| Andrew Welwood - 1763 - 326 pagini
...conceptions of what I now enjoy? The higheft I could bend my conceptions, was to imagine, that eye bath not feen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of mortal, -what thou haHft prepared for thofe that -waited far thee ; all 1 could conceive of... | |
| George Whitefield - 1772 - 452 pagini
...half, not the thoufandth part hath been told us. O the invifible realities of the world of faith ! Eye hath not feen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of the greateft faint to conceive how CHRIST will fhew forth his glory there ! St. Paul-, who... | |
| 1776 - 432 pagini
...am, it muft be fomething that will be a fountain of unfpeakable delight and everlafting rapture : " Eye hath not feen, ear hath not " heard, neither hath it entered into the heart •' of man to conceive thofe great things God " hath laid up in ftore for thofe that love "... | |
| David Hume - 1779 - 272 pagini
...auguft prefence; and, confcious of our frailties, adore in filence his infinite perfections, which eye hath not feen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive. They are covered in a deep cloud from human curiofity: It is profanenefs... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1780 - 590 pagini
...auguft prefence, and, confcious of our frailties, adore in fileoce bis infinite perfeftions, which eye hath not feen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive. They are covered in a deep cloud from human curiofity : it is profanenefs... | |
| David Hume - 1788 - 598 pagini
...augufl prefence ; and, confcious of our frailties, adore in filence his infinite perfections, which eye hath not feen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered in-, to the he^rt of man to conceive. They are covered in in a deep cloud from human curiofity : it... | |
| David Austin - 1796 - 542 pagini
...am loft in the profpect ; the language of mortals cannot paint the tender, the tranfporting fcene. Eye hath not feen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive what God hath laid up for them that love him. Angels and fpirits in happinefs... | |
| George Bourne - 1806 - 312 pagini
...language tail me. Infpiration itfelf defcribes the glories of futurity by declaring them indefcribable. " Eye hath not feen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive, the things which are prepared for the people of God." What ideas are thefe... | |
| Jane West - 1806 - 654 pagini
....then debate upon the expediency of rejecting the myfteries relating to that part of revelation which " eye hath not feen, ear hath not heard, " neither hath it entered into the heart of " man to conceive." When we know wby the loadftone attracts only one metal, why a thin covering... | |
| Charles Abel Moysey - 1818 - 276 pagini
...Scriptures, which say, that "°Eye ". hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither " hath it entered into the heart of man to " conceive, the good things which God " hath prepared for them that love him :" and which describe the punishment of sinners as equally inexpressible.... | |
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