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of the church, or its lessee would be prejudicially affected by the sale.

Having thus pointed out the "way," let us next consider the "means." There is very little doubt but that the greater portion, if not the entire amount, of the purchase money, may be raised by voluntary contributions; but should there be any deficiency from this source, it might be supplied from the £1666 stock funded for the benefit of this Parish on sale of the £40 rent-charge formerly payable out of the estate then belonging to Mr. Dent. Here again I anticipate no difficulty on the part of the Poor Law Commissioners, as the annual rental of £11 will be fully equivalent to the interest derivable from that portion of capital to be transferred from this stock and invested in the purchase of Martin's Hill.

Such are "the ways and means" which to me seem applicable for the attainment of this desirable object;-not that the ancient custom so long and uninterruptedly enjoyed by our fellow-townsmen can be defeated,-of that I have no fear;-but I recommend this course as a preventative against litigation, and as a safe-guard against legal chicanery, which, in these days of "cold-blooded utilitarianism," may be strained by the unscrupulous for upsetting all moral obligations, in the attempt to foist upon the public an imaginary private right, for the purpose of annihilating the benefit of future generations.

Let the inhabitants of Bromley, therefore, lose no time in calling a public meeting, and appoint a deputation to wait upon the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, to treat for the purchase of Martin's Hil; and, when once the price is fixed, there will be no difficulty in obtaining the neceesary funds by which the freehold may be secured in perpetuity for the benefit of the Town.

Trusting that these observations may lead to some beneficial results.


am, Mr. Editor, Your very obedient Servant, SCRUTATOR.

Bromley 24th May, 1862.

NATURAL PHENOMENA OF JUNE. JUNE, in this climate, is what the Grecian poets represented May. It is the most lovely month of the year. Summer has commenced, and warm weather is established; yet the heats rarely rise to excess, or interrupt the enjoyment of those pleasures which the scenes of nature at this period afford. The trees are in their fullest dress, and a profusion of flowers is everywhere scattered around. One of the earliest rural employments of this month is the shearing of sheep; a business of much importance in various parts of the kingdom, where wool is one of the most valuable products. England has for many ages been celebrated for its breeds of sheep; which yield wool of various qualities, suited to different branches of the woollen manufacture. The downs of Dorsetshire and other southern and western counties, feed sheep, the fine short fleeces of which are employed in making the best broad cloths. The coarser wool of Yorkshire and the

northern counties, is used in the narrow cloths. The large Leicestershire and Lincolnshire sheep are clothed with long thick flakes proper for the hosier's use; and every other kind is valuable for more particular purposes. In the hedges, the place of the hawthorn is supplied by the flowers of the hip, or dog-rose, the different hues of which, from a deep crimson to a lightish blue, and even pure white, form a very elegant variety of colour; and of some, the smell is peculiarly fragrant. Some time after, the wood-bine, or honey-suckle begins to blow; and this united with the rose, gives to our hedges their highest fragrance and beauty.

The several kinds of corn come into ear and flower this month; as do likewise numerous In Europe, the principal kinds species of grass. of corn are wheat, rye, barley, and oats: in Asia, rice is most cultivated: in Africa and the West The grasses are Indies, maize or Indian corn. valuable for their leaves and stalks, or herbage, which are the principal food of all domestic cattle. This cut down and dried is hay, the winter provision of cattle in all the temperate and northern climates. The early part of June is the beginning of hay harvest for the southern and middle parts of the kingdom. This is one of the most busy and agreeable of rural occupations-both sexes of all ages are engaged in it. The fragrance of the new mown hay, the gaiety of all surrounding objects, and the genial warmth of the weather, conspire to render it a season of pleasure and delight.


An Anonymous Author Astonishes Admirers of Alliterative Ability, by the Subjoined Singularly Successful Specimen:

Surpassing sweet seraphic strains she sings, Softening sad spirits' sympathetic strings,Such soul subduing sounds so strangely soothing, She seems some saintly spirit sorrow smoothing.

WEATHER AND THE CROPS.-We are very happy in being able to congratulate our readers upon the propitious wea ther we have been enjoying lately, and the good appearance of the crops consequent thereon; the more especially as the past two seasons have been rather unfavourable to vegetation. In looking over the Record of last year's temperature, we find that the thermometer fell to the freezing point on the 6th of May, whereas this year, although we have had cold winds and cold wet nights, we have had no frost, the lowest range of the thermometer having been 36

dgs, or 4 dgs. above freezing, and at the end of April it rose, on one occasion, to 87, rather unusual temperature for the time of year. The continuous heavy rains which we experienced in the early part of the season, have got well into the ground, so that we are not likely to suffer much from drought, and their beneficial influence is evidently felt by the grass crops which promise plenty of work for the haymakers bye and bye. There has been perhaps rather too much wet for the corn crops, which, in some places begun to look a little bit yellow, but the warm weather in May altered their appearance, and there well-apples especially; and if all goes well many a tree is every prospect of an average crop. Fruit also promises will require propping up to enable it to support its heavy load; strawberries also look remarkably well and are likely to be in early. Of the gooseberries we hear very bad accounts, many of them having been nipped by the late frosts

and in most places the trees have suffered severely from the attacks of caterpillars, the larva of a moth called (Abrazes grossularista), but these in their turn having been very much injured by the rains and thunderstorms, which considerably diminished their numbers, have not done so much damage in this neighbourhood as is sometimes the case. Currants appear to be plentiful, and we have seen some plum trees with plenty of fruit on them, but on the whole they seem to be a partial crop. Altho the weather has been so far favourable to the farm and garden crops, it has also been productive of a good crep of slugs which have been a great nuisance in most places, for Mr. slug is an epicure, and will not dine off a tough old cabbage leaf, but prefers young seedlings which he devours as soon as they are out of the ground, and the frequent rains, rendering useless the application of lime and soot, his slimy majesty had pretty much his own way for some time. The turnip fly was also very numerous and troublesome in the early part of May and made great havoc among the early turnips and the young cabbage worts, which have suffered more or less in most places. Put grumbling aside, and let us have a look at the right side of the picture. where the first thing that strikes us is the pretty English May or white-thorn, which, for a whole month has been regaling our optics and olfactory nerve, with its delicate and fragrant blossoms, and further promises a good winter store for the feathered choristers which have been singing to us from among its branches. The holly too is flowering as we don't recollect to have seen holly flower before, affordng a good prospect of red berries for next christmas deserations. The black-thorn flowered so strong and kept in fower so long that we should think there will be some shes about next autuun; and then how beautiful the labarnums have been, and the guelder roses are perfect mow-ball trees. Nor have the fields been behind in floral display, for the buttercups have very profusely distributed, and have been, we think, more than usually bright this a. The same may be said of the cuckoo-flower or ladies smocky, and one or two others; and now there is a grand galaxy of fox-gloves, money worts, orchises, honeysuckles, elematis, etc., etc., just ready to come out in their furamer dresses and increase the beauty of the fields and bodges by their presence. But we must not forget the birds, the nightingale, cuckoo, wryneck, etc, which have been singing and chattering to us for some time past: but talking about birds, the best time to hear them is between two and three o'clock in the morning, just as it begins to get light, when they are all saying their prayers, and no ane who has never heard them would credit the effect they produce. The profound stillness of the soft twilight naturally marks an impression on the mind, which is considerbly increased by listening to these little creatures "humming their little orisons to morn."

THE "RECORD" AND THE "MERCURY." We bave received several letters from correspondents, bewing up the plagiarisms of our contemporary, and that a though wearing the mask of the "Bromley Mercury," he neither more nor less in substance than "The Kent

Times"; that in one instance he has suffered his identity to escape him by subscribing his editorial remarks" ED. K. T." instead of keeping up his disguise by the initials "ED. B.M." Another tells us, that although his boast of "numerical quantity" of matter may be greater, the 'intrinsic quality" is not comparable to our own. Then again "Mirabile dictu" is very sarcastic, upon the want of scholarship evinced by "The Mercury" in referring to him as "Mirable dicten," which, he says, can be no typographical error, as too letters are substituted for one, and no such word as "dicten" exists in Latin. Nay, more, that had he even ensuited the boys' common spelling book, be would have fund the cognomical phrase and its translation. All Bese remarks may be very true, and although we feel grateful for the kindly interest taken by our correspondents a the exposure of these errors, still we beg to assure them we entertain no hostile feeling whatever against any De who enters the lists to tilt a lance against us; and Satif, through life, they meet with no more formidable , than our friend, "The Mercury," they will have thing to discompose the quietude of their pillow. All we ay to him, is :

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Let the gall'd jade wince, Our withers are unwrung. And in bidding him farewell, we only hope that the morn fourth anniversary, should he live so long, may beam pa him as cheerfully and as brilliantly as it now does

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Defendant pleaded not guilty.

In support of the information, the Inspector called P.C, 267, R. who proved that on Sunday the 11th, he visited defendant's house, in plain clothes, and that he saw several persons in the wash-house and some out-17 in all; three pots were standing with the froth round them; but he saw no beer drawn, nor any drunk.

Another Constable was called to confirm the last witness; but the Bench did not consider the case was proved, and the information was accordingly dismissed.

POUND BREACH AT BROMLEY.-William Hilton was charged with pound breach, at Bromley, on the 25th.

From the evidence of Sergeant Gray, it appeared that some horses, belonging to the defendant, and others, who are hawkers, had trespassed on the land of a Mr. Blinkhorn, a builder at Bexley, and had been impounded by him, and that subsequently the lock of the pound had been broken and the horses released.

Mr. Edward Dunn, the lessee of the Manor of Bromley, proved the broken lock produced, to be his property, and the defendant was convicted in £2 and costs.

MANOR OF CHISLEHURST.-TRESPASS IN PURSUit of GAME. In this case Mr. William Cooper, of Perry Street, Chislehurst, was charged with having on the 30th April last, committed a trespass on Chislehurst Common, within the Manor of Chislehurst, the property of the Lord of the Manor, in pursuit of game.

Mr. Gibson appeared for the Complainant, and Mr. Pearce, barrister for the Defendant.

On the case being called, Mr. Gibson stated he was instructed to appear on behalf of Lord Sydney, the Lord of the Manor of Chislehurst, within which the offence was committed. His Lordship's object for instituting the present proceedings was intended simply to shew the defendant that he had no right to do the act complained of, and that if he was prepared to plead guilty to the charge laid in the information, he would be content with a nominal fine.

client, said he could not consent, as a charge of this character To this course, however, Mr. Pearce, on the part of his against a young gentleman like Mr. Cooper, might at some future time be exceedingly prejudical, besides which he had stated he would submit as a complete answer to the charge, and which, he trusted, would satisfy the Bench that there was no intention whatever on the part of the defendant to commit the offence imputed to him.

Mr. Gibson, on the part of the prosecution then proceeded to state the circumstances of the case, and called in support thereof, a lad named Robert Clarke, who deposed that on the day in question he saw the defendant on Chislehurst Common, with three dogs, viz. a Spaniel, a Retriever, and a Greyhound; that Mr. Cooper had a stick in his hand, and was hunting the furze with the dogs; that he told the dogs to lie in, a rabbit was put up; that defendant told the dogs to go after it, they did so, and defendant too.

The evidence of Clarke was confirmed in many particulars, by George Norton, Lord Sydney's keeper, who stated that in speaking to the defendant he said, "I shall hunt the Common, when, and as often as I please."

Mr. George Golding, late steward to Lord Sydney was called to prove that the Common in question was within the Manor of Chislehurst, and that Lord Sydney was the Lord of the Manor.

After hearing Mr. Pearce, and his witness, a gentleman by the name of Weeden, for the defendant, the Bench, after consideration, inflicted a penalty of 1s. and costs.

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In the case of HARBADINE v. ELLIOTT, which was a claim for dilapidation. The Judge intimated, on looking at the particulars of the plaintiff's demand, that the matter

had much better be referred to some competent person, as it was quite impossible for him to go into so long an account; to this course Mr. Head, the defendant's attorney objected,

unless it were referred to the Registrar of the Court; to this course all parties agreed, and it was referred to the Registrar accordingly; but later in the day it was stated by the defendant's attorney that possibly the reference would not be necessary, as it was likely an arrangement would be effected. The Court rose at an early hour.

CRICKET. A match was played at Becken


R NETTLEFOLD will sell by Auc

Mtion, on Thursday the 19th of June,

1862, at 12 o'clock, the neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and effects, upon the premises at Hayes, Kent, by order of Mrs Alp, who is removing, Catalogues may be had at

the neighbouring Inns, and of the Anctioneer, Bromley, Kent.

N.B. The pleasantly situate House is to be Let.


General Servant

ham, on Wednesday 28th, between the Bromley and a Nursemaid. Apply to No. 2,

and Beckenham youths. Beckenham went in first and made 22 runs: Bromley then went in

and made 67. Beckenham in their second innings made 66, making a total of 88 runs. Bromley in their second innings scored 24, making a total of 91 runs, thus beating their opponents by 3 runs, with 5 wickets to spare. The return match we believe is to come off on Whitsun Wednesday.

Things to be remembered.

On the 2nd, opening of the new organ in Hayes church, at 4 p.m.

3rd, Lecture at the White Hart Hotel, by the Rev. J. Mc'Connel Hussey.

12th, Sale of a Freehold Estate, by Mr G. B. Baxter, at the Bell Hotel, Bromley, at 6 pm. 11th and 12, Chislehurst Fair.

19th, Sale of Household Furniture, at Hayes, by Mr Nettlefold, at twelve o'clock. SEVENOAKS RAILWAY. Trains leaving Victoria Station at 7.30 10.0 12.5 3.0 and 6.35 on week days, and 8.25 11.55 4.0 and 9.0 on Sundays, will meet the Sevenoaks Railway at St. Mary Cray, when the arrangements for opening the line are completed, which are at present uncer

tain. Passengers will have to change carriages

at St. Mary Cray.


Plant out early celery, shade and water after planting; sow turnips for a main crop; kidney beans and peas for a late crop plant leeks on rich deep soil; sow spinach, lettuce, and all salads; sow cabbages, for coleworts; plant borecole, brussels sprouts, cabbage, for succession brocoli, for main crop, savoys; sow parsley, for winter and biennials and perennials, on light poor ground; if not already done plant out all bedding plants without delay.

[blocks in formation]

Bexley Villas, Freelands Road, Bromley.


Bromley and Beckenham Carrier, Finding business flat, and having given up all

hopes of compensation from the Railway Companies, and to go to law with them he thinks will be no use, begs to offer his services as Hall Porter, in a good family. Should he be fortunate enough to get a place where there is plenty of good living and no work to do, it would not be his fault if he ever left it.

P.S. Character as supplied by himself, is, that a better looking man, might be, but a more honester never was. For his numerous other good qualities, which he is too modest to mention, he begs to refer enquirers, to everybody in Bromley, Beckenham, Penge Common, Norwood, and Forest Hill.




Market Place, Bromley.

Dealer in Hay, Straw. Corn, Malt & Hops. Agent for Thorley's Food for Cattle.


OATMEAL, SPLIT PEAs, bird seEDS, &c.

Hire-work done with Spring Vans,

By Contract or Otherwise.


Tley-common, for 3, 8 or 12 months,

TWO HOUSES with good gardens, coachhouses, stabling, &c., with or without meadow land and shooting. One containing

3 sitting, 8 bed and dressing rooms; the other, 3 sitting, 6 bed and dressing rooms. -Enquire of Wm. Pawley, Cooper's farm, Bromley-common, Kent.


DIRECTORY FOR BROMLEY if any, being, that the tint deepens, and and Neighbourhood will shortly be published price SIXPENCE-early application for copies should be made at the Bromley Record Office, as a limited number only will be printed

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To Correspondents. the cricket matches, as promised last month, through not CRICKET.—We have not been able to give the scores of etting them in time. All scores sent to us for insertion would be written out plainly, as they ought to appear in It has been suggested to us, as the interest in cricketing is becoming so general, that the scores of all the matches in the reghbourhood, printed in a book form, at the end of the seawould be a great desideratum. We anticipate the cost

the object for which the first blow was struck farther from being accomplished than when the quarrel commenced. Unqenchable hatred has taken possession of the contending parties, and nothing but extermination of the weaker appears likely to satisfy the stronger. The position of the great armies, according to the latest accounts, may be compared with that of two bloodthirsty haustion caused by their late contests, beasts unable to move, from the ex lying panting side by side, till they shall be sufficiently recovered to recommence their ferocious attacks on each other. This state of things accor

tonid" amount in the aggregate to about 1d. per match to ding to the opinion of some writers is likely to continue during the summer months.

ney member of the club or clubs who may wish to be rerecated.

CHISLEHURST. We are not disposed to find fault with the decision of the magistrates, a small offence no doubt Bad been committed, and the smallest fine was inflicted.

BOLOGY. The "secret revealed," by Mr Sheldon Chad

CL omitted for want of space.

There has been no county court sitting the last month.

The few unimportant petty session cases did not come to

hand til: too late.

What has become of the Peace society? Surely if ever their services are to be of any avail, now is the time for them to exercise their mediatory powers in the cause of humanity, and prevent further useless sacrifice of life. The great powers of Europe have hitherto refrained from interfering, probably from the knowledge that to take either side would only increase instead 4th day, at 10.51 after. of diminishing the existing calamity.

This being our 50th number we shall probably have to give The account of our jubilee in the next. As that will acessarily occupy considerable space, we 'shall give four es extra next month.

The publishing of our journal has been delayed in consecace of having to wait for the Time Table of the Beckenha and Norwood branch line.


First Quarter

Fall Moon
Last Quarter.. --

New Moon

...11th day, at 1.38 after.
18th day, at 5.13 after.
26th day, at 9. 5 after.

The Bromley Record.

TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1862.

CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA. Civil War is an anomaly of terms hich we should like to hear explained. If we look to America for an explanaEn we must come to the conclusion that it means war of an unusually rage nature, in which the ordinary Thes of warfare are disregarded. The from that part of the world has st none of its red hue; the difference,


STEAM PLOUGHS.-A variety of steam agricultural implements will again be put on their trial at Farningham, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 1st and 2nd inst., in connection with the agricultural show in Battersea park.

ROYAL MARRIAGE. The marriage of the Princess Alice with Prince Louis of Hesse will take place this day, July 1st, at Osborne. The nuptials will be of a strictly private character.

The International Exhibition continues to be the centre of attraction, and although much larger than the Exhibition of 1851, it has lately been inconveniently crowded; this is in some measure accounted for by the cheap excursion trains from all parts.


Che Kentish Rambler. CHISLEHURST, continued from page 157 THE CHURCH,

dedicated to St. Nicholas, is a rectory within the deanery of Dartford, and anciently paid 9d. chrism rent to the diocese of Rochester. Hasted in his history of Kent tells us, that "King Henry I. gave the church of Chislehurst with all the tythes, rights, and appurtenances belonging thereto, to the church of St. Andrew, and Gundulph, bishop of Rochester, and the monks there; and he afterwards confirmed this gift to them by another charter. Bishop Gundulph, when he had separated his own maintenance from that of the monks, assigned them this church, among others, for their support, and he afterwards granted to them the free disposition and presentation of it." This church of St. Andrew was attached to the priory of Rochester which was much enlarged by Gundulph, who also rebuilt a considerable portion of the cathedral, particularly the great tower which to this day bears his name; and his effigies is placed in the north-west wall.

Bishop Gundulph's grant was afterwards confirmed to the priory of St. Andrew by the primate Anselm, and several of his successors, as well as by king Henry II.; but bishop Gilbert de Glanville, about the commencement of king Richard I. reign, on the pretence that his predecessor Gundulph had impoverished the See by his too munificent donations to the priory of Rochester, divested the monks of all right and title to it. However, he reserved to them a pension of half a mark (6s. 8d.) to be received by them yearly out of the profits of the benefice; which pension was subsequently confirmed to them by Henry, bishop of Rochester, in the 11th year of king Henry III. reign, as well as by several of his successors. Since this period the patronage of the church of Chislehurst has continued part of the possessions of the bishopric of Rochester and so remains to the present day,

At the dissolution of the priory of St. Andrew in March 1540 (32nd Henry VIII.) the pension of 68. 8d. payable from this church, together with the revenues of the priory reverted into the hands of the king;

who in the year following settled it, with other possessions, by his letters patent, on the newly created dean and chapter of Rochester, who are now entitled to it. At the dissolution of the priory the king, also settled on the same corporate body, the portion of tythes anciently belonging to it, in the hamlet of Mottingham, lying partly in this parish and partly in that of Eltham, and which in the 15th of king Edward I. had been valued at 5 marks (37. 6s. 8d.)

In the same year (15th Edward I.) the church of Chislehurst was valued at ten marks (67. 138. 4d.); and in the Liber Regis, after the dissolution of monastaries, at 167. 3s. 6d. and the yearly tenths at 17. 18s. 44d. By virtue of the parliamentary commission of enquiry into the value of church livings issued on the 29th March, 1650, it was returned that Chislehurst was a parsonage sequestered, with a house and nine acres of glebe land and two tenements attached thereto; which were altogether worth 80%. per annum, one Master Pearce performing the cure.

The rectors have been invariably presented by the bishops of Rochester previous to the 14th century up to the present period, with one exception, which occurred on the 6th of April, 1630, when Anthony Topham, D.D., was presented by the lord keeper, on a lapse to the Crown; but the circumstances out of which this lapse arose are not recorded,

It may be here mentioned that another rector, the Rev. George Wilson, who died on the 11th of October, 1718, was a liberal benefactor to the charity school at Bromley of which parish he had been the curate.

Having thus sketched the early history of the church; before proceeding to describe the present state of the edifice, and the variety of monuments therein contained; it will be proper to enumerate the charitable bequests that have been made to the poor of this parish.

In the year 1630 JOHN CANAN gave 10s. yearly charged upon his land in North Cray.

In 1638 SARAH COWELL gave 127. out of the interest of which she willed that 16s. should be paid every year on Maunday Thursday to eight poor widows or poor men.

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