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- 12

Based upon my interviews with defectors, it appears that the current wave of defectors who come to the U.S.A. after being screened at their place of escape and then again in West Germany, appear lost and indifferent. Their escapes are usually dangerous,

they are proud of this, they consider themselves heroes, they thought that in the U.S.A. they would be useful, that their Soviet experience would be useful to America, but it turned out that nobody is interested in them. Soon they become disappointed, exactly what the Soviet Government expects--the disillusionment in the U.S.A. of the defector (as well as emigrant). This disappointment is a strong Soviet weapon in the anti-American propaganda and in their struggle with the defection of Soviet


The defectors fear the Soviet agents, do not trust the new emigrants from the U.S.S.R., they, as a rule, do not speak English, they are alone, they long for their dear ones and friends in the U.S.S.R., and feel guilty towards them, they are lost, depressed, the future for them is grim.

The defectors long for someone with whom they can talk to, somebody whom they can trust, whom they can ask for advice. In the beginning, during the first days, they need attention, a chat, explanation of some of the ways of life in the new society. But most important--human understanding, feeling of security, and hope for a better future for the sake of which escaped to America.

- 13

It is not necessary to create a totally new organization for defectors.

An existing organization which has assisted defectors in the past, the Tolstoy Foundation, is the ideal organization for an enhanced program for defector resettlement.

The organization

is named after the great Russian writer and humanitarian, and many people in the Soviet Union are aware of the fact that the organization assists refugees from the U.S.S.R. Experience has shown that with this organization the defectors feel at ease and safe.

The Tolstoy Foundation has a Center (commonly referred to as the 'Farm') where Russian-Americans currently reside; there is a library with a Russian collection of books, a church, a hall for meetings and social activities and a summer school for Russian language study, not far from the Center are communities of Russian-Americans, i.e., in Nyack, and in New Jersey. Although the Center is only 20 miles from New York City where the Soviet authorities are widely represented, defectors could live at the Center among its residents without any feeling of danger.

I suggest utilizing the experienced personnel of the Tolstoy Foundation along the the Foundation's Center for any increased program for the assistance of defectors. The stay at the Tolstoy Foundation Center for the defectors could be the first painless period of their adaptation to the U.S.A. There they could easily learn the English language. The defectors could also be

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productively utilized in the summer school program, which brings in approximately 30 American college students every year. The defectors could teach English and Russian literature, culture, etc., while the American students could, in turn, teach defectors English, etc. While residing at the Center, the defectors could work with Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe and Voice of America. Their speeches and radio broadcasts addressed to the Soviet radio listeners could be a first-class American propaganda weapon.

It also would be very desirable to publish every six months an almanac in which the defectors could write about the reasons for their escape from the U.S.S.R., and about other experiences in the Soviet Union. Such an almanac would be an excellent source of information about the U.S.S.R. for the American public and the press. Experience shows that the defectors who began their new life by writing articles and books about their escape and the reasons behind it, psychologically, break their ties with their Soviet past, adapt more easily in the West and usually never consider returning to the U.S.S.R., e.g., Peter Pirogov, Lev

Volkov, Vladimirov-Filkinshtein, and others.

The Tolstoy Foundation would additionally be involved in the resettlement of these defectors--would find employment in any part of the country--the Foundation would need the assistance from the State Department and other organizations for this purpose.

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In connection with security measures, it would be necessary

to have a constant contact with the local police and control by the F.B.I.

The Tolstoy

Foundation has experienced workers, but, possibly, the staff of workers should be reinforced with screened American personnel who can speak Russian.

All details and the necessary funding for such an organization at the Tolstoy Foundation Center for defectors from the U.S.S.R. should be discussed and reviewed with the management of the Tolstoy Foundation.

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Многоуважаемый Господин Жабинский

Прилагаю выписку зи

списков ГБ


С уважениец.

ЖАБИНСКИЙ Владимир Иванович, «Рудольф», 1911 года рождения, уро, г. Смогань Молодечненской обл., русский, образование средне-техничес ское, работал начальником электроцеха завода «Красное Знамя», проживал в г. Ростове-на-Дону. Рост 196 см., плотного телосложения, блондин, глаза голу : быс, брови широкие, лоб большой, нос острый прямой. Мать Жабинская Мария Михайловна, брат Жабинский Борис Иванович, сестра Превина Нина Ивановна, сын гоинский Валерий Иванович проживают в г. Ростове-на-Дону: бывш. Жена Васильева Зоя Михайловна - в г. Ленинграде; сожительница Ипполитова Надежда Давыдовна - в г. Москве.

В 1933 г. Военным трибуналом войсковой части 4512 был осужден по ст. 58-10 ч. 1 УК РСФСР на 8 лет ИТ1. В 19.11 г. при этапировании бежал из под стражи, скрывался в г. Тейково Ивановской обл. Получна фиктивные документы о службе в Советской Армии и ранении, в 1944 г. прибыл в г. Ро стов-на-Дону, где устроился работать на завод «Красное Знамя». В марте 19 15 г. направлен в служебную командиреску в Германию, где вначале работал с составе демонтажной группы, затем при Уполномочением Министерства стро тельных материалов при Советской военной администрации. В марте 1947 г. бежал в Западную Германию. В 1949—1951 гг. проживал в г. Мюнхене, согрудничал с американской разведкой под кличкой «Рудольф». писал клеветнические статьи в газеты и журналы: Западной Германии. Проживает в Нью-Порке (США). сотрудничает на радиостанции «Свобода», является одним из главарей т. н. «Американского комитета освобождения от большевизма». Публикует книги антисоветского содержания. За границей выступал под фамилией Юрасов Савез. Сергей и Владимир. Имеются фотокарточка 1967 г. и образец почерка. Розыскное дело в УКГБ при СМ СССР по Ростовской обл.

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