TABLE 14.-Emigrant aitens uzzarted, fiscal year ended June 30, 1925, by race or people, sex, and age For total by race see Table 13] African (black). Armenian... Bohemian and Moravian (Czech)... Bulgarian, Serbian, and Montenegrin. Chinese... Croatian and Slovenian. Cuban.. Dalmatian, Dutch and Flemish. East Indian. English.. Finnish. French. German. Greek.... Hebrew.. Irish... Japanese....... Korean.... Lithuanian. Magyar..... Mexican.. Conjugal condition TABLE 15.-Emigrant aliens departed, fiscal year ended June 30, 1925, by race or people, sex, and conjugal condition [For total by race, see Table 13] TABLE 16.-Nonemigrant aliens departed, fiscal year ended June 30, 1925, by race or people, age, conjugal condition, and length of residence in the United States [For total races, by sex, see Table 39] Conjugal condition African (black). Armenian.... Bohemian and Moravian (Czech) Bulgarian, Serbian, and Monte Chinese.. Croatian and Slovenian... Cuban Dalmatian, Dutch and Flemish. East In man.. English. Finnish French. German. Greek... Hebrew.. Irish..... Italian (north). Italian (south). Japanese.... Lithunian----- Magyar..... Mexican... |