Embrailed each Top-sail, and by braces squar'd, No season this from duty to descend, All hands on deck must now the Storm attend. His race performed, the sacred Lamp of day Now dipt in western clouds his parting ray: His languid fires, half lost in ambient haze, Refract along the dusk a crimson blaze; Till deep immerged the sickening orb descends, And cheerless Night o'er Heaven her reign extends. Sad Evening's hour, how different from the past! No flaming pomp, no blushing glories cast, No ray of friendly light is seen around; The Moon and Stars in hopeless shade are drown'd. The Ship no longer can whole courses bear, To reef them now becomes the Master's care; The Sailors summoned aft all ready stand, And man th'enfolding Brails at his command: But here the doubtful Officers dispute, Till skill, and judgment, prejudice confute: For RODMOND, to new methods still a foe, Would first, at all events, the Sheet let go; To long-tried practice obstinately warm He doubts conviction, and relies on form. This ALBERT and ARION disapprove, And first to brail the tack up firmly move: "The watchful Seaman, whose sagacious eye "On sure experience may with truth rely, "Who from the reigning Cause foretels th' Effect, "This barbarous practice ever will reject; "For, fluttering loose in air, the rigid Sail "Soon flits to ruins in the furious Gale; " And he, who strives the Tempest to disarm, "Will never first embrail the lee Yard-Arm." SO ALBERT spoke; to windward, at his call, Some Seamen the clue-garnet stand to haulThe Tack's eased off; while the involving Clue Between the pendent blocks ascending flew; The Sheet and weather-brace they now stand by, The lee clue-garnet, and the bunt-lines ply: Then, all prepared, Let go the Sheet! he criesLoud rattling, jarring, through the blocks it flies! Shivering at first, till by the Blast impelled High o'er the lee yard-arm the Canvass swelled; By spilling-lines embraced, with brails confin'd, It lies at length unshaken by the wind. F The Foresail then secured with equal care, Again to reef the Mainsail they repair; While some above the Yard o'er-haul the tye, Hadst thou, ARION! held the leeward post For, while aloft the order those attend To furl the Mainsail, or on deck descend; A Sea, up-surging with stupendous roll, To instant ruin seems to doom the whole: O friends, secure your hold! ARION criesIt comes all dreadful! down the Vessel lies Half buried sideways; while, beneath it tost, Four Seamen off the lee yard-arm are lost: Torn with resistless fury from their hold, In vain their struggling arms the Yard enfold; In vain to grapple flying ropes they try, The Ropes, alas! a solid gripe deny: Prone on the midnight Surge with panting breath They cry for aid, and long contend with Death; High o'er their heads the rolling Billows sweep, And down they sink in everlasting sleep |