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Mrs. DAVIS. H. Res. 341, introduced by our colleague from New Jersey, Mr. Saxton, simply urges the European Union to add the terrorist organization, Hezbollah, to its internal list of terrorist organizations.

I think we all can agree that Hezbollah is no different than Hamas, Islamic Jihad or other organizations which seek the ultimate destruction of Israel and which engage in brutal terror in order to achieve its goal.

Counterterrorism cooperation between the United States and the European Union has been growing steadily stronger since September 11, 2001. Our goal to try to end the cycle of terror throughout the world is the same. Our desire to see an end to the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians is the same. Our approach to Middle East peace through the "roadmap" process is compatible. Yet, for now at least, we do differ on the nature of the Hezbollah organization. The EU recently placed Hamas on its list of terror organizations and many of us here in Congress believe that Hezbollah should now be added as well and that any EU financial assistance for the Hezbollah should be suspended.

The amendment I have offered deletes some wording in the title of the resolution referring to the European Union.

I will now recognize our Ranking Member, Mr. Wexler, for an opening statement.

Mr. WEXLER. Thank you very much.

I rise in strong support of this resolution calling on the European Union to include Hezbollah on its terrorist list.

As the originators of the suicide bomb and the most widespread network of terror throughout the world, Hezbollah emulates, supports, finances and cooperates with groups already demarcated by the EU as terrorist organizations; including the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Liberation Front and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

It defies logic that the EU would classify these groups as terrorist organizations and egregiously omit Hezbollah, an organization that has led a global campaign of terror for 22 years, targeting not only Israeli citizens but also Americans, Kuwaitis, Saudi Arabians, Argentinians, Russians and Europeans, among others.

Last year, Congress passed House Resolution 285, urging the EU to classify Hamas as a terrorist organization, and thus prohibit the channeling of funds from the EU to Hamas. Fortunately, the EU recently added Hamas to its list in its entirety and without distinctions or qualifications, because there is no such thing as a so-called "military" and "political" wing of a terrorist group.

The same could be said for Hezbollah, whose leaders have made statements denouncing any distinction between their political and military operations.

As the Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Naim Qassem, wrote in his book,

"Hezbollah is a Jihad organization whose aim, first and foremost is Jihad against the Zionist enemy, while the political effort can serve as a prop and a means of support for Jihad."

This sentiment was reiterated by Hezbollah's representative in the Lebanese Parliament, Mohammed Raad, who responded to the 2001 British decision to freeze funding to Hezbollah's military wing by stating that,

"Hezbollah is a military resistance party, and it is our task to fight the occupation of our land.. .. There is no separation between politics and resistance."

Since its inception in 1982, Hezbollah has carried out numerous attacks on Israel's northern border, the bombing of the United States Embassy and the U.S. and French marine bases in Beirut in 1983, the bombings of the Russian Embassy in Beirut, the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, the hijacking of two Kuwaiti airliners, and the kidnapping and murder of dozens of Westerners in Lebanon. In total, Hezbollah has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians from all over the world.

In the past year, nearly 75 percent of the terrorist attacks against Israel have been generated, directed and funded by Hezbollah, including the bus bombing in Bersheval last month.

While the Israeli Defense Forces have made headway in arresting, killing and restricting the movement of several different Palestinian terrorist groups, Hezbollah has moved in to fill this vacuum. Madam Chair, it is, I think-without suggesting that the EU used anything other than truthful language when their representative came and spoke at this Subcommittee some weeks ago—it is incredulous to believe that we even have to make an argument to the European Union that Hezbollah should be on the terrorist organization.

And it seems evident that this resolution should pass with unanimous support.

Thank you.

[The prepared statement of Mr. Wexler follows:]


Madame Chair:

I rise in strong support of this resolution, calling on the European Union to include Hezbollah on its terrorist list.

As one of the most widespread networks of terror throughout the world, Hezbollah supports, finances and cooperates with groups already demarcated by the EU as terrorist organizations, including the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Liberation Front and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

It defies logic that the EU would classify these groups as terrorist organizations and egregiously omit Hezbollah, an organization that has led a global campaign of terror for 22 years targeting not only Americans, but also Israelis, Europeans, Kuwaitis, Saudi Arabians, Argentineans and Russians, among others.

Last year, Congress passed House Resolution 285, urging the EU to classify Hamas as a terrorist organization, and thus prohibit the channeling of funds from the EU to Hamas. Fortunately, the EU recently added Hamas to its list, without distinctions or qualifications, because there is no such thing as a so-called “military” and "political" wing of a terrorist group.

The same can be said for Hezbollah, whose leaders have made statements denouncing any distinction between its political and military operations. As Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Naim Qassem, wrote in his book, “Hezbollah is a Jihad organization whose aim, first and foremost is Jihad against the Zionist enemy, while the political effort can serve as a prop and a means of support for Jihad."

This sentiment was reiterated by Hezbollah's representative in the Lebanese Parliament, Mohammad Raad, who responded to the 2001 British decision to freeze funding to Hezbollah's military wing by stating that, "Hezbollah is a military resistance party, and it is our task to fight the occupation of our land . . . There is no separation between politics and resistance."

Since its inception in 1982, Hezbollah has carried out the bombing of the US Embassy in Lebanon, the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, the US and French marine bases in Beirut, the Russian Embassy in Lebanon, the hijacking of two Kuwaiti airliners, numerous attacks on Israel's northern border the kidnapping and the murder of dozens of Westerners in Lebanon. On the same day that nearly 300 Americans died 21 years ago in Beirut, 58 French paratroopers also were targeted and killed by Hezbollah.

In the past year, nearly 75 percent of the terrorist attacks against Israel have been implemented with the involvement and funding of Hezbollah, including the bus bombing in Bersheva last month. While the Israeli Defense Forces have made headway in arresting, killing and restricting Palestinian terrorists, Hezbollah has moved in to fill this vacuum.

As a prominent Israeli paper recently affirmed, "The terror engine has changed its address. It has moved from the mukata [or Arafat's headquarters] to Beirut." Increased support for Palestinian terrorist operations is no secret. It has been openly discussed by Hezbollah leadership, as was the case this July when Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly aligned Hezbollah with the likes of Hamas, Al Aqsa Martrys Brigade and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, all of which appear on the EU terrorist list.

It is in this regard that I was surprised to learn that the EU Representative in Lebanon-Patrick Renauld-met with Mr. Nasrallah on September 10 to discuss future cooperation between the EU and Hezbollah. It is unconscionable that the EU would sanction such a meeting between a government official and a terrorist thug, and I am eagerly awaiting further explanation from EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, Mr. De Vris, regarding the origins, purpose and extent to which the EU sanctioned this meeting.

Madame Chair, the European Union has placed Hezbollah officials such as Imad Mughniyah on its terrorist list. It has placed every known Palestinian terrorist organization on its terrorist list, the majority of whose operations are contingent on the support of Hezbollah. It has assisted America in the war on terror in a number of areas, yet it has made an ominous and incongruous mistake by excluding Hezbollah from its terrorist list.

Hezbollah does not discriminate in its targeting of innocent civilians, and the European Union should not discriminate in its categorizing of terrorists. I strongly support House Resolution 341 and urge the European Union-in the strongest possible terms-to add Hezbollah to its list of terrorist organizations.

Mrs. DAVIS. Thank you, Mr. Wexler.

Are there any other Members who wish to be recognized?

Are there any other amendments?

If not, the Chair will now entertain a motion that the resolution, as amended, be reported favorably to the Full Committee.

Mr. WEXLER. So moved.

Mrs. DAVIS. The question occurs on the motion to report the resolution, H. Res. 341, as amended, favorably. All in favor say, "Aye." All opposed, "No."

The motion is approved, and the bill is reported favorably.

Without objection, the bill will be reported favorably to the Full Committee in the form of a single amendment in the nature of a substitute incorporating the amendments adopted here today.

Without objection, the staff is directed to make any technical and conforming amendments.

Pursuant to notice, I call up the resolution H. Res. 483 for purposes of markup. Without objection, the resolution will be considered as read and open for amendment at any point.

[H. Res. 483 follows:]



H. RES. 483

Pledging continued United States support for the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and democratic and economic reforms of the Republic of Georgia.


DECEMBER 8, 2003

Mr. HASTINGS of Florida submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International Relations


Pledging continued United States support for the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and democratic and economic reforms of the Republic of Georgia.

Whereas on November 23, 2003, Eduard Shevardnadze stepped down as President of the Republic of Georgia after nearly three weeks of peaceful and bloodless protests following parliamentary elections the opposition contended were rigged;

Whereas the observer mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe reported that recent electoral processes in the Republic of Georgia did not meet the standards of a free and fair election;

Whereas the Department of State issued statements on November 20-21, 2003, expressing deep disappointment


Whereas even after the adherence of Israel to United Nations

Security Council Resolution 425 by withdrawing from

South Lebanon, Hezbollah has continued to carry out attacks against Israel and its citizens;

Whereas in the 108th Congress, the House of Representatives adopted House Resolution 285, urging the European Union to classify Hamas, another Palestinian terrorist organization, as a terrorist organization for purposes of prohibiting funding from the European Union to Hamas;

Whereas Hezbollah provides training and weapons to Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad for use by these groups against Israeli targets;

Whereas the Director of Central Intelligence calls Hezbollah “an organization with the capability and worldwide presence [equal to] al Queda, equal if not far more [of a] capable organization . . . [t]hey're a notch above in many respects... which puts them in a state sponsored category with a potential for lethality that's quite great”; Whereas although the European Union has included Imad Fayiz Mughniyah, a key operations and intelligence officer of Hezbollah, on its terrorist list, it has not included his organization on the list;

Whereas Hezbollah continues to be sponsored and supported by such countries as Syria and Iran; and

Whereas cooperation between the United States and Europe regarding combating international terrorism is essential: Now, therefore, be it


Resolved, That the House of Representatives

⚫HRES 341 IH

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