TABLE 87.-Emigrant aliens departed, fiscal years ended June 30, 1908 to 1928, by race or people-Continued TABLE 88.--Immigrant aliens admitted and emigrant aliens departed, showing comparative per cent of total by race or people, fiscal years ended June 30 Total... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 TABLE 89.-Immigrant aliens admitted and emigrant aliens departed, with excess admissions or departures and number departed for every 100 [Excess of admissions indicated by plus (+), of departures by minus (-)] All countries. 2,638, 913 697, 397+1,941, 516 304, 488 76, 992+227, 496 335, 175 73, 366+261, 809 307, 255 77, 457+229, 798 26 Europe, total. 1,689, 374 577, 250+1, 112, 124 155, 562 562 60, 60, 040 +95, 522 168, 368 55, 402 +112, 966 158, 513 57, 185+101, 328 34 34 45 69 70 58 22 8 106 122 124 46 15 82 14 3 106 103 107 5 98 |