like a knight; and generally, in all fhapes that man goes up and down in, from fourfcore to thirteen, this fpirit walks in. Var. Thou art not altogether a fool. Fool. Nor thou altogether a wife man; as much foolery as I have, so much wit thou lack'st. Apem. That answer might have become Apemantus. Enter Timon and Flavius. Apem. Come with me, fool, come. Fool. I do not always follow lover, elder brother, and woman; fometime the philofopher. Flav. Pray you walk near, I'll fpeak with you anon. [Exeunt all but Timon and Flavius. Tim. You make me marvel; wherefore, ere this time, Had you not fully laid my ftate before me? That I might fo have rated my expence, As I had leave of means. Flav. You would not hear me : At many leifures I propos'd. Tim. Go to: Perchance fome fingle vantages you took, Flav. O my good Lord, At many times I brought in my accounts, When, for fome trifling prefent, you have bid me Prompted Prompted you in the ebb of your estate, And your great flow of debts. My dear-lov'd Lord, Though you hear 'now, yet now's too late a time. The greatest of your Having lacks a half To pay your present debts. Tim. Let all my land be fold. Flav. 'Tis all engag'd, fome forfeited and gone, Tim. To Lacedæmon did my land extend. Flav. O my good Lord, the world is but a world, Were it all yours, to give it in a breath, How quickly were it gone! Tim. You tell me true. Flav. If you fufpect my husbandry or falfhood, And fet me on the proof. So the Gods bless me, With riotous feeders; when our vaults have wept And fet mine eyes at flow. Tim. Pr'ythee no more. Flav. Heav'ns! have I faid, the bounty of this Lord! What heart, head, fword, force, means, but is Lord Timon's? Thefe (a) By Cock here is meant a Cockloft, a Garret: and a wastefull cock fignifies a Garret lying in wafte, neglected, put to no use. 5 now too late, yet now's a time. 7 How goes or Hold good 6 comes Thefe flies are coucht. Tim. Come, fermon me no further. 8 ; all confcience lack To think I fhall lack friends? fecure thy heart ; If I would broach the vessels of my love, And try the arguments of hearts by borrowing, Men and men's fortunes could I frankly use, As I can bid thee speak. Flav. Affurance bless your thoughts! Tim. And in fome fort thefe wants of mine are crown'd, That I account them bleffings; for by these Shall I try friends. You fhall perceive how you Enter Flaminius, Servilius, and other Servants. Serv. My Lord, my Lord. Tim. I will dispatch you fev'rally. You to Lord Luciusto Lord Lucullus you, I hunted with his Honour to-day you to Sempronius-commend me to their loves, and I am proud, fay, that my occafions have found time to use 'em toward a supply of mony let the request be fifty talents. Flam. As you have faid, my Lord. Flav. Lord Lucius and Lucullus? hum [To Flavius. Of whom, even to the ftate's best health, I have Flav. I've been bold, (For that I knew it the moft gen'ral way,) To them to use your fignet and your name; 8 the But But they do fhake their heads, and I am here No richer in return. Tim. Is't true? can't be ? Flav. They anfwer in a joint and corporate voice, That now they are at fall, want treasure, cannot Do what they would; are forry - You are honourable- May catch a wrench →→→ would all were well After diftafteful looks, and thefe hard fractions, Tim. You Gods, reward them! 'tis pity I pr'ythee, man, look cheerly. These old fellows Their blood is cak'd, 'tis cold, it feldom flows, I clear'd him with five talents. Greet him from me, Touches his friend, which craves to be remember'd Flav. Would I could not: that thought is bounty's foe; Being free it felf, it thinks all others fo. 9 not I ingratitude in them hereditary : [Exeunt. ACT ACT III. SCENE I. The House of Lucullus in the Ci ty Flaminius waiting, enter a Servant to him. SERVANT. Have told my Lord of you; he is coming down to you. Enter Lucullus. Ser. Here's my Lord. Lucul. One of Lord Timon's men? a gift, I warrant — Why, this hits right: I dreamt of a filver bason and ewre to-night. Flaminius, honeft Flaminius, you are very respectively welcome, Sir; fill me fome wine. And how does that honourable, compleat, free-hearted gentleman of Athens, thy very bountiful good Lord and master ? Flam. His health is well, Sir. Lucul. I am right glad that his health is well, Sir; and what haft thou there under thy cloak, pretty Flaminius? Flam. 'Faith, nothing but an empty box, Sir, which in my Lord's behalf, I come to entreat your Honour to fupply; who having great and inftant occafion to use fifty talents, hath fent to your Lordship to furnish him, nothing doubting your prefent aflistance therein. Lucul. La, la, la, la, Nothing doubting, fays he? alas, good Lord, a noble gentleman 'tis, if he would not keep fo good a houfe. Many a time and often I ha' din'd with him, and told him on't; and come again to fupper to him on purpose to have him spend less. And yet he would embrace no counfel, take no warning by my coming; every man hath his fault, and honefty is his. I ha' told him on't, but I could never get him from't. Enter |