I'll grace thee with that robbery, thy ftol'n name You Lords and head o' th' ftate, perfidiously Cor. Hear'ft thou, Mars? Auf. Name not the God, thou boy of tears. Auf. No more. Cor. Measureless liar, thou haft made my heart 1 Lord. Peace both, and hear me fpeak. Cor. Cut me to pieces, Volfcians, men and lads, Flutter'd your Volfcians in Corioli. Auf. Why, noble Lords, Will you be put in mind of his blind fortune, 'Fore your own eyes and ears? All Con. Let him die for't. VOL. V. 5 that ever I'm do it presently. N Lords, Cit. Cit. He kill'd my fon. 2 Cit. My daughter. 4 Cit. He kill'd my father. 2 Lord. Peace — no outrage peace The man is noble, and his fame folds in This orb o' th' earth; his laft offences to us Cor. O that I had him, With fix Aufidius's, or more; his tribe; To ufe my lawful fword Auf. Infolent villain ! All Con. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill him. [The Confpirators all draw, and kill Martius, who falls, and Aufidius ftands on him. Lords. Hold, hold, hold, hold. Auf. My noble Lords, hear me fpeak. 2 Lord. Thou haft done a deed, whereat Valour will weep. 3 Lord. Tread not upon him mafters all, be quiet, Put up your fwords. 6 Auf. My Lords, when I fhall fhew (as in this rage Provok'd by him, 7'I cannot) the great danger Which this man's life did owe you, you'll rejoice That he is thus cut off. Pleafe it your Honours To call me to your Senate, I'll deliver My felf your loyal fervant, or endure Your heaviest cenfure. 1 Lord. Bear from hence his body, And mourn you for him. Let him be regarded 2 Lord. His own impatience Takes from Aufidius a great part of blame: 6 you fhall know 7 you Auf Auf. My rage is gone, And I am ftruck with forrow: take him up: Yet he shall have a noble memory. [Exeunt, bearing the body of Martius. A dead march founded. |