PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J. M. ROBESON, AT THE EVANGELICAL REGISTER OFFICE, GLASSHOUSE YARD, DOCTORS' COMMONS, (BACK OF APOTHECARIES' HALL,) AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. Anglo-Catholicism, Page 515 Apostolical Succession. 514 Birds, Colours of, 371 Births, Deaths and Marriages, 446 of Cheshunt College, 332 Chalmers (Dr.), Extracts from Sermons and 369, 420, 445 Cheshunt College, 88, 326 Church of England, Prospects of, 48 Clergymen, Their right to vote for County Members, 12 Communion (On strict), 129 Corn Law Question, Scripture Quotations applied to, 210 Corn Laws, Conference of Christian Minis- Leask (Rev. W.), Essays by, 305, 353, 393, 439, 479 Madagascar Mission, Harris on, 113 on the state of education, 281 Oxford Tracts, Origin of, 136 -, University Censure on, 175 Passover, the Holy Family at, 506 The Sweetness of Prayer, 3 Politics, Ought Christian Ministers to Méd- Responsibility for our belief, 45, 152 Abraham, 173 Almanacks, 84, 174, 518 Applegate's Fruits of the Spirit, 126 Assyrians, History of, 437 Aveling's Irish Scholar, 391 Bingham on the religious delusions of in- Ecclesiastical Courts, Duty of Dissenters | British Birds, 34 Edwards (Rev. H.), Essays by, 129, 473, 502 Bull's maternal management of Children, 85 of, 360 sane persons, 348 cited to, 205 Buchanan's Christian Research in India, 81 Education, Report on the State of, 281 Buckland's Geology and Mineralogy, 83 Equality (Human), 460 Bunyan's Holy War, 36 Fathers, The, 135 Calvin on the Hebrews, 391 Female Influence, Edwards on, 129 Calvinism of the Church of England, 215. Fruits of the Spirit, 21, 53 Carthage, History of, 83 Fulness of joy prayed for, 233 China, History of, 36 God's all-sufficiency, 341 Chisman's Mother's Journal, 212 Gough (Rev. T.), Lectures by, 26, 120, 510 Church in the Army, 303 |