Thou rafcal, that art 5 'first from blows to run, But make you ready your stiff bats and clubs, SCEN E III. Enter Caius Martius. Hail, noble Martius! [rogues, Mar. Thanks. What's the matter, you diffentious That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion, Make your felves fcabs? 2 Cit. We have ever your good word. Mar. He that will give good words to thee, will flatter Beneath abhorring. What would you have, ye curs, That like not peace, nor war? The one affrights you, The other makes you proud. He that trufts to you, Where he should find you lions, finds you hares: Where foxes, geese you are: no furer, no, Than is the coal of fire upon the ice, Or hailstone in the fun. Your virtue is, To make him worthy, whofe offence fubdues him, A fick man's appetite, who defires most that Which would encrease his evil. He that depends And hews down oaks with rushes. Hang ye-truft ye! Him vile that was your garland. What's the matter, You cry againft the noble Senate, who Would feed on one another?-What's their feeking? 5 worst in blood Men. 6 Bail or Bale... old edit. Warb, emend. Men. For corn at their own rates, whereof, they fay, The city is well ftor'd. Mar. Hang 'em: they fay! They'll fit by th' fire, and prefume to know Their ruth, and let me ufe my fword, I'd make Men. Nay, these Are almost thoroughly perfuaded: for Mar. They are 9 'diffolv'd ;` They faid they were an hungry, figh'd forth proverbs; They vented their complainings; which being answer'd, To break the heart of generofity, And make bold power look pale; they threw their caps As they would hang them on the horns o'th' moon, Shouting their emulation. Men. What is granted? Mar. Five tribunes to defend their vulgar wifdoms, Of their own choice. One of them's Junius Brutus, Sicinius Velutus, and I know not-s'death! The rabble fhould have first unroof'd the city Win upon power, and throw forth greater themes. 7 Though 8 But, I 9 diffolv'd; hang 'em Men. 1 One's Men. This is ftrange. Mar. Go, get you home, you fragments! Mef. Where's Caius Martius? Mar. Here what is the matter? Mef. The news is, Sir, the Volfcians are in arms. Mar. I am glad on't, then we shall have means to vent Our musty fuperfluity. See! our beft elders SCEN E IV. Enter Sicinius Velutus, Junius Brutus, Cominius, Titus Lartius, with other Senators. 1 Sen. Martius, 'tis true, that you have lately told us, The Volfcians are in arms. Mar. They have a leader, Tullus Aufidius, that will put you to't. I fin in envying his nobility:. And were I any thing but what I am, I'd with me only him. Com. You have fought together? Mar. Were half to half the world by th' ears, and he Upon my party, I'd revolt, to make Only my wars with him. He is a lion That I am proud to hunt. I Sen. Then, worthy Martius, Attend upon Cominius to thefe wars. And I am conftant: Titus Lartius, thou What, art thou ftiff? ftand'ft out? Lar. No, Caius Martius; I'll lean upon one crutch and fight with t'other, Ere stay behind this business. Men. O true bred! 1 Sen. Your company to th' Capitol; where I know Our Our greatest friends attend us. Lar. Lead you on; Follow, Cominius! we muft follow you, Right worthy your priority. Com. Noble Lartius! 1 Sen. Hence to your homes-be gone. [To the Citizens. Mar. Nay, let them follow; The Volfcians have much corn: take thefe rats thither Sic. When we were chofen tribunes for the people— Sic. Nay, but his taunts. Bru. Being mov'd, he will not fpare to gird the GodsSic. Be-mock the modeft moon. Bru. The prefent wars devour him! he is grown Too proud of being fo` valiant. 3 Sic. Such a nature, Tickled with good fuccefs, difdains the fhadow Bru. Fame, 4'at which he aims, In 'which already he is well grac'd, cannot Sic. And if things go well, Bru. Come; Half all Cominius' honours are to Martius, Sic. Let's hence, and hear How the dispatch is made; and in what fashion, I Bra. Let's along. SCENE V. CORIOL I. [Exeunt. Enter Tullus Aufidius with Senators of Corioli. Sen. So, your opinion is, Aufidius, That they of Rome are entred in our counfels, And know how we proceed. Auf. Is it not yours? What ever hath been thought on in this State, That could be brought to bodily act ere Rome Since I heard thence-thefe are the words-I think They have preft a power, but it is not known Whither 'tis bent-moft likely, 'tis for you: I Sen. Our army's in the field: Auf. |