The Shipwreck: A PoemW. Miller, 1804 - 220 pagini |
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Pagina i
... Wind ; since the revered PILOT , who so long conducted it , is in the Grave . With a due sense of the many Favours you have honoured me with , and of the regard you had for that excellent Officer , I remain , my Lord , Your faithful ...
... Wind ; since the revered PILOT , who so long conducted it , is in the Grave . With a due sense of the many Favours you have honoured me with , and of the regard you had for that excellent Officer , I remain , my Lord , Your faithful ...
Pagina vi
... Wind 100 Falconera 103 View of the renowned Cities of Greece 105 Scudding 116 Day - Break 118 Lee Shore - St . George's Cliffs 119 Land of Athens appears 122 Ship laid broadside to the Shore 123 She strikes • 126 Occasional Elegy , in ...
... Wind 100 Falconera 103 View of the renowned Cities of Greece 105 Scudding 116 Day - Break 118 Lee Shore - St . George's Cliffs 119 Land of Athens appears 122 Ship laid broadside to the Shore 123 She strikes • 126 Occasional Elegy , in ...
Pagina ix
... wind under bare Poles , she rapidly drove close by the rocky shore of FALCONERA ; not being able in the least to deviate from the Course , which the furious Tempest , and following Sea , obliged the crazy Vessel to pursue . This View of ...
... wind under bare Poles , she rapidly drove close by the rocky shore of FALCONERA ; not being able in the least to deviate from the Course , which the furious Tempest , and following Sea , obliged the crazy Vessel to pursue . This View of ...
Pagina x
... Wind . THIRD PLATE . I am unable to notice this View without expressing my admiration at the force and accuracy of its composition : ( Canto the Third , page 127 :) " Ah Heaven ! -behold her crashing ribs divide ! She loosens , parts ...
... Wind . THIRD PLATE . I am unable to notice this View without expressing my admiration at the force and accuracy of its composition : ( Canto the Third , page 127 :) " Ah Heaven ! -behold her crashing ribs divide ! She loosens , parts ...
Pagina xx
... Wind which stern Æolus sends , Drives on in blasts , and , while it cools , offends : He wakes ; but hears no music from the Grove , No varied Landscape courts his eye to rove : O'er the wide Main he looks to distant Skies , Where ...
... Wind which stern Æolus sends , Drives on in blasts , and , while it cools , offends : He wakes ; but hears no music from the Grove , No varied Landscape courts his eye to rove : O'er the wide Main he looks to distant Skies , Where ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Shipwreck: A Poem William Falconer,James Stanier Clarke Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2016 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
ÆNEID ALBERT Anchor anguish appears ARION beautiful belay beneath billows Blast bloom bosom braced brails breath CANDIA Canto Cape charms clouds coast Crew danger death deck Deep distress doom dreadful Duke of YORK eyes FALCONER FALCONERA fame fatal Fate flies friends furled Gale glow Governor HUNTER GREECE groan Halyards heart Helm Hope horror hour ibid lament larboard leeward Levant light lines Love Maid Marine Mast Mizen mournful Muse Night numbers o'er PAGE ibid pain PALEMON pangs plain Poem Prow quæ rage reef RETIMO roar Rocks RODMOND roll ropes round ruin sacred Sailors Sails Scene scud Seamen second edition shade Sheet Ship Ship's SHIPWRECK shore side skies smile soft soul starboard stay-sail Storm strains Straits of SICILY Surge sweet swell Tempest third edition thou thundering Tide toil top-mast trembling Vessel wave weep WILLIAM FALCONER Wind Windlass wretched Yard youth
Pasaje populare
Pagina 151 - Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast, Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge. And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and hanging them With deaf ning clamours in the slippery clouds...
Pagina 151 - With deafning clamours in the slippery clouds, That, with the hurly, death itself awakes ? Canst thou, O partial sleep! give thy repose To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude ; And, in the calmest and most stillest night, With all appliances and means to boot, Deny it to a king ? Then, happy low, lie down ! Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
Pagina 184 - When we have laughed to see the sails conceive And grow big-bellied with the wanton wind. Which she, with pretty and with swimming gait Following (her womb then rich with my young squire), Would imitate, and sail upon the land To fetch me trifles, and return again As from a voyage, rich with merchandise.
Pagina x - ... wounded reels— Again she plunges ! hark ! a second shock Bilges the splitting vessel on the rock : Down on the vale of death, with dismal cries, The fated victims shuddering cast their eyes In wild despair ; while yet another stroke, With strong convulsion rends the solid oak : Ah, Heaven ! — behold her crashing ribs divide ! She loosens, parts, and spreads in ruin o'er the tide.
Pagina 216 - The vessel, while the dread event draws nigh, Seems more impatient o'er the waves to fly. Fate spurs her on. Thus, issuing from afar, Advances to the sun some blazing star; And, as it feels th' attraction's kindling force, Springs onward with accelerated course.
Pagina 18 - Yet, though full oft to future perils blind, With skill superior glow'd his daring mind Through snares of death the reeling bark to guide, When midnight shades involve the raging tide. To Rodmond, next in order of command, Succeeds the youngest of our naval band : But what avails it to record a name That courts no rank among the sons of fame...
Pagina 38 - The sun's bright orb, declining all serene, Now glanced obliquely o'er the woodland scene : Creation smiles around ; on every spray The warbling birds exalt their evening lay; Blithe skipping o'er yon hill, the fleecy train Join the deep chorus of the lowing plain ; The golden lime, and orange, there were seen On fragrant branches of perpetual green ; The crystal streams that velvet meadows lave, To the green ocean roll with chiding wave.
Pagina 127 - Maro's art To wake to sympathy the feeling heart ; Like him the smooth and mournful verse to dress In all the pomp of exquisite distress, Then too severely taught by cruel fate, To share in all the perils I relate, Then might I with...
Pagina 142 - The thundering drum, the trumpet's swelling strain Unheard, shall form the long embattled line; Unheard, the deep foundations of the main Shall tremble, when the hostile squadrons join: Since grief, fatigue, and hazards still molest The wandering...
Pagina 125 - O yet confirm my heart, ye powers above, This last tremendous shock of fate to prove ; The tottering frame of reason yet sustain ; Nor let this total ruin whirl my brain. In vain the cords and axes were prepared, For now th...