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IS good, our Thanks to God to bring,
And Praises to his Name to fing.
2. His Love the Morning fhall recite,
His Faithfulnefs the fearful Night.

3. All Arts which Mufick can invent,
Harp, Pfaltery, ten-ftring'd Inftrument,
His folemn Praifes fhall refound;

4. Whofe Works with Joy my Head have crown'd.

5. How great the Works which God has wrought!
And how profound his fecret Thought!
6. Fools to this Knowledge can't afcend,
Nor brutish Man this comprehend.

7. When Sin like Grafs grows ftrong and high,
"Tis certain then the Harvest's nigh.

8. God ever fits on high, and all
9. His wicked Foes difperft fhall fall.

10. Anointed with fresh Oil, my Horn
Is ftrong, like that o'th' Unicorn.
11. My Foes fhall fall before my Eyes,
My Ear fhall hear their dying Cries.

12. The Righteous like a Palm are grown,
Like Cedars fpread on Lebanon;
13. Whom God in his own Courts does plant,
14. They neither Fruit nor Bloffoms want.

15. Thus is our God for ever juft,

Firm as a Rock, when him we truft.



By the fame.

1. YE who from Earth, your Mother, fpring,
New Songs to your Creator fing!

2. His high Salvation, Day to Day,
His Name and Honour fhall display.

3. His Wonders to the People fhow!
His Glory let the Heathen know!
4. The Lord is great, and greatly prais'd,
His Pow'r above all Gods is rais'd.

5. Thefe but from Men their Being take;
Our God did Man and Angels make.
6. Pow'r, Honour, Majefty divine,
In his pure Sanctuary fine.

7. Thro' all the Earth, let ev'ry Tribe
Glory and Strength to God afcribe!
8. His Honour and his Wonders fing,
And to his Courts their Off'rings bring!

9. In pure and beauteous Holiness,
Let all the World his Fear exprefs.
10. May to the Heathen this be known,
That the Almighty reigns alone.

Nor fhall the Earth's Foundations move, Till they his righteous Judgments prove. 11. Then Heav'n and Earth fhall both rejoice And th' Ocean join its roaring Voice,

12. Then ev'ry Fruit fhall joyful be,

Fruits of the Field, and of the Tree, 13. His Judgments to all Nations come, Who from his Mouth receive their Doom.


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By the fame.

'HE Lord does reign, let Earth advance
His Praife, let all the Iflands dance!
A Cloudy Mantle him furrounds :
With Righteoufness and Light divine,
His Throne and high Pavilion fhine,

Fore-running Fire his Foes confounds.

4. His Lightnings to the World gave Light; Earth faw, and trembled at the Sight:


Hills melt like Wax, like Snow they thaw.
When God's bright Prefence gilds the Air,
6. The Skies his Righteoufnefs declare;
And all the Earth his Glory faw.

7. Confounded may they be who call
On Idols, or before them fall

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All Gods on Earth before him bow. 8. Fudah rejoic'd when God was heard, And Sion leap'd when he appear'd,

For they his righteous Judgments know.

9. Above the Earth are his Abodes, Rais'd above all created Gods.


Who love his Name, all Sins reject ;
Their Souls in Glory fhall appear,
And he their Lives and Fortunes here

Shall from the wicked Hand protect.

11. His Light is for the Righteous fown,
Gladnefs the upright Heart fhall crown.
Bring your Thank-Offerings to the Lord,
12. Your Joy in chearful Songs exprefs,
His everlasting Holiness,

Still in your Memory record.



By the fame.

1. MY Soul, thy great Creator praife:

When cloath'd in his Celestial Rays,

He in full Majefty appears,

And like a Robe his Glory wears.

2. The Skies are for his Curtains fpread,
3. Th' unfathom'd Deep he makes his Bed
The Clouds are his triumphant Chair,
The Winds his fleeing Courfers are.

4. Angels, whom his own Breath inspires,
His Minifters, are flaming Fires.
5. The Earth's Foundations by his Hand
Are pois'd, and fhall for ever ftand.

6. Cloath'd, and invefted with the Flood,
Which once above the Mountains food
7. But frighted by his Thunder, fled,
Confin'd to its appointed Bed.

8. And now thofe proud impetuous Waves,
Ev'n from them felves receive their Graves;
9. Nor uncontroll'd can pafs their Bound,
But in their Chanels walk their Round.

10. Yet them fome fecret Veins convey

To Hills, from whence through Vales they stray: 11. Tame Heifers there their Thirst allay, And for the Stream wild Affes bray.

12. From pleafant Trees, which fhade the Brink, The wing'd Muficians 'light and drink.


13. GOD from his cloudy Ciftern pours,
On the parch'd Earth enriching Show'rs:
14. His Dew defcending on the Hills,
Both Man and Beaft with Plenty fills.

15. To chear our Hearts he gives us Wine, And Oil to make our Facès fhine :

To make us ftrong, he gives us Bread; 16. The Trees with pregnant Juice are fed.

17. To Birds tall Cedars fhelter yield,

Where their high Marriage-Beds they build: 18. The Stork on Firrs, on Mountains dwells The Goat, there Coneys make their Cells.

19. He fets the Sun his double Race,

And gives the Moon her changing Face: 20. And when thick Darkness veils the Day, Wild Beafts the Foreft range for Prey.

21. Lions their Young then lead abroad,
And, rearing, afk their Meat from God:
22. But when the Morning Sun does rife,
The favage Beast to covert flies.

23. Then Man to his Day-Labour goes,
And in the Ev'ning takes Repofe.
24. How ftrange thy Works! how great thy Skill!
Both which the Earth with Riches fill

25. They fill the vast unfathom'd Deep,
Numberlefs Things there fwim and creep;
Still wandring in the Paths below,

26. Whilft Ships the fwelling Surface plow. "Tis there the vaft Leviathan

His Paftime takes, in fpite of Man.


27. ALL thefe with Expectation ftand,
Attending thy moft lib'ral Hand;
28. From which they all receive fuch Food,
As both to Thee and Them feems good.

29. But when thy Face is hid, they mourn;
And dying, to their Duft return.
30. Thy Spirit, the difpeopled Earth
Fills with a new created Birth.

31. God's

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