I Must Be About My Father's Business: Volume Ii - Dominion - Doing God's Will and WorkTrafford Publishing, 31 mai 2005 - 238 pagini This book addresses the subject of dominion and why we need to be involved in the mission, will, and work of the Father's business. Dominion involves God sharing His authority and power with man to fulfill His mission and purpose, and to do His will and work on earth. Our Heavenly Father is the Great Physician and it is His will for us as sons of God to be a physician healing the hurting of our generation. Other God and man dominion roles include: Commander-In-Chief / Soldier, King of Kings / Prince, Lord of the Harvest / Harvester. God has chosen to do nothing on earth except through man. He is depending on you -- He is depending on me. Our Heavenly Father is: It is His will for us as sons of God to be: The Great Physician, the great healer of the complete man: body, soul and spirit. A physician healing the hurting of our generation. The Commander-In-Chief in the war against Satan and sin. A soldier engaging in spiritual warfare against the kingdom of Satan. The King of Kings, the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent ruler of the universe. A prince serving in His kingdom with dominion over the prince of this world, Satan. The Great High Priest, the great intercessor that once and for all offered the atoning sacrifice for our sins. A priest, a holy man, an anointed man to serve as an intercessor to His lost world. The Lord of the Harvest A laborer in His harvest field. The Great Commander is Calling His Soldiers to Arms to fight against the forces of evil that are set in array against the purpose and mission of the church. The kingdom of Satan has issued its challenge to the church. What will be our response? The Great High Priest is Calling for Intercessors. It is His will for us to be an intercessor (a go-between) ministering to the needs of this generation, reconciling the world unto Christ. The Great Physician is Calling for Caregivers The world is full of people dying from the disease of sin, crying out in their despair and hopelessness, desperately in need of caregivers that have a relationship with the Great Physician. The Lord of the Harvest is Calling for laborers to work in the harvest, just before the sun sets forever on the harvest field. The Father's harvest business is labor intensive; it depends on laborers. |
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... Heart 1.8 Samson - God Uses the Strongest Man 1.9 Four Lepers - God Uses the Weakest Men 1.10 Queen Esther - Willing to Risk Her Life 1.11 Gideon - God Uses the Least Qualified Man 1.12 Nehemiah - Restoration of Jerusalem 1.13 Daniel ...
... heart, soul, and mind”. The calling of God and the will of God will always lead us beyond where we are now in our spiritual growth. It will lead us into the supernatural with God's anointing (divine ability) working in our lives as a ...
... the uttermost parts of the earth,'-- each expression indicates that the heart of Christ was set on claiming His rightful dominion over the world He had redeemed and won for Himself. He counts on His disciples to undertake and carry 21 !'!
... heart and life, as meant for all ages, as meant for every disciple. How terribly the Church has failed in obeying the command! How many Christians who hear of it, but do not in earnest set themselves to obey it! And how many who seek to ...
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I Must Be About My Father's Business: Volume Ii - Dominion - Doing God's ... James A. Twentier Previzualizare limitată - 2005 |