The next table shows immigrant aliens classified according to the races or peoples principally indigenous to specified parts of Europe, together with all others, the latter including oriental peoples, Cubans Spanish Americans, West Indians, and others. Immigrant aliens admitted, in fiscal years specified, from certain areas The number of aliens applying for admission at United States ports but rejected as coming in violation of the immigration laws was 25,390 during the year, as compared to 30,284 during the preceding year and 20,619 in 1923. The record of such rejections for the year, by principal causes, is as follows: Aliens rejected at United States ports, by causes, fiscal year 1925 Without proper immigration visas (under act of 1924): 15, 989 Reference has already been made to the few rejections occurring at our seaports. The percentage of exclusions at the port of New York, where in years past our greatest problems in law enforcement arose, amounted to only 1.2 per cent as compared to 1.5 per cent during the previous year. Of the total rejections about five-tenths of 1 per cent of applicants holding visas issued to them by American consular officers, were rejected at that port. This speaks much for the efficient manner in which consular officers have performed their duties. Being obliged, as they were, to acquaint themselves with laws with the operation of which they previously had had little or no experience, too much can not be said in their praise for the wholehearted support which they have given, and the bureau would be remiss in its duty if it did not take this occasion to make grateful acknowledgment of the valuable services contributed by them. There is a wide disparity in the percentage of rejections at the principal seaports and at the ports on land boundaries, particularly at Canadian boundary ports. This is explained by the fact that aliens from foreign contiguous territories are, for the most part, not subjected to any preliminary examination prior to their appearance at an immigration office, whereas aliens coming from abroad are, prior to embarkation, not only passed upon by American consular officers to detect any inadmissibility under the immigration laws but are also examined medically by physicians employed by the steamship lines and, at some points, by officers of the Public Health Service. Relatively few aliens are rejected as being without immigration visas at seaports of entry, because they are not generally permitted to embark without proper documents, but at the land ports of entry the number of rejections on that ground is very large, in comparison, for the reason that there is nothing to prevent aliens from applying at ports of entry for examination before securing visas from an American consul, and it becomes necessary to entertain their applications and reject them. Deportation after landing. The experience of the fiscal year just closed has demonstrated the accuracy of the statement made a year ago that the deportation of aliens found to be unlawfully in the United States is rapidly becoming one of the most important functions of the Immigration Service. In confirmation of this, attention is respectfully invited to the fact that during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1925, there were 9,495 undesirable aliens deported from the United States. This is the largest number that has been deported in any one year in the history of the service. Of this number 1,914 were deported to Canada and 1,828 to Mexico. The remainder, minus a small percentage of South Americans, Asiatics, and Africans, were deported to European countries. Of the total number of deportations effected during the year, 958 aliens were permitted to reship one way foreign as seamen in lieu of deportation, and in fulfillment of the terms of the warrants of deportation in their respective cases. This procedure resulted in a saving to the Government (the immigration appropriation) of approximately $148,281.56. The number of aliens reshipped from the various seaports in this country and Canada and the saving effected in each instance is as follows: Aliens permitted to reship one way foreign in lieu of being deported In addition to the foregoing, many thousands of dollars have been saved the appropriation by judiciously controlling the transportation of deportees from point to point in this country for ultimate deportation, with a view to the maximum economy. In this respect the bureau authorized during the year the movement of 48 large groups of parties to ports of deportation. This included 16 transcontinental movements in which there were handled a total of 3,000 aliens. These group movements have proved to be the most economical method yet devised for transporting deportees from inland points to seaports and from coast to coast. Approximately $20,868 was saved in transportation costs alone in effecting, through the port of Galveston, Tex., instead of conveying them to Ellis Island for deportation through New York, the deportation of aliens whose cases originated principally in the Southwestern States. The number of aliens deported through Galveston was 329. All common carriers patronized by the service, except one, now furnish guards and free transportation for the deporting officers in charge of group movements, a further saving in transportation costs as compared with the previous year. The principal causes of deportation during the fiscal year ended. June 30, 1925 were: Entered without inspection.. Likely to become public charges and vagrants_ Without proper visa (under immigration act of 1924). Unable to read.. 1, 169 608 2, 723 637 474 394 327 174 104 93 164 869 9, 495 Petitions by American citizens for the issuance of immigration visas to alien relatives. One unique feature of the immigration act of 1924 is the provision for petitions by American citizens for the issuance of immigration visas to certain relatives. A citizen of the United States who is a resident therein may file with the Commissioner General of Immigration an application to have his wife and unmarried children under 18 years of age who are aliens admitted as nonquota immigrants, and to have preference in the issuance of quota immigration visas given to unmarried children over 18 and under 21 years of age, father, mother, or husband. During the year approximately 29,000 petitions from citizens have been received, of which 25,002 were approved and 3,900 rejected. It is estimated that the petitions thus approved covered approximately 50,000 aliens. Applications by alien residents for permits to reenter the United States. Provision is also made in the 1924 act for an application by an alien legally resident in the United States to the Commissioner General of Immigration for a permit to reenter after a temporary visit abroad. Applications for these permits were received from 108,131 aliens, of which 90,161 were correctly filed and acted upon. Permits were actually issued to 66,354 alien residents, and approximately 18,000 were refused because of failure to establish legal entry and for other reasons. As a result of the activities of the permit division of the bureau in the issuance of permits and granting extensions the sum of $199,157.38 was turned in to the Disbursing Office of the Department for transmission to the Treasury. The volume of applications received is constantly increasing, due, no doubt, to the fact that the provision of the law which authorizes their issuance is becoming more generally known to the alien population. To enable the bureau to handle the increased work properly, if the issuance of such return permits is to continue, financial provision must be made to augment the bureau's force. The wisdom of such continuance is doubtful, as the opportunities for perpetrating fraud in the securing and use of return permits are many, and irregularities already have been detected. As no financial provision was made by Congress to cover the additional burden imposed in handling these petitions from citizens and applications from aliens for reentry permits, the bureau has been greatly handicapped in dealing with the situation. With a force which had been pared down to the veriest minimum and hardly sufficient to care properly for the business devolving upon it prior to the act of 1924, it can readily be understood that the difficulties encountered in the efforts to handle with dispatch the applications received have been many. It is a pleasure to state, however, that the force has arisen to the occasion and has handled the situation with a large measure of success. Students. As shown elsewhere in this report, an immigrant who is a bona fide student, at least 15 years of age, and who seeks to enter the United States solely for the purpose of study at an accredited school, college, academy, seminary, or university particularly designated by him and approved by the Secretary of Labor, is placed in a nonquota immigrant class. During the year 1,462 aliens were admitted under this provision of the law; 699 institutions of learning were approved by the Secretary of Labor, and 155 were advised that general approval could not be given them but that, if an alien applies for a student visa for the purpose of attending such schools, and the consul is satisfied that the applicant is a bona fide student and brings the matter to the attention of the bureau through the Department of State, appropriate consideration will be given the application. A number of investigations have been conducted in the cases of students who failed to report to the schools to which originally destined, though usually it has been found that such students were in attendance at other schools. It has been necessary to issue 24 warwants of arrest for aliens admitted as students who failed to matriculate in any institution of learning. Unfortunately no provision is made for the exaction of bonds in the class of cases under discussion, and ultimately the honesty of the aliens admitted as students must be relied upon to secure compliance with the law which requires their departure from the United States at the conclusion of their studies. Since the law has been in operation only one year, obviously there is no way of determining whether aliens admitted as students will keep faith and eventually depart from the United States; but this feature of the law is open to abuse to a greater extent than indicated, and probably will continue to be taken advantage of by aliens who otherwise would be unable to gain admission. Administrative fines. During the fiscal year, 4,192 separate decisions were rendered in fine cases involving approximately 8,900 aliens. In connection with some 4,800 aliens the fines were imposed in the sum of $601,000, over $300,000 having been covered into the Treasury, the balance being in process of collection. The total amount involved, including passage money, was slightly less than $2,000,000. The acceptance of diseased aliens by steamship companies for passage to United States ports has long been a troublesome factor, but the heavier penalties imposed by the immigration act of 1924 have made the companies more cautious and fewer cases of this sort have arisen during the year than in the years past. It is urgently hoped that the plan which you have put forward, of having all aliens medically examined by the United States Public Health Service prior to embarkation, will come to fruition, and that the Immigration Service may be relieved of the necessity of rejecting numbers of unfortunately afflicted aliens at our seaports. Illegal entry of aliens. Certain pertinent figures in connection with the subject of illegal entry have been mentioned. It will be recalled that 1,169 aliens were removed from the country on warrant proceedings during the year for the reason that they had entered without undergoing the inspection required by law. It is also significant that the applications for reentry permits by alien residents, as provided by section 10 of the 1924 act, brought out the rather startling fact that a large percentage of our resident alien population had never been legally admitted to this country for permanent residence. It was necessary to refuse about 20 per cent of the applications for permits to reenter for the reason that record of a prior lawful admission could not be found. The full significance of this condition will be realized when it is considered that figures predicated on the last census indicate a total alien population at this time of roughly 7,000,000; and the possible conclusion is that some question as to lawful residence might be raised in respect to 20 per cent of this number, or about 1,400,000. It is possible that these figures are too high, based as they are on incomplete information, but on the other hand it is quite possible that there is an even greater number of aliens in the country whose legal presence here could not be established. No estimate could be made as to the number of smuggled aliens who have been unlawfully introduced into the country since the quota restrictions in 1921, nor of those who may have entered under the guise of seamen. The figures presented are worthy of very serious thought, especially when it is considered that there is such a great percentage of our population who may not even seek naturalization: who, as long as they remain with us, must preserve an alien status because of their illegal entry; |