Success attends their skill! the danger's o'er! The Port is doubled, and beheld no more.
Now Morn with gradual pace advanced on high Whitening with orient Beam the twilight Sky: She comes not in refulgent pomp arrayed, But frowning stern, and wrapt in sullen shade. Above incumbent mists, tall IDA's height Tremendous rock! emerges on the sight; North-east, a league, the Isle of STANDIA bears, And westward, Freschin's woody Cape appears. In distant angles while the transient gales Alternate blow, they trim the flagging Sails; The drowsy air attentive to retain, As from unnumbered points it sweeps the Main. Now swelling Stud-Sails on each side extend, Then Stay-Sails sidelong to the breeze ascend; While all to court the veering Winds are placed, With Yards alternate square, and sharply braced. The dim Horizon lowering Vapours shroud, And blot the Sun yet struggling in the cloud; Through the wide atmosphere condensed with haze, His glaring Orb emits a sanguine blaze.
The Pilots now their Azimuth attend, On which all Courses, duly formed, depend: The Compass placed to catch the rising ray, The Quadrant's shadows studious they survey; Along the arch the gradual Index slides, While Phœbus down the vertic-circle glides; Now seen on Ocean's utmost verge to swim, He sweeps it vibrant with his nether limb. Thus Height, and Polar distance are obtained, Then Latitude, and Declination, gained; In Chiliads next th' Analogy is sought, And on the sinical triangle wrought: By this magnetic variance is explored, Just angles known, and polar truth restored.
The Natives, while the Ship departs their land, Ashore with admiration gazing stand. Majestically slow before the breeze She moved triumphant o'er the yielding Seas: Her bottom through translucent waters shone, White as the clouds beneath the blaze of noon; The bending Wales their contrast next displayed, All fore and aft in polished jet arrayed.
BRITANNIA riding awful on the prow, Gazed o'er the vassal Waves that rolled below: Where'er she moved the vassal Waves were seen To yield obsequious, and confess their Queen. Th' imperial Trident graced her dexter hand, Of power to rule the Surge like Moses' wand; Th' eternal Empire of the Main to keep, And guide her squadrons o'er the trembling Deep. Her left, propitious, bore a mystic Shield, Around whose margin rolls the watery field; There her bold Genius in his floating car O'er the wild Billow hurls the storm of war: And lo! the beasts that oft with jealous rage In bloody combat met, from age to age; Tamed into UNION, yoked in Friendship's chain, Draw his proud Chariot round the vanquished Main: From the proud margin to the centre grew Shelves, rocks, and whirlpools, hideous to the view. Th' immortal Shield from NEPTUNE she received, When first her head above the waters heaved- Loose floated o'er her limbs an azure vest, A figured scutcheon glittered on her breast;
There from one parent soil, for ever young, The blooming Rose and hardy Thistle sprung. Around her head an oaken wreath was seen Inwove with laurels of unfading green.
Such was the sculptured Prow; from van to rear Th' Artillery frowned, a black tremendous tier! Embalmed with orient gum, above the wave The swelling Sides a yellow radiance gave. On the broad Stern, a pencil warm and bold That never servile rules of art controll'd, An allegoric tale on high pourtray'd; There a young Hero, here a royal Maid: Fair ENGLAND's Genius in the youth exprest Her ancient foe, but now her friend confest, The warlike Nymph with fond regard surveyed; No more his hostile frown her heart dismayed: His look, that once shot terror from afar Like young ALCIDES, or the god of war, Serene as Summer's evening skies she saw; Serene, yet firm, though mild impressing awe: Her nervous arm, inured to toils severe, Brandished th' unconquered Caledonian spear:
The dreadful falchion of the hills she wore, Sung to the Harp in many a tale of yore, That oft her rivers dyed with hostile gore. Blue was her rocky Shield; her piercing eye Flashed like the meteors of her native sky; Her Crest high-plumed, was rough with many a scar, And o'er her Helmet gleamed the northern Star. The warrior Youth appeared of noble frame, The hardy offspring of some Runic dame: Loose o'er his shoulders hung the slackened bow Renowned in song, the terror of the foe! The Sword that oft the barbarous North defy'd, The scourge of tyrants! glittered by his side : Clad in refulgent arms in battle won,
The GEORGE emblazoned on his corselet shone; Fast by his side was seen a golden Lyre Pregnant with numbers of eternal fire; Whose strings unlock the Witches' midnight spell, Or waft rapt Fancy through the gulphs of hell: Struck with contagion, kindling Fancy hears The songs of Heaven, the music of the Spheres! Borne on Newtonian wing through air she flies, Where other Suns to other systems rise.
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