics. Edited by Mrs. Alice P. Norton. Published monthly by the American Home Economics Association, 1211, Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. Single copy, 25 cents. Annual subscription, $2.00. Foreign $2.35.

This is a journal for the needs of the day. It is intended for all interested in home-making, institution management, and educational work in home economics. It is the official organ of the American Home Economics Association, a body which exists for the purpose of bringing together those interested in the bettering of conditions in the home, the school, the public institution, and the community. The journal is a live one, and is now devoting special attention to food problems and standards of life under war conditions.


"The Care of Infants: A Manual for the Care and Feeding of Infants from Birth to the Age of Two Years," issued by the well-known firm of Mellin, Marlboro❞ Works, Stafford Street, Peckham, S. E. (price 25.), is an informing and sugges

tive guide to the feeding and general hygiene of infants and young children. Problems of growth and questions of nutrition are set forth with conciseness and lucidity and in a form which mothers and nurses will appreciate.

"The Road of Life," by George Peverett and Ernest Dodgshun, B.A., with a foreword by M. Catharine Albright, published by the National Adult School Union, 1, Central Buildings, Westminster, S. W.i (price 6d. net), is a suggestive course of lessons on a present-day "Pilgrim's Progress." They are grouped in two main divisions: Travelling Companies and The Journey. Under the first are outlines on the open road, kith and kin, workmates, passers-by, and the Divine Companion. In the second are studies on the equipment for the journey, rules of the road, rough places, cross-roads, rests by the way, milestones, the distant view, and the new country. For Sunday school teachers and for ministers who attempt addresses to children these notes should prove invaluable. As heading for the introduction Dr. Henry Van Dyke's beautiful verses are presented :

"Let me but live my life from year to year,

With forward face and unreluctant soul; Not hurrying to, nor turning from, the goal; Not mourning for the things that disappear In the dim past, nor holding back in fear From what the future veils; but with a whole And happy heart that pays its toll

To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.

So let the way wind up the hill or down,

O'er rough or smooth the journey will be joy; Still seeking what I sought when but a boy,

New friendship, high adventure and a crown, My heart will keep the courage of the quest,

And hope the road's last turn will be the best."


"The British Isles," by T. W. F. Parkinson, M.Sc., F.G.S., published by Wiliam Collins, Sons and Co., Bridewell Place, New Bridge Street, E.C. (price 25. 3d.), is a member of the excellent series of "Collins's Reason Why' Geography." It is a striking and well-illustrated school manual intended for comparatively young children. Essential principles are expressed in simple, attractive language, and with much wealth of illustration. The book provides a serviceable foundation for social and commercial geography of the British homeland. In

fifty-two lessons the main points of the physical features of the British Isles are pleasantly explained. At the end of each lesson is a set of questions. The volume is printed in clear type and is plentifully illustrated and strongly bound.

"The Progress Book," compiled by Dr. J. J. Pilley, and published by Mellin's Food, Ltd., is "an illustrated register of development from birth till coming of age and after." It is intended to provide mothers with a record of the physical and intellectual growth of their children. This is just the gift-book to present to parents on the birth of a son or daughter. The volume has been carefully designed and will prove of much assistance to those desirous of studying the development of individual children with scientific precision.

"Herbert Fry's Royal Guide to the London Charities," published by Chatto and Windus, III, St. Martin's Lane, W.C. (price is. 6d.), is now in its fiftyfourth edition. It is edited by Mr. John Lane, and has been brought thoroughly up to date. As a reliable reference work it is invaluable. It provides in alphabetical order the name, date of foundation, address, objects, income, officials, &c., of each of the principal metropolitan hospitals and charitable institutions. Within its bright scarlet cover it contains just the essential data required by medical advisers, social service workers, and all who seek to assist their sick and necessitous neighbours. The volume is issued at a price which brings it within the reach of all.

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The Child and 'The Mother Tongue': Notes on the Teaching of English on Creative Lines," by A. A. Cock, Acting Professor of Education and Philosophy in the University College of Southampton, and Lecturer in Education in the University of London, published by Messrs. Ginn and Co., 9, St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, W.C.2 (price 4d. post free), is a suggestive brochure which we commend to the consideration of all teachers. It is a plea and an argument for such principles and practices as are expounded in the books of "The Mother Tongue Series" by G. L. Kiltredge and S. L. Arnold, and edited by Professor J. W. Adamson and Mr. A. A. Cock.


Space for correspondence is necessarily limited. Communications containing suggestions, serviceable information, criticism, and anything likely to be of general interest or value should be condensed into a short letter. Writers must in all cases give their name and address, although not necessarily

for publication.



SIR, For the first time in history a European Great Power is to give 6,000,000 Women a vote for a Sovereign Parliament. The importance of this revolution can hardly be over-estimated. Probably at the next General Election the number of candidates for the 702 seats of the next House of Commons will be bewildering in their number and variety, and certainly the issues before the country will be unparalleled in gravity and importance. To quote a few figures in London alone we may expect some 600,000 women voters; in York 11,000, and in Hull 38,000, whilst in other cities the number of such voters new to the ballot-box will exceed the total male electorate at the last General Election. Even if existing Party organizations include some small fractions of great numbers of women voters, such organizations have awakened them to national problems merely upon Party lines. Hence it is obvious that something wide, more patriotic, more national, and more educative is needed to utilize the woman's vote in the highest service of the nation. This great problem has received the continuous attention of the National Union of Women Workers since last summer, and that great body, which already affiliates to itself 153 women's societies with a membership of 2,500,000 women, has prepared and already put into operation a plan for organizing women in local and autonomous Women Citizens' Associations all over the country. Such Associations are to be non-sectarian, nonparty, and in the main educative; not only in the sense of supplying exact information, but in that wider expansion of mind and sympathies which will result from drawing together women of all classes and occupations. The Associations

are to be broad enough for all women to find in them a political and social school for the service of their country. It is needless to remark that in no sense will they foster sex-antagonism, nor become a

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Women's Party." By helping the Motherland in this epoch of trial the Associations will necessarily help men, by developing and applying the powers and sympathies latent in that sex to which belong their mothers and wives. It will be open to local Associations to include men in membership or to invite them to take part in deliberations on special occasions. Upon these lines and for these grave reasons we venture, even in these days of stringency, to appeal confidently for the support of the public. Subscriptions and donations may be sent to the Secretary, at the N.U.W. W. offices, Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S. W.1.

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SIR, It is most desirable that the utmost shall be done to use the months of spring and summer for the physical, mental, and moral well-being of our children. There is the greatest need to provide conditions whereby children may lead, as far as may be possible, an openair life. Not a few of our sons and daughters have suffered from the necessary restrictions of the past winter. Let us use the next six or seven months to invigorate our children for enduring all trials that may await. It is most desirable that in London the gardens in connection with our many squares should be available for children. Open-air classes should be established for delicate school children. Raid-shocked little ones should be transferred to the country. Camps in country districts should be established as holiday centres. Even amidst the stress and strain of war we must conserve our children, the future citizens on whom all will depend.



SIR,-War has forced many social problems into the broad daylight of public discussion. The recent conference at the Mansion House on the need for adequate provision for unmarried mothers and their children has focussed attention on an aspect of human life that hitherto has been more or less tabooed by society. Even the most Christian and altruistic of men and women have been content to remain in ignorance. But the sorrows and sacrifices of war are washing the scales from our blind eyes, and we realize the national necessity for viewing things as they really are. In the fierce glare of the new light that is now being let in on the dark places of our community life there is a danger that we shall still suffer from refractive errors, or at all events view our problems in a false perspective. It is therefore of the utmost importance that all questions relating to unmarried women and illegitimate children should be investigated with completeness, free

from bias and prejudice, and directed by ethical practices and scientific principles. The Mansion House Conference unanimously adopted the following resolution: "That this Conference requests the Child Welfare Council of the Social Welfare Association to associate with itself the representatives of central and local authorities and of all societies concerned throughout the country so as to form a National Council for securing better provision for and protection of the unmarried mother and her child on the general lines of the recommendations of the Council as approved by the Conference." At the Conference data were presented which seemed to warrant the general approval of such recommendations as the following: (1) That any scheme adopted shall be elastic and shall not exclude any mothers in need-whether married or unmarried-that it shall be carried out in conjunction with the health authorities and existing societies linked up with maternity and infant welfare work, and its aim shall be to enable mothers to keep their babies with them for two years at least. (2) That arrangements shall be made for the provision of : (a) Waiting homes for expectant mothers. (b) Maternity homes. (c) Allowances for mothers whose circumstances and home surroundings make it desirable for them to continue to live at home. (d) Residential accommodation, with day nurseries attached, for mothers (with babies) who wish to live with their babies and go out, to work. (e) Foster-mothers, small homes, or adopting parents for the babies of those who cannot keep their children with them. (f) Special homes for mothers suffering from such defect or disease as should preclude their keeping their children with them. In order that adequate machinery may be established without loss of time it seems essential that the cost of such provisions should be met partly by grants from Government Departments and local authorities, partly by voluntary subscriptions, and partly by payments from the mothers, but in no case by the Poor Law Authorities. If real progress is to be made it is clear that legislative changes will be essential to any adequate scheme for the welfare of unmarried mothers and their children. Recommendations on the following lines have been made: (1) That

the Law of Affiliation should be altered by offering facilities to expectant mothers, both to make known their condition in the proper quarters and to take initial proceedings, and by relieving them from all costs even if paternity is not proved. (2) That the present limit of 5s. a week under an Affiliation Order be abolished and the amount granted be in proportion to the circumstances of both parents. (3) That provision be made for enabling a magistrate on application by an expectant mother to summon the parties before the birth of the child, and to hear the case in camera and where paternity is admitted to make a final Order. (4) Payment of this weekly amount to be made to run from date of child's birth in all cases, and power to be given magistrate to order an interim allowance for a period commencing at his discretion before birth -this allowance, failing payment by fathers, to be provided out of public funds. (5) The institution of legal adoption with proper safeguards. (6) Subse

quent marriage of mother and father of child to legitimate child. Everyone must realize that if any effective action is to be taken it should be by a council representative of all societies and Government Departments now concerned with the welfare of mothers and children. Such a council should at once set in motion the necessary machinery throughout the country. If, however, the proposed council is to be supported by public opinion and have the practical sympathy and help of the representatives of our legislature, it will be necessary to enlighten leaders of public opinion, as well as all thoughtful men and women of our Commonwealth, in the fundamental facts of the problem and the principles which must govern action. The object of this letter is to indicate the need for an educational programme among members of the medical profession, ministers of all denominations, teachers, and all students of medicoeducational problems.


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