ACT II. SCENE I. A publick place in the City. Enter a Senator. SENATOR. AND late five thousand; to Parro and to Ifidore He owes nine thoufand, befides my former fum; Which makes it five and twenty. Still in motion Of raging wafte? It cannot hold, it will not. If I want gold, fteal but a beggar's dog, And give it Timon, why, the dog coins gold. If I would fell my horfe, and buy ten more Better than he; why, give my horfe to Timon; Ask nothing, give it him, it foals me straight + /Ten able horses. No porter at his gate, But rather one that fmiles and ftill invites All that pafs by. It cannot hold, no reafon Can found his ftate in fafety. Caphis, hoa! Caphis, I lay. Enter Caphis. Cap. Here, Sir; what is your pleasure? Sen. Get on your cloak, and hafte you to Lord Timon; Importune him for monies, be not ceaft With flight denial; nor then filenc'd with Commend me to your master and the cap 5 'Play'ng in the right hand,-thus- but tell him, firrah, My ufes cry to me, I muft ferve my turn Out of mine own; his days and times are paft, And my reliance on his fracted dates Has fmit my credit. I love and honour him; B 4 4 An able horse. . . . old edit. Theob, emend. Immediate 5 Plays Immediate are my needs, and my relief A vifage of demand: for I do fear, When every feather sticks in his own wing, Cap. I go, Sir. get you gone. Sen. Ay, go, Sir: take the bonds along with you, And have the dates "/in count. Cap. I will, Sir. Sen. Go. [Exeunt. S CE CEN E II. Timon's Hall. Flav. Enter Flavius, with many Bills in his hand. O care, no ftop, fo fenfelefs of expence, Nor ceafe his flow of riot; takes no account How things go from him, and resumes no care Was, to be fo unwife, to be fo kind. What fhall be done?he will not hear, 'till feel: I must be round with him, now he comes from hunting. Fie, fie, fie, fie. Enter Caphis, Ifidore, and Varro. Cap. Good evening, Varro; what, you come for mony? Var. Is't not your bufinefs too? Cap. It is; and yours too, Ifidore? Ifid. (a) The two last are but fervants to Ifidore and Varro, here call'd by their Mafers names as is ufual among fervants with one another. 6 in. Come ... old edit. Theob, emend. Ifid. It is fo. Cap. Would we were all difcharg'd! Cap. Here comes the Lord. Enter Timon, and his Train. Tim. So foon as dinner's done, we'll forth again, My Alcibiades.Well, what is your will? [They prefent their Bills. Cap. My Lord here is a note of certain dues. Cap. Of Athens here, my Lord. Cap. Please it your Lordship, he hath put me off, My master is awak'd by great occafion, To call upon his own; and humbly prays you Tim. Mine honest friend, I pr'ythee but repair to me next morning. Tim. Contain thy felf, good friend. Var. One Varro's fervant, my good Lord Ifid. From Ifidore, he prays your speedy payment — Cap. If you did know, my Lord, my mafter's wants Far. 'Twas due on forfeiture, my Lord, fix weeks, and paft Jfid. Your fteward puts me off, my Lord, and I Am fent expressly to your Lordship. Tim. Give me breath: I do beseech you, good my Lords, keep on, [Exeunt Lords. 7 clam'rous claims of debt, Flav Flav. Please you, gentlemen, The time is unagreeable to this bufinefs: Tim. Do fo, my friends; fee them well entertain'd. Flav. Pray draw near. SCEN [Exit Timon. [Exit. Flav E III Enter Apemantus and Fool. Cap. Stay, ftay, here comes the fool with Apemantus, let's have fome fport with 'em. Var. Hang him, he'll abufe us. Ifid. A plague upon him, dog! Apem. Doft dialogue with thy fhadow? Var. I fpeak not to thee. Apem. No, 'tis to thy felf. Come away. 8 Jid. There's the fool hangs on your back already. Apem. No, thou ftand'ft fingle, thou art not on it yet. Cap. Where's the fool now? Apem. He laft ask'd the question. Poor rogues, and furers men! bawds between gold and want! All. What are we, Apemantus? Apem. Affes. All. Why? Apem. That you ask me what you are, and do not know your felves. Speak to 'em, fool. Fool. How do you, gentlemen? All. Gramercy, good fool: how does your mistress? Fool. She's e'en fetting on water to fcald fuch chickens as you are. Would we could fee you at Corinth. Apem. Good! gramercy! Enter Page. Fool. Look you, here comes my mafter's page. Page. Page. Why, how now, captain? what do you in this wife company? how doft thou; Apemanius? Apem. Would I had a rod in my mouth, that I might anfwer thee profitably. Page. Pry'thee, Apemantus, read me the fuperfcription of thefe letters; I know not which is which. Apem. Can't not read? Page. No. Apem. There will little learning die then, that day thou art hang'd. This is to Lord Timon, this to Alcibiades. Go, thou waft born a bastard, and thou'lt die a bawd. Page. Thou waft whelpt a dog, and thou fhalt famish, a dog's death. Anfwer not, I am gone. Apem. Ev'n fo thou out-run'ft grace. man ferv'd thief. [Exit. as good a trick as ever hang Fool. Are you three ufurers men? All. Ay, fool. Fool. I think no ufurer but has a fool to his fervant. My mistress is one, and I am her fool; when men come to borrow of your mafters, they approach fadly, and go away merrily; but they enter my miftrefs's houfe merrily, and go away fadly. The reafon of this? Var. I could render one. +'Fool. Do it then, that we may account thee a whoremafter, and a knave; which notwithstanding, thou fhalt be no less esteem'd. Var. What is a whoremafter, fool? Fool. A fool in good cloaths, and fomething like thee. 'Tis a fpirit; fometimes it appears like a, Lord, fometimes like a lawyer, fometimes like a philofopher with two ftones more than's artificial one. He is very often 4 Apem. like |