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CHAPTER XV. 12 And Pilate answered, and 1 Jesus is brought bound and accused before said again unto them, What will Pilate....6 Pilate, prevailed on by the peo- ye then that I shall do unto him ple, giveth up Jesus to be crucified: 17 whom ye call the King of the he is crowned with thorns, 27 hangeth Jews?

between bly buried.


13 And they cried out again,

AND straightway in the Crucify him.

morning the chief priests 14 Then Pilate said unto held a consultation with the el- them, Why, what evil hath he ders and scribes and the whole done? And they cried out the council, and bound Jesus, and more exceedingly, Crucify him. carried him away, and delivered 151 And so Pilate, willing to him to Pilate. content the people, released Ba

2 And Pilate asked him, Art rabbas unto them, and delivered thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus, when he had scourged he answering, said unto him, him, to be crucified.

Thou sayest it.

16 And the soldiers led him

3 And the chief priests ac-away into the hall, called Precused him of many things: but torium; and they call together he answered nothing.

4 And Pilate asked him again saying, Answerest thou nothing? behold how many things they witness against thee.

the whole band;

17And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head, 18 And began to salute him,

5 But Jesus yet answered Hail, King of the Jews! nothing: so that Pilate marvelled.

19 And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit

6 Now at that feast he releas-upon him, and bowing their ed unto them one prisoner, knees, worshipped him. whomsoever they desired.

20 And when they had mock

7 And there was one named ed him, they took off the purple Barabbas, which lay bound with from him, and put his own clothes them that had made insurrection on him, and led him out to cruciwith him, who had committed fy him. murder in the insurrection.

21 And they compel one Si

8 And the multitude crying mon a Cyrenian, who passed by, aloud, began to desire him to do coming out of the country, the as he had ever done unto them. father of Alexander and Rufus,

9 But Pilate answered them, to bear his cross. saying, Will ye that I release 22 And they bring him unto unto you the King of the Jews! the place Golgotha, which is, 10 (For he knew that the being interpreted, The place of chief priest had delivered him a scull. for envy.)

23 And they gave him to

11 But the chief priests mo- drink, wine mingled with myrrh: ved the people that he should but he received it not. rather release Barabbas unto


24 And when they had cruci

fied him, they parted his gar

ments, casting lots upon them, see whether Elias will come to what every man should take. take him down.

25 And it was the third hour, 37 And Jesus cried with a and they crucified him. loud voice, and gave up the

26 And the superscription of ghost.

his accusation was written over, 38 And the vail of the temple THE KING OF THE JEWS. was rent in twain, from the top 27 And with him they cru-to the bottom. cify two thieves, the one on his 391 And when the centurion right hand, and the other on his which stood over against him, left. saw that he so cried out, and 28 And the scripture was ful- gave up the ghost, he said, Truly filled, which saith, And he was this man was the Son of God. numbered with the transgressors. 40 There were also women 29 And they that passed by, looking on afar off, among whom railed on him, wagging their was Mary Magdalene, and Mary heads, and saying, Ah, thou that the mother of James the less, and destroyest the temple, and build- of Joses, and Salome;

est it in three days, 41 Who also, when he was 30 Save thyself, and come in Galilee, followed him, and down from the cross. ministered unto him: and many

31 Likewise also the chief other women which came up priests mocking, said among with him unto Jerusalem. themselves with the scribes, He 42 11 And now, when the even saved others; himself he cannot was come, (because it was the preparation, that is, the day be


32 Let Christ the King of fore the sabbath,) Israel descend now from the 43 Joseph of Arimathea, an cross, that we may see and be- honourable counsellor, which lieve. And they that were cru- also waited for the kingdom of cified with him reviled him. God, came, and went in boldly 33 And when the sixth hour unto Pilate, and craved the body was come, there was darkness of Jesus. over the whole land, until the 44 And Pilate marvelled if he ninth hour. were already dead: and calling

$4 And at the ninth hour Je- unto him the centurion, he asksus cried with a loud voice, say-ed him whether he had been any ing, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtha- while dead.

ni! which is, being interpreted, 45 And when he knew it of My God, my God, why hast thou the centurion, he gave the body forsaken me?

to Joseph.

35 And some of them that 46 And he bought fine linen, stood by, when they heard it, and took him down, and wrapsaid, Behold, he calleth Elias. ped him in the linen, and laid 36 And one ran and filled a him in a sepulchre which was sponge full of vinegar, and put hewn out of a rock, and rolled # on a reed, and gave him to a stone unto the door of the sedrink, saying, Let alone; let us pulchre,

47 And Mary Magdalene and Magdalene, out of whom he had Mary the mother of Joses beheld cast seven devils. where he was laid.

10 And she went and told them that had been with him,

CHAPTER XVI. 1 An angel declareth the resurrection of as they mourned and wept. Christ to three women : 9 he appeareth to Mary Magdalene, &c.: 19 his ascension 11 And they, when they had into heaven; the gospel is preached, &c. heard that he was alive, and had AND when the sabbath was been seen of her, believed not.

past, Mary Magdalene, and 12 11 After that he appeared in Mary the mother of James, and another form unto two of them, Salome, had bought sweet spices, as they walked, and went into that they might come and anoint the country.


13 And they went and told

2 And very early in the morn- it unto the residue: neither being, the first day of the week, lieved they them. they came unto the sepulchre at 14 Afterward he appeared the rising of the sun : unto the eleven, as they sat at

3 And they said among them-meat, and upbraided them with selves, Who shall roll us away their unbelief, and hardness of the stone from the door of the heart, because they believed not sepulchre? them which had seen him after

4 (And when they looked, he was risen. they saw that the stone was 15 And he said unto them, rolled away,) for it was very Go ye into all the world, and great. preach the gospel to every crea5 And entering into the se-ture. pulchre, they saw a young man 16He that believeth and is bapsitting on the right side, clothed tized shall be saved; but he that in a long white garment; and believeth not, shall be damned. they were affrighted. 17 And these signs shall fol

6 And he saith unto them, Below them that believe: In my not affrighted: ye seek Jesus of name shall they cast out devils; Nazareth, which was crucified: they shall speak with new he is risen; he is not here: behold tongues;

the place where they laid him. 18 They shall take up ser

7 But go your way, tell his pents; and if they drink any disciples and Peter, that he go-deadly thing, it shall not hurt eth before you into Galilee: them; they shall lay hands on there shall ye see him, as he said the sick, and they shall recover, unto you. 19 So shen, after the Lord

8 And they went out quickly, had spoken unto them, he was and fled from the sepulchre; for received up into heaven, and sat they trembled, and were amazed: on the right hand of God. neither said they any thing to 20 And they went forth, and any man; for they were afraid. preached every where, the Lord 91 Now, when Jesus was working with them, and confirmrisen early, the first day of the ing the word with signs followweek, he appeared first to Maryling. Amen.

1. The GOSPEL according to ST. LUKE.

CHAP. I. of the people were praying with1 Luke's preface.... The conception of out, at the time of incense. John Baptist, 26 and of Christ....57 The na- 11 And there appeared unto tivity and circumcision of John 4 The him an angel of the Lord, standing on the right side of the al


of Zacharias opened: 67 his pro

FORASMUCH as many many tar of incense.

12 And when Zacharias saw forth in order a declaration of him, he was troubled, and fear those things which are most fell upon him.

surely believed among us,

13 But the angel said unto

2 Even as they delivered him, Fear not, Zacharias: for them unto us, which from the thy prayer is heard; and thy wife beginning were eye-witnesses, Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and ministers of the word; and thou shalt call his name

3 It seemed good to me also, John. having had perfect understand- 14 And thou shalt have joy ing of all things from the very and gladness, and many shall refirst, to write unto thee in order, joice at his birth.

most excellent Theophilus, 15 For he shall be great in the 4 That thou mightest know the sight of the Lord, and shall drink certainty of those things where- neither wine nor strong drink; in thou hast been instruct- and he shall be filled with the ed. Holy Ghost, even from his moth


was in the days of er's womb.

Herod the king of Judea, 16 And many of the children a certain priest named Zachari- of Israel shall he turn to the as, of the course of Abia: and his Lord their God. wife was of the daughters of Aa- 17 And he shall go before him ron, and her name was Elisa- in the spirit and power power of Elias, beth, to turn the hearts of the fathers

6 And they were both right- to the children, and the disobeeous before God walking in all dient to the wisdom of the just; the commandments and ordi- to make ready a people preparnances of the Lord blameless. ed for the Lord.

7 And they had no child, be- 18 And Zacharias said unto cause that Elisabeth was barren; the angel, Whereby shall I know and they both were now well this? for I am an old man, and stricken in years. my wife well stricken in years.

8 And it came to pass, that, 19 And the angel answering, while he executed the priest's said unto him, I am Gabriel, that office before God in the order stand in the presence of God; of his course, and am sent to speak unto thee,

9 According to the custom of and to shew thee these glad tidthe priest's office, his lot was to ings.

burn incense when he went in- 20 And behold, thou shalt be to the temple of the Lord. dumb, and not able to speak, un10 And the whole multitude til the day that these things shall



be performed, because thou be- 32 He shall be great, and shall lievest not my words, which shall be called the Son of the Highbe fulfilled in their season. est; and the Lord God shall give

21 And the people waited unto him the throne of his fathfor Zacharias, and marvelled er David. that he tarried so long in the 33 And he shall reign over temple. the house of Jacob for ever;

22 And when he came out, and of his kingdom there shall he could not speak unto them: be no end. and they perceived that he had 34 Then said Mary unto the seen a vision in the temple; for angel, How shall this be, seeing he beckoned unto them, and re- I know not a man?

mained speechless.

35 And the angel answered

23 And it came to pass, that and said unto her, The Holy as soon as the days of his min- Ghost shall come upon thee, istration were accomplished, he and the power of the Highest departed to his own house. shall overshadow thee: there

24 And after those days his fore also that holy thing which wife Elisabeth conceived, and shall be born of thee, shall be hid herself five months, saying, called the Son of God.

25 Thus hath the Lord dealt 36 And behold, thy cousin with me in the days wherein he Elisabeth, she hath also conlooked on me, to take away my ceived a son in her old age; and reproach among men. this is the sixth month with her

26 And in the sixth month who was called barren : the angel Gabriel was sent from 37 For with God nothing God unto a city of Galilee, nam- shall be impossible.

ed Nazareth,

38 And Mary said, Behold

27 To a virgin espoused to a the handmaid of the Lord, be it man whose name was Joseph, unto me according to thy word. of the house of David; and the And the angel departed from virgin's name was Mary.


28 And the angel came in 391 And Mary arose in those unto her, and said, Hail, thou days, and went into the hillthat art highly favoured, the country with haste, into a city Lord is with thee: blessed art of Juda,

thou among women.

40 And entered into the

29 And when she saw him, house of Zacharias, and saluted she was troubled at his saying, Elisabeth. and cast in her mind what man- 41 And it came to pass, that ner of salutation this should be. when Elisabeth heard the salu

30 And the angel said unto tation of Mary, the babe leaped her, Fear not, Mary: for thou in her womb: and Elisabeth was hast found favor with God. filled with the Holy Ghost.

31 And behold, thou shalt 42 And she spake out with conceive in thy womb, and bring a loud voice and said, Blessed forth a son, and shalt call his art thou among women, and name JESUS. blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

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