76 God is the creator of his peo-10 That the Spirit of the Lord with. Page 115 79 God is to his people their plan- his planting, his vine-yard men. which he watereth and mak-16 That he should be hated. eth fruitful, his house, his 17 Reproached. building, God planted the 18 The reproaches that were cast upon him. 81 Apostacy or unfruitfulness, threats and reproofs against it. 82 The fruitful, whether Jews or fixed by other events fore-33 They mock him on the cross. 6 The country and town where His words on the cross. Christ should be born. 35 Christ's prays for his enemies. 37 A bone of him was not to be broken. 59 That he should arise from the dead. 3 His glory after his resurrec- 48 More prophecies of Christ con- 49 The evidence of miracles ap- 50 New Testament miracles, at- 53 Sickness healed, blindness cu- 55 Christ calms the wind and sea, -A great draught of fishes. CHAP. IX. Perfections of Christ. 1 Christ's knowledge. Page 140 3 Power and dominion. Page 141 4 Acts of Christ's power toward 26 Christ is called a Priest. Christ gave himself, and for 16 Eternal life is the gift of God rection. preparation. 19 Christ's care of his people.- CHAP. XII. Of the Holy Ghost. Sect. 1 The Spirit's influence upon the The Son and Spirit joined with the Father, in acts of worship. 4 God will be known by his peo- 5 Christ called light as a teacher 4 Wisdom. C 20 Promise of justification to be-50 Fearing God. Page 194 31 They have access to God in 61 Heaven and earth tremble at of eminent faith. 36 These promises were fulfilled. 64 The wicked have a tormenting 38 Instances of approved faith. 39 Want of faith reproved P.190 66 Love to God commanded. 40 Exhortations against unbelief. 67 Promises to them that loveGod 41 Threatenings against unbelief 68 Prayers for them that love God 42 Threatenings against unbelief 70 |