By Mr. Fiske. ESSAYS AND PHILOSOPHY. A CENTURY OF SCIENCE, and other Essays. Crown 8vo, $2.00. MYTHS AND MYTH-MAKERS: Old Tales and Supersti tions interpreted by Comparative Mythology Crown 8vo $2.00. OUTLINES OF COSMIC PHILOSOPHY Based on the Doctrine of Evolution, with Criticisms on the Positive Philosophy. 2 vols. crown 8vo, $6.00. THE UNSEEN WORLD, and other Essays. Crown 8vo $2.00. EXCURSIONS OF AN EVOLUTIONIST. Crown 8vo $2.00. DARWINISM, and other Essays. Crown 8vo, $2.00. THE DESTINY OF MAN, viewed in the Light of His Origin. 16m0, $1.00. THE IDEA OF GOD, as affected by Modern Knowledge. 16m0, $1.00 THROUGH NATURE TO GOD. 16m0, $1.00. LIFE EVERLASTING. 16m0, $1.00, net; postpaid, $1.07. For complete list of Mr. Fiske's Historical and Philosophical Works, and Essays, see pages at the back of this work. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & COMPANY, BOSTON AND NEW YORK. |