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TABLE 3.-Net increase or decrease of population by admission and departure of aliens, fiscal years ended June 30, 1925 and 1926, by countries-Continued

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"Asia, not specified."

Includes Afghanistan, Arabia, Bhutan, Iraq (Mesopotamia), Muscat, Nepal, Siam, Siberia, and

Comprises Greenland and the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.

"United States" under nonimmigrants covers aliens returning to this country to resume residence therein after a temporary stay abroad; and under nonemigrants covers aliens departing for a visit abroad with the intention of returning within one year to renew permanent residence in this country.

• Comprises Nauru, New Guinea, Samoa, Yap, and "Pacific Islands, not specified."

TABLE 3.-Net increase or decrease of population by admission and departure of aliens, fiscal years ended June 30, 1925 and 1926, by countries-Continued

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2 Comprises Andorra, Gibralter, Iceland, Diechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, and San Marino. Includes Afghanistan, Arabia, Bhutan, Iraq (Mesopotamia), Muscat, Nepal, Siam, Siberia, and "Asia, not specified."

"United States" under nonimmigrants covers aliens returning to this country to resume residence therein after a temporary stay abroad; and under nonemigrants covers aliens departing for a visit abroad with the intention of returning within one year to renew permanent residence in this country.

Comprises Greenland and the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.

• Comprises Nauru, New Guinea, Samoa, Yap, and "Pacific islands, not specified."

TABLE 4.-Net increase or decrease of population by admission and departure of aliens, fiscal year ended June 30, 1926, by race or people, sex, and age periods

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TABLE 5.-Intended future permanent residence of aliens admitted and last permanent residence of aliens departed, fiscal year ended June 30, 1926, by States and Territories 1

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TABLE 6. Occupations of aliens admitted and departed, fiscal year ended June 30, 1926, by classes

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