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I am, Sir, your obedient servaut, W. P, T.

equal to the decrease in wine and foreign spirits. So that, perhaps, the balance in comfort, as well as in revenue, is pretty nearly equal. As for those who have sacrificed their taste for tobacco tion in tea, for here again the increase and deand snuff, we suppose they have sought consolacrease are nearly equal.

rich fodder late in the summer. Jt is also prolific a few species which I have in growth, of the gene-articles of beer and British spirits is very nearly
of seed, and it possesses the happy quality of not ra, lathyrus, ervan, and lens.
being stifled by grasses when it is intermixed in
meadows. It thrives in the stiffest clays, even in
those which are very poor, and in reducing such
to permanent pasture, this plant, if the seed can
be procured, should never be omitted. The seed
of this also lies long in the ground, and the plant
does not attain maturity till the third or fourth sum-
mer, but it seems of long duration afterwards. It
therefore seems desirable to discover a fit course
of crops with which this may be so combined that
the ground may not be unproductive, while this
plant is attaining its maturity: perhaps, if sown
with wheat early in autumn, and if clover be sown
in spring, it might succeed.

Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of
Great Britain (exclusive of the Arrears of War
Duty on Malt and Property), in the Years
and Quarters ended 5th Jan. 1821, and 5th Jan.
1822, shewing the Increase or Decrease on each ON FEEDING SHEEP WITH MANGEL
head thereof.


Quarters ended 5th.





2,117,659 2,486,896 369,237
6,315,737 6,390,939 75,052
1,535,474 1,497,128
321,000 308,000

427,582 473,000 45,418
114,187 119,696 5,509

Herefordshire, Jan. 25th 1822. Sir-It is rather unusual for a man to write on a subject, which he professes to be totally ignorant of; and in addition to this, your correspondent Mr. Thorpe, in his letter of January 3rd, seems disposed to doubt the veracity of one who 38,346 has planted and used mangel wurtzel for several 12,000 years past: however it is done openly, and in an 40,966 inoffensive manner; therefore I freely forgive him.

I have neither leisure nor inclination to enter into a controversy with Mr. T.; but I deem it 13,165,313 13,568,217 495,216 92,312 necessary to answer his letter of the 3rd inst. and

Of the annual tares, it may well be doubted Excise. whether any will ever be found much superior to Stamps. the real winter tare, (vicia sativa) hardiness, nu-Post Office. tritive quality, and bulk, being all considered. It Ass'd Taxes. 2,333,674 2,292,788) is well known to be much superior, in the two first Land Taxes. of these qualities, to the vicia lathyroides, or spring Miscellane's. tare, although the latter surpasses it somewhat in bulk, and much in the rapidity of its growth. The Canadian lentile or white tare is probably more grateful to sheep, because the haulm is slenderer and finer than either of the two last preceding plants; this, if sown in autumn, comes into blossom a fortnight sooner than the winter tare but it suffers much more from a severe winter than does the common winter tare. If sown in spring at the same time with the spring tare, the Canadian lentile blossoms about a week before the latter, as I proved in the last summer. It is tolerably prolific of seed, which surpasses in brilliancy of colour the most delicate pea, but the plant is much smaller in bulk than is the spring tare.

Post Office.
Ass'd. Tax.
Land Tax.

Deduct decrease 92,312
Inc. on the Quarter 402,904]
Years ended 5th Jan.[


8,631,891 9,135,102 503,211
-26,364,702 26,546,415 181,713

6,151,347 6,108,640
1,389,000 1,318,000
6,311,346 6,256,811
1,192,257 1,263,274 71,017|

293,938 303,463 9,525


to repeat, for his satisfaction, if he pleases, that "I weighed five wether sheep and put them into a barn, as stated in my letter of the 12th ult. and in that situation they were regularly suppliled with 25lbs. of mangel wurtzel (less than three roots) and 5lbs. of good hay during every 24 hours, for each sheep, and this continued for five successive weeks, at the expiration of which time they were weighed out, and had gained upon 42,707 an average 8lbs. per quarter." It seems to 71,000 strike Mr T. with wonder, that animals should 54,535 gain so much more than he states they would gain, when at grass in the month of May and the following months; but when it is considered, that the sheep were penned up in a warm barn, and without the possibility of exercise, they were much on a footing with pigs in a stye, fed on barley meal and pease, or like unto turkeys, if crammed with the best Carolina rice. It is not at all extraordinary for animals having an aptitude to

50,334,481 50,931,705 765,466 168,242

Deduct Decrease. 168,242

Inc. on the Year. 597,224

Another annual tare, of which I have conceived the highest hope, is a newly discovered species, which Mr. Vilmorin, an eminent botanist at Paris, has named vicia pseudocracca, from its resemblance to the vicia cracca: this sown in September, had a decided advantage over the winter tare in the month of April, in the luxuriance of its growth; and it kept the superiority both in height, The revenue of the year ending the 5th Jan. fatten, to make still greater progress, when fed and probably in weight also, during the whole summer. It flowered most profusely, but it had 1822, therefore, is about £51,000,000, and exceeds on such a sweet succulent root as mangel wurtbeen sown too thick for its habits of exuberant that of last year by nearly £600,000. On refer-zel, corrected with a little good hay. Mr. T. growth; and the seed pods rotted under the bulk ence to Mr. Vansittart's budget of June last, it pleads his being a novice in the cultivation and will be seen that he stated the total charge for general knowledge of the root; therefore, unon the ground. It promises a great abundance of the year to be £52,000,000. The income to meet der such circumstances, it may be difficult for early food for ewes and lambs, and probably would this charge is as follows: bear a second growth after once feeding, sufficiently ample for the purposes of hay or a seed crop.

Total revenue for England
Supposed revenue for Ireland


any one to convince him of its extraordinary properties: it is possessed of greater specific gravity than that valuable root, the Swede turnip. Perhaps Mr. T. is unacquainted with the fact, that during the reign of that enterprizing man, BuoThe surplus, therefore, of £2,500,000 may be naparte, he passed a law, that all farmers in called the Sinking Fund, available on the 5th of Flanders should set apart a portion of their January, 1822, for the redemption of so much of farms for the cultivation of this root, for the purthe debt of £800,000,000 as £2,500,000 will purpose of making sugar, and which experiment more than equalled his most sanguine expecta

Vicia Monantha is too tender to bear severe winter, if sown in autumn, in wet land; in a rich warm sand, and after a moderate winter, like the last, it is excessively productive of a large matted seed, and its herbage is very considerable. The narrowness of its leaf renders it (unless thickly sown less capable of smothering weeds than the broadleaved winter tare. in those articles which are considered luxuries, tions; good sugar was produced at one shilling Vicia Lutea, or yellow-blossomed tare, also is there has been a very considerable decrease. per pound, when at the same time West India very productive of seed, and if sown in September, The duty on wine is £8,620 less this year than in sugar was selling in France at five shillings per well endures a moderate winter ; but this like the the preceding; and the demand for foreign spirits pound this circumstance will give Mr. T. last preceding species, is of much less bulk thar. has decreased so much, as to make a difference of some idea of the nutritious quality of mangel the winter tare. £102,306 between the duties of two years: tobac-wurtzel. With regard to the manner of cultiva



The vicia biennis and vicia sylvatica (after sev-co and snuff, no slight sources of enjoyment to a tion, I must leave that to the able hand of your eral small experiments,) appear to me little wor-large class of people, have been used with such correspondent Mr Addams, who has, I think, thy of cultivation, at least in a calcareous loam; comparative temperance as to produce a diminu- promised to give it to us in detail; but as the they have yielded me so little produce, that the tion of £128,251 in the profits of the excise from method I pursued last season may be additional extension of their vegetation to a second year does that source. As a set-off to these reductions, it information, I will briefly state it. The land (a not appear to compensate for their deficiency of appears that the tea-drinkers have contributed an sandy soil) was prepared as for Swede turnips, bulk and difficulty of growth. addition of no less than £158,722 to the revenue good rotten dung placed in drills, at 18 inches

I have several other species of tare, of which of the preceding year, while the drinkers of beer distance in the rows, and my plants were full 12 at present I know so little, that it does not become have supplied a quota of £76,750. The compa-inches apart; the seeds were planted the last me to offer an opinion on their value: after another rative cheapness of British spirits has also creat-week in April, not exceeding two inches under year I shall be better acquainted with their worth. ed a demand for that beverage to the amount (in

Should these lines be deemed worthy of inser-duty) of £42,364 above the former year. It is * See that entertaining work Radcliffe's Agrition, I shall, at a future time, state my remarks on sonicwhat curious, that the increase on these two culture of Flanders.

the surface, with a small planting stick, taking wise agreeing, that I am led to enquire the result fine pickle. We all know how delicious roastin care not to put more than one pod (which con- of experience, rather than rely upon the opinions fears are; when fit for this use it will make a suas more than one seed) in each hole; the plants of theorists, before I discard, for the favorites of perior starch; if scalded and dried you may have make their appearance in about 21 days; and the day, the stock of my grand-father's farm.-roasting ears in the middle of winter. When the when about the size of cabbage plants, care was At one time, Alderney's were in fashion; fitted grain is hardened, you have for all the domestic taken that only one plant remained in a hole; for every purpose; suited to every soil; peculiar-animals in the shocks, tops, &c. &c. The leaves they were kept clean by a single horse hoe in the 'ly adapted to our climate; to all but our purses. of the shock or husk, by slitting them finely, make rows, and hand weeding between the plants: af- Next came North Devons in turn; their beauty, excellent matrasses or under beds. The flour or ter having had immense quantities of the large agility, vigour, and shape, had attracted the eye meal of the grain is the most wholesome we use ; leaves taken from them during the last four of the "rich Mr. Coke," and had been honored i need only mention a few of the ways in which it months they were in the ground, they were pull- by mingling in "Holkham Park" with his Deer. is managed in this state, for I should never have ed up about the end of November (but this great- As milkers, we are told they were unrivalled in done were I only to give you the receipts for ly depends on the season,) and placed in heaps in Norfolk; in America, of course they could not be making the various kinds of corn bread common the open ground, and covered with straw and earth surpassed. Next came Tees-Water in vogue; in this part of the country. A favorite way of similar to potatoes; some I placed in an out-house, and Lawrence, and Culley, and Curwen, and making corn bread with us, is to make a batter but I think it matters not which. What remain- Bergami were brought to uphold the renown, of with meal, milk, eggs, and a little shortning,* ed in the month of April following, were as fresh great Colling's name-hand bills, sale bills, and about the consistence of that for pound cake, as when taken up; but what adds greatly to the prize cups were shown to prove, that we Yankees which it resembles in appearance when baked in value of this root is, that it is taken up in time could boast of distinction as great, as the famed tins commonly used for that purpose. In making to put in wheat, and the land is in very high tilth Breeders of Bulls, on the rich banks of the Tees light bread by mixing the wheat flour and yeast to receive it. It gives me pleasure, Mr. Editor,-that "long horns, middle horns, and no horns," with mush, we consider it adds much to the to be the means of drawing forth cbservations on must yield to "short horns" in fame. Great sweetness and wholesomeness of the bread; we the cultivation and use of a root that promises to Bergami was sought by the rich and the knowing likewise in all griddle cakes, mix meal with wheat be of incalculable value to the United Kingdom,-his movements were traced upon both shores of flour as tending to make them lighter, with fewer provided we have equal protection with the tra- our state; his favors, and labors were valued so eggs than they would take with wheat flour ding and commercial interests. highly, that nothing but congressmen's wages alone-in short, we use corn meal on all occasions could tempt him to move. Importations were either with or without wheat flour-not because made-new orders were given in support of Tecs-we have not flour sufficient, but because we prewater renown. The animals were brought-the fer meal. I can assure my fair country women, exhibition was made-scales, milk pails and they need not apply to quacks or perfumers, or (I SIR,-Attempts having been made, through the statesmen decided the question, which no longer forget what they call them) I mean those foreignchannel of your paper, by hearsay evidence and depended upon Bingley, or Bloomfield, but hap- ers who vend poisons, under the pretence of renotherwise, to question the blood of Hubback, I pily rested, with gentlemen_farmers at C*ld dering those that use them more beautiful; and send you his pedigree. I have the authority of Sp***g and B*******d W**d. recommend them, because a few wornout old wo

I remain your well wisher.

Elemore Hall, Nov. 19, 1821.

Your humble servant,

Baltimore County, 23d April, 1822.

Mr. Charles Colling to say, he always considered Now again Devons are puffed-perhaps we shall men have made out, by attending to nothing else him a thorough-bred Short-horned Bull. Mr. hear-but to bring some new champion forth, to but the application of various arts to hide their John Hunter, of Hurworth, who sold his dam, oppose their extravagant praise-As I am not deformity for a short time, who having no beauty with Hubback at her foot, to Mr. Bassnet, of Dar-learned, and your are so skilled, with the aid of a to endanger, cannot fear the consequences. I say lington, says his father bought her of Mr. Ste-sapient throng, do, Mr. Editor, confide to me pri- those who do believe in the virtues of cosmeticks phenson of Ketton, and that she was a pure-bred vately, if you will not do it publickly, whether it will find my favorite corn meal superior to all the Short horn. Mr. Alexander Hall, of Sherraton is, Short Horns, or Devons I should buy. washes, de Maintenon, &c. &c. it will render the Hill Top, who lived in that neighbourhood, and reskin smooth, transparent and white-and withal members her and the calf perfectly well, says it is perfectly safe; only let them try it instead of she was a beautiful colour and handler, and when going to one of those venders aforesaid, and spendshe got on to good land near Darlington, she got ling two or three dollars for a nostrum, which at so fat she would not breed again. Hubback, he Would the writer have us destroy the interest best will only be of transitory benefit, leaving a says, was got by Mr. Snowden's bull, a son of Mr. of these discussions by a flat palpable demonstra- lasting ill effect; let them put over the fire a pint Robson's bull of Dinsdale, who was bred by old tion-if we could? Oh no! It is our opinion that of water, when it boils stir in as much fine corn Mr. Waistell of Burdon, a very noted breeder, meal as will make it the consistence of paste"much may be said on both sides," as upon as and got by Mr. James Masterman's bull, of the North West Coast dispute between the Yan- when cooling they may add a spoonfull of honey Coatham, near Darlington, and was a true-bred kees and the great Czar; let the controversy go on; and a little rose water, though the latter articles Short-horn-The above Gentlemen will attest only have recourse sometimes to facts. We hope are not necessary-let them use this paste, or as I the contest will not be decided until all the best vulgarly call it, mush, instead of soap every time breeds have been introduced-one of which may be they perform their morning and evening ablutions, another for another part. most advantageous for one part of the country and

the same if necessary.

Editor American Farmer.

I consider the name of Improved Short-horn to
come from the breed of Hubback, and Mr. May-
nard's cows, which, from time and judicious
crossing, have brought them to their superior,
excellence. No cow or bull can ever be called a
Short-horn with a cross of Scotch blood; for I
would just as soon put the Duke of Grafton's ON THE VARIOUS WAYS OF PREPAR-
Penelope to a Scotch pony, to breed a racer, as a
cow to the grandson of Bolingbroke, out of a Gal- ING AND EMPLOYING INDIAN CORN.
loway cow, to breed a Short-horn.

Your obedient servant,


or, in other words, wash themselves. I venture to affirm their complexions will derive more advantage from the application of this paste, than any of those washes which they pay so high for.

I come now to the preparation of the grain, which I believe is not as generally known as it ought to be, considering its excellence. It is what we call lyed hommony; we likewise have the best hommony and small-hommony, both of which are There are many things the rich have no need 'common, are fine dishes and superior to rice when to think of, which would be of infinite advantage Properly managed; but the lyed hommony is preto the poor; if they had the knowledge necessary ferred by every one who is accustomed to it as beTo cleanse the teeth, and improve the breath. to turn that product of their labour they haveing more wholesome and more palatable. It is To four ounces of fresh prepared lime water, add most in their power, to their own comfort-you prepared by boiling the white field corn in ashes ane drachm of Peruvian bark, and wash the teeth! may perhaps smile when you perceive this pream-and water, until the husk or skin of the grain is with the water in the morning before breakfast, ble is to usher into notice the virtues of Indian loosened, which will be the case in a few minutes, and after supper. It will effectually destroy the tartar on the teeth, and remove the offensive smell corn. I will allow you to do so, if you can find in and it is necessary to pay attention that it does not my enumeration one use to which I put that va- remain too long in the ashes, as it will by that arising from those decayed. luable grain, worthy of being more generally means taste of the lye-so soon as the husk is known. In order to swell the list I mention some loosened, it must be washed and rubbed through of the purposes for which it is used, that are the hands in cold water until the grain is cleansed Known to every one; before I enter into the detail from the ashes and skin, it may then be dried to of preparing a dish, which I consider the best, make use of at any time, or boiled immediately will begin with it before the seed is perfectly healthiest, and most palatable food we have, I *A word in Domestic Cookery which implies formed; it can then be made if properly done, a that butter, lard, or oil, may be used.


As a novice in Agriculture, I am anxious to know with what breed of cattle, you would now

stock a farm. I have read in new books, and have seen in the Farmer, so many accounts in no

if wanted.

When ready to be cooked for the These beds are made on the surface; probably season. It is a grass much sought after and table, it must be scalded and put over to boil in they would have done better, if sunk a foot at promises to be very generally cultivated in this plenty of water, observing always to keep suffi-bottom, below it. During frost they were co- part of our country.'

cient hot water ready to add to it as the first boils vered with straw mats made about 3 inches POTATOES-Irish Potatoes from the Hon. S. L. away. The grain bursts open into a white bali thick and 5 or 6 feet square-the warp of white- SOUTHARD, U. S. Senator from New Jersey. and becomes soft when sufficiently done. This oak slips, straw for the filling, and this bound to These Potatoes were brought by a Mr. Gage of is the manner we boil it to eat with milk or cream, the warp strips, by passing a smaller slip band New Jersey, from the neighbourhood of Maneither warm or cold. It is also used in this coun-around the straw and warp. The mats were sup-chester in England, and are called the Foxite Po try by the Indians and Creole boatmen, who pre-ported above the plants on a ridge full 12 inches tato-all who have eaten of them agree that they fer it to any thing else in a soup, by putting the high, and laid on from each side, forming a very much excel any other for mealiness and fine corn over with a piece of beef or pork, leaving comb at top as roofs do. My rough hot-beds are flavour. the water in it which makes the soup-ih the other long narrow pens of logs: they are about 2 feet case the grain is taken out of the water. A yankee high, or two logs; 4 feet wide, and the length PRICE CURRENT-CORRECTED WEEKLY. acquaintance of mine who knew nothing of hom-of each of them about eighty feet, or 3 long mony, has become so fond of this dish as to de-logs; they are near water, have a south expoFlour from the wagons, superfine $6 75clare lyed hommony and milk to be preferable to sure, at the base of a forest hill; had long sta-Wharf do. $6 50 cash, $6 62, 90 days-Susquethe best sweet meats and cream that can be had, ble manure pressed down in them until one foot hanna, do, 86 123, cash-$6 25, 60 days-Wheat and I doubt not some there are who would think deep, and six inches of virgin soil on the top of white, $1 41 to 1 45-Red, do. $1 38 to 1 140the same, were they equally to make the trial. Ithis: once made, they are easily renewed; for White Corn, 78 to 80 cts.-Yellow, do. 71 to 75have been induced to write the preceding. one bed of this year, will top dress two the next; Kye, 76 to 78-Oats, 35 to 40--Barley, out of seaA Missouri Farmer's Wife. the logs are for years in place when once fixed. son-Shad No. 1. trimmed, $ No. 2, 36No. 1, untrimmed, $5 75 to 6-No. 2, do. do. $5 -Herrings, No. 1, $2 25 p. bbl.-No. 2, do. $2Whiskey, 33-Rice, $3 25 to 3 50-Apple Brandy, 36 cts.-Peach, do. none-Tar, N. Carolina, $2 25-Rosin, $2 25-White pine boards, per M $10 to 30-Pitch pine boards, $10 to 30-Beeswax, 37 to 40 cts.-Beef, Baltimore mess, No 1,

Editor's Correspondence

ELKRIDGE, May 5th, 1822.


If my ground had been ready I could yesterday have transplanted two acres from rough hot






There is every probability of having at our $8 to 8 50-No. 2 do. $6 to 6 50-Pork, mess do. beds, which I made on the 5th of March. I shall next Cattle Show, a large concourse of distin- $13 to 13 50-prime do, $11 to 11 50-Bacon, hams, transplant from them this week, however, with-guished farmers, from this and other states; but 10 to 12 cts.-Middlings, 7 to 8 cts.-Lard, 8 to out waiting for seasons. The plants which we fear that the number of animals exhibited, 9 cts.-Candles, New England, 16 to 19 cts.-Salt, might have set out yesterday have leaves each will not equal publick expectation. It is to be ap-Liverpool coarse, 50 to 55 cents-Turks Islas large as a dollar, and with their stem and prehended that many who have fine animals, will and 65 to 70-St. Ubes, 53 to 55-Sugar, Havana, roct measure four inches long. The field not send them from the fear, either of the trouble brown $9 to 9 50-White do. $13 to 13 50-Cofbeds made at the same time will not give me or of their being excelled. If all were actuated(fce, (W. I.) green, $28 50-St. Domingo, $26— plants fit to be removed under six weeks at the by this sort of indolence or pride, we should have Molasses, (W. I.) 30 to 32 cts.-Soal Leather 28 soonest, which brings me to the middle of June, nothing for exhibition; it is well known that ma- to 32 cts.-Rough, $450 to 5 per side-Butter 25 to when the sun has great influence, and planting ny of the animals which took premiums at the 37-Eggs, 10 to 124 cts-Live Cattle, $5 to 6— seasons are precarious. Last year, depending last show, might have been beaten by hundreds of Beer, prime pieces, 8 to 10 cts, chiefly on field beds, I pitched a large part of the same species, if it had been anticipated that TOBACCO, MARYLAND, sales of the presmy crop in the first week of July, and was such would be brought. The society have at con-ent week, of an excellent quality, are, one parpressed closely by frost when housing this in siderable expense, erected a number of addition-cel from Anne Arundle county, raised by Mr. EdOctober; but this year, relying principally on al pens, and made such accommodations as ought ward Warfield, $24-do. from Gen. Wm. H. rough hot beds, I shall plant my whole crop to induce all true friends of these rational and useMarriot, Mr. Thomas Anderson, Manager, $20from these, and before the close of May; ful exhibitions, to bring out whatever their farms do. from Mr. Edward Shipley, raised from old whereas if I had relied upon field beds this year, can produce, in any degree excellent or worthy ground, of a darker colour than the above, $18I could not, owing to some peculiarity of the of notice; such as are not offered for premiums Common Tobacco, same as last report, and very spring, plant any part of my crop until late in may be exhibited and offered for sale under the regulations of the Society, without expense to the I send to you herewith, some plants from my owner. Be it remembered, that the Exhibition hot-beds, and others from my field beds; from takes place on the last two days of this month, these you may form an idea of their relative that pieces of silver plate valued at $500 are to A fine young Jack, bred on the Island of Macondition, for the plants are selected from qua- be appropriated. That notice of animals inten-jorca, and imported last summer in the U. S. lities of the best to be found in either kind of my ded to be offered for premiums must be given three ship of the line, the Columbus. He was sebeds. My corn planting will now be finished in days prior to the show, to J. S. Skinner, Post Mas-lected about 18 months ago, by a good judge, three days, so that nothing can interfere with to-ter of Baltimore: that they must be in the pens after long examination, as the best to be found bacco planting, until the time for hay making assigned them on the ground at the Maryland on that Island, famous for the production of anicomes, and long before then my tobacco crop Tavern, on the Frederick road, before 9 o'clock on mals of this race. will be established. Is it not important to plan- the first day of the Show. The limits and rules ters, to be thus certainly assured, as they are of the Maryland Agricultural Society embrace, by the hot bed system, the day on which they and apply to the District of Columbia, as well as may begin and complete their planting and to the state of Maryland; but one fifth of the housing? premiums are discretionary and not subject to any What would not most of them give to have local restrictions. their crops pitched, and off hand before hayAll Editors of papers friendly to the objects of making, and corn-tending comes on? What, to this society, are requested to insert the above ochave their tobacco ripe in August, ready to be casionally until the day of exhibition. housed half cured, by the drought and heat of that month; uninjured, because unseen, by the latter glut of worms; and completely out of the way, when we should be saving corn-fodder, fall grain, and seeding.


Esq. Darien, Georgia.

Much as planters would gladly give to be assured of these facilities, of this certainty of or der, and regular succession of their labours, is it not wonderful, nay almost incredible, that they REMARKS. "I received your kind favour of should neglect the easy, cheap, and obvious the 5th inst. covering some Ruta Baga seed, for means of accomplishing objects, so desirable which I thank you; in return I enclose you some and so important. fresh Guinea Grass seed, the product of the last

For Sale-Don Carlos,

He is five years old; upwards of thirteen hands high, and very stout-remarkably gentle that he will be at the cattle show, near Baltiand good natured-colour brown. It is probable terms apply to the Editor. more, on the last two days of this month-for May 1st, 1822.


A Full Blooded Bull Calf,


Apply at the Office of the American Farmer.

Printed every Friday at $4 per annum, for JOHN S. SKINNER, Editor, by JOSEPH ROBINSON, at the North West corner of Market and Belviderestreets, Baltimore, where every description of Book and Job printing is executed with neatness and despatch-Orders from a distance for Binding, with proper directions, promptly attended to:

No. 8.-VOL. 4.





varying according to the favourableness of the Lord Bacon says, "It is reported, that the bark weather when it is collected. Since mushrooms of white or red poplar (which may be classed have been so much grown on hot beds, and more mi-amongst the moistest trees) cut small and cast innutely attended to, the plant has been found so to furrows well dunged, will cause the ground to Extracts from the History of Cultivated Vegeta- perfect, that it can either be raised by seed, or put forth mushrooms, at all seasons of the year. bles; comprising their Botanical, Medicinal, propagated by roots, the several filaments at the fit to be eaten; some add to the mixture leaven Edible and Chemical qualities; Natural Histo- root producing tubercles in the manner of pota- bread resolved in water.It is also reported, that ry; and relation to Arts, Science, and Com-toes, from each of which will arise new roots, if a hilly field, where the stubble is standing, be merce. By HENRY PHILLIPS, author of the and a new plant or flower. set on fire, in the showery season it will put forth History of Fruits known in Great Britain.- The following simple and easy method is re- great store of mushrooms." London, 1822. commended for trying the quality of field-mush- The Laplanders have a way of using the comMINT rooms, take an onion, and strip the outer skin, mon toadstools, as the Chinese do moxa to cure Should be cut for drying, just when it is in and boil it with them; if it remains white, they pains: they collect the large fungi which they flower, and on a fine day; for if cut in damp are good, but if it becomes blue or black, there find on the bark of beech and other large trees, weather, the leaves will turn black. It should are certainly dangerous ones among them.-and dry them for use. Whenever they have be tied in small bunches, and dried in a shady Where the symptoms of poison have already ta- pains in their limbs, they bruise some of this driplace out of the wind; but to retain its natural vir-ken place, the medical assistant recommends an ed matter, and pulling it to pieces, they lay a tues more effectually, it has been found better to emetic; drinking plentifully of warm water, and small heap near the part where the pain is situaplace the mint in a screen, and to dry it quickly when the contents of the stomach are brought off, ted, and set it on fire; in burning away it blisters before a fire, so that it may be powdered, and to have recourse to strong cordials, such as gin-up the part, and the water discharged by this immediately put into glass bottles and kept well ger-tea, and brandy, with laudanum, or cayenne means, generally carries off the pain. It is a stopped. Parsley, thyme, sage, and other herbs pepper made into pills. rude practice, but said to be very effectual, where retain their full fragance when thus prepared, and Barham describes the symptoms to be, that soon the patient takes it in time, and has resolution to are by this mode secured from dust, and always after they are eaten, a hiccup seizes the patient, stand the burning to a necessary degree. ready to the hand of the cook. then a cold or chilling all over the body, attended PARSLEY.-The seed should be sown in the A conserve made of mint is grateful, and the with tremblings, and at last convulsions and spring; it remains six weeks in the earth; it distilled waters, both simple and spirituous are death. never appears in less than forty days, nor does much esteemed. The juice of spear mint drunk The most venomous sort is one that rises out of it often exceed fifty: thus it takes longer to vein vinegar, often stops the hiccup. Lewis ob- the earth about six inches high, rounding and hol-getate than any other known seed; but it is observes, what has before been noticed by Pliny, low like a bladder, red as scarlet, full of holes served that old seed comes up earlier than new. that mint prevents the coagulation of milk, and like fine wrought net work; which is most prob- This herb is good for sheep that have eaten a hence is recommended in milk diets. When dry, ably the Cluthrus cancellattus. There is one kind of wild ranunculus, which causes a worm to and digested in rectified spirits of wine, it gives kind of these mushrooms, that is said to kill the destroy their liver. It is also said to be an exout a tincture which appears by day-light of a fine very flies that settle on them. According to Hal-cellent remedy to preserve sheep from the rot, dark green, but by candle light of a bright red ler, says M. Valmount Bomare, the Russians eat provided they are fed twice a week, for two colour; a small quantity is green by day light or even the mushrooms that the French consider the or three hours each time, with this herb. candle light; a large quantity seems impervious most dangerous, and which they use to kill flies; Parsley has been sometimes cultivated in fields to day light, but when held between the eye and if this be possible, we conclude they have some for this purpose; but hares and rabbits are so the candle, or between the eye and the sun, it ap-method of extracting the venomous particles of fond of it, that they will come from a great dispears red. If put into a flat bottle, it appears the plant, unless like Mithridates of old, they have tance to feed upon it, so that those who wish to draw green sideways; but when viewed edgeways, become so accustomed to poison, that it loses its ef- hares on their estates have only to sow parsley red. fect on their constitution, as the Turks take opi- in their parks or fields. MUSHROOMS. um with indifference. Parsley when rubbed against a glass goblet or So much are mushrooms now in request, that We have not heard that the morel, a kind of tumbler, will break it; the cause of this phenowe cannot content ourselves with mushroom beds mushroom, has yet been cultivated, although it is non is not known. only, but we have mushroom houses also. The said to be good for creating an appetite, is ac- To preserve parsley for the seasoning of meats, author, on referring to his diary of November the counted restorative, and is much used in sauces &c. let it be gathered on a dry day, and immefourteenth, finds a memorandum that would have and ragouts. The following accounts of extraordiately put into a tinned roasting-screen, and puzzled our forefathers. dinary mushrooms, which we meet with in the placed close to a large fire; it will then soon "While gathering a mushroom, the ladder works of respectable authors, may perhaps sub- become brittle, when it may be rubbed fine, and slipped and I was precipitated to the ground, ject them to the imputation of credulity. put into glass bottles for use. without injury." Matthiolus mentious mushrooms which weighPARSNIPS.-Contain a very considerable porThe mushrooms in the house alluded to were ed thirty pounds each. Fer. Imperatus tells us, tion of sugar. In Thuringia, the country peogrowing on beds supported one over the other, by he saw some which weighed above one hundred ple evaporate the juices until it has the consisbroad shelves of elm planks, with a deep ledge pounds a piece. The Journal des Scavans fur-tency of thick syrup, when they eat it on bread to keep up the earth; but from the necessary nishes us with an account of some growing on the instead of honey, and use it in many cases as a fermentation of the manure, the planks are lia- frontiers of Hungary, which made a full cart substitute for sugar. Marmalade made with parsnips, and a small

ble to rot, therefore, where durability is requir-load.

ed, large flag stones should be substituted, and A mushroom of the very best quality was late- quantity of sugar, is thought to excite & ppetite, supported by iron props or brackets. Should ly gathered in the neighbourhood of Brigg, in and to be a very proper food for convalescence. stone be found too cold for the spawn, any slight Lincolnshire, which measured three feet four Wine made from those roots approaches nearboards that are not painted, may be laid on it.-inches in circumference; girth of the stalk, five er to the Malmsey of Madeira and the Canaries, As light is not necessary for the growth of this inches and a half; it was two inches in thickness, than any other Wine; it is made with little exhigh flavoured vegetable, almost every country and weighed twenty-nine ounces. Six others pense or trouble, and only requires to be kept a seat may furnish an out house for the purpose of were gathered at the same time near the above, few years to make it as agreeable to the palate as obtaining mushrcoms at all seasons, and of a safe averaging about two feet in circumference. it is wholesome to the body; yet fashion induces us quality. Chambers relates, that some years ago, an ex-to give pounds for foreign wines, when we can The author has observed that the upper shelves traordinary mushroom grew upon an old piece of obtain excellent wines of our own country, for as in his Majesty's mushroom house at Kensington, timber in a blacksmith's cellar in the Haymarket, many shillings. were equally or more productive than those be- and attained the height of twelve inches or more, In the northern parts of Ireland the poor people low: thus by good arrangement a small shed, or and when cut down, appeared again at the same obtain a sort of beer from parsnips, by mashing even a closet, may be made sufficient for the sup-time the next year, and so for several succeeding and boiling the roots with hops, and then fermenply of a moderate family. As mice will destroy years. In the year 1692, M. Tournefort found ting the liquor

the spawn or young mushrooms, either traps such an one growing on an old beam in the abbey POTATO.-In 1807, Mrs. Morris of Union must be set, or ingress allowed to their purring at St. Germain's: the smell was like that of others street, near the Middlesex Hospital, discovered enemy. of the same kind. An infusion from part of it turned that the liquor obtained in the process of making In the neighbourhood of London, experienced an infusion of turnsol to a bright red; so that it evi-potato starch, would clean silk, woolen, or cotmushroom men go about at the proper season, col-dently abounded in acids. This seed must have been ton goods, without damage to the texture or coleting vast quantities of spawn for the supply of brought by some accident to these situations, un-lour. It is also good for cleaning painted wainseedsmen, who sell it by the bushel, the price less the fungi originated in the decaying timber. scots; and the white fecula, the substance of

which potato-starch is made, she says, will an- Our next example shall be drawn from the commonly tremendous storm of wind and rain or swer the purpose of tapioca, and will make a more familiar Faba or bean. the first Monday of September last, blew the foduseful nourishing food with soup or milk. It is The meal of beans is the heaviest made from pulser to riboons; and should the method of saving known to make the best soufles, and has wita-land was called in Latin lomentum. This was mi be blamed for not making that good, which had in these last few months been introduced at the gled with frumentic corn, whole, and so eaten by been previously ruined? But this same storn foreign oil-shops as a new article, under the name the ancients; but they sometimes, by way of completely prostrated and entangled the corn, of Fecule de Pomme de Terre, for which they having a dainty, bruised it first; it was consider-and those, who did not cut their crop off, after a!!! modestly charge 4 shillings per pound. ed a strong food, and was generally eaten with the previous trouble and time of catching at Potatoes boiled down to a pulp, and passed gruel or pottage. It was thought to dull the sen-straws, in saving good for nothing fodder, had through a sieve, form a strong nutritious gruel, ses and understanding, and to cause troublesome then, before they could seed wheat, either to set that may be given to calves as well as pigs, with dreams. Pythagoras expressly forbade beans to up, after a fashion, (and a very poor one,) every great advantage and saving of milk. be eaten by his disciples, because he supposed hill, or to turn two rows into one, and after

A size is made from potatoes, which has great them to have been produced from the same pu- ploughing the wheat into every other row, to tur advantages over the common size, for the pur- trid matter from which, at the creation of the the corn back into them, and plough the whea pose of white washing, as it does not smell, and world, man was formed. The Romans at one into the alternate rows; or to scramble the whet it has also a more durable whiteness. time believed, that the souls of such as were de-in after any fashion among the corn lying in every The most simple, and perhaps the most whole- parted, resided in beans; therefore they were direction. The two first will take nearly as masome way of boiling potatoes, is in an untinned eaten at funerals and obsequies of the dead. ny hands, and as much time, as the whole pro iron pot or sauce-pan; when boiled, pour off the Varro relates, that the great priests or sacrifi-cess of cutting off and shocking the corn on the water, and let them continue over a gentle fire ; cers, called Flamines, abstained from beans on this field; and the last would not only be very injurithe heat of the iron will cause the moisture to account, as also from a supposition that certain ous to both crops; but disgraceful to the opera evaporate, and dry the potato fit for the table. letters or characters were to be seen in the flow-tor. ROSEMARY. It is still the custom in some ers, that indicated heaviness and signs of death. If you begin to cut off in time to have good fod parts of this country, as well as in France, to Clemens Alexandrinus attributes the abstinence der, you have "shrivelled corn;" and yet l'. put a branch of rosemary in the hands of the dead, from beans to the opinion that they occasioned again says, "to the North where the grain is the when in the coffin; and we are told by Valmont sterility; which is confirmed by Theophrastus, chief object, they cut it off before the fodle Bomare, in his Histoire Naturelle," that when who extends the effects even to the plants. Ci- dry;" of course not to the injury or shrivelling of the coins have been opened after several years, cero suggests another reason for this abstinence, the grain, or they would not do it. Indeed we now the plant has been found to have vegetated so viz. that beans are great enemies to tranquillity the northern grain is generally very perfect and much that the leaves have covered the whole of mind; for which reason Amphiaraus is said many pounds heavier to the bushel, than southern corpse." This account savours more of supersti- to have abstained from them, even before Pytha- corn. And if F. is correct, that it can thus be tion than of the nature of the plant. goras, that he might enjoy a clearer divination taken off while the fodder is green, why cannot this fodder be cured in the nicest and sweetest It is still the custom at the hospitals in France by his dreams.


to burn rosemary with juniper berries, to cor- The Egyptian priests held it a crime to look order. Cut off and put immediately up into rect impure air, and to prevent infection. The at beans, judging the very sight unclean. The shocks containing 16 or 20 hills square, it cures custom of using it at funerals may have had re- Flamen Dialis was not permitted even to mention very gradually, and with the least exposure to ference to this virtue in the plant. the name. Lucian introduces a philosopher in hell, sun, rain, and dews. And if I am not egregiously Without entering into the extravagant opini-saying, that to eat beans, and to eat our father's mistaken, these are the desirable points to attain ons of the ancients respecting odours, we cannot head, were equal crimes. in curing hay, and all kinds of fodder. You must

ded to.

avoid thinking that the effect which different Beans make one of the finest of all baits for fish, haul in your blades and top fodder; and if you smells and perfumes have on the mind, as well if prepared in the following manner: Steep them will appropriate a turning row of 25 or at most 30 as the health, is not at present sufficiently atten- in warm water for about six hours; then boil feet in width through the middle of your field, them in river water in a new carthen pot, glazed and rick your corn on this, of the size of one or Most people acknowledge to have felt the re- of beans add two ounces of honey, and about a through the foundation lengthwise, made by plain the inside; when about half boiled, to a quart two cart loads each, well put up, with a hole freshing odour of tea and coffee before tasting them; and in heated rooms the fragrance of a short time. Select a clear part of the water, and putting on the last covering buts up, and well ingrain of musk; after which let them boil for a cing the first buts a foot apart, and roofed off by cut lemon, or a recently sliced cucumber, has throw in a few of these beans early in the morn- terlocked over the top or ridge, the haul will be been observed to give general refreshment. The ancients held certain odours in the high-which will draw the fish together, and they and tops at once to the barn and fodder house ing, and again at evening, for two or three days, shorter, than the haul of carrying your blades est veneration. Among the Israelites, the principal perfume of the sanctuary was forbidden may be taken in a casting net in great numbers.



February 15th, 1822.

yard, and your corn will be every ear saved, and in nice order to go to husking out the moment you for all common uses. The smell of the incense have finished seeding wheat. And I am clearly and burnt offerings in their sacrifices was thought of opinion that the fodder, together with the to dispose the mind to devotion; while others stocks and corn of a field, can be cut off, shocked, were used to excite love. "I have perfumed my cured, carted off, and ricked on this middle turnbed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon." Some ing within the same space of time, that is usually perfumes were prescribed to procure pleasant Your correspondent F., in your 44th No. Vol. 3. occupied in pulling, curing, tying up, and carrying dreams; whereas others were deemed of a con- rails at what he thinks the growing fashion of sa- out the blades, and cutting and carrying out the tray effect. It appears that they also employed ving a field of corn, by the speedy method of ta- tops, hauling in, stacking or stowing blades, and odours as a nourishment when the frame exhaust-king each hill off, stock, blade, ear, top and all, thatching the fodder house. In the first methou the ed; as it is related that Democritus, when on his at a single stroke, if skilfully applied, with a carting wiil require perhaps three times the num death bed, hearing a woman in the house com- sharp tool. That, which appears to be new in his ber of loads; but the haul will not be half the plain that she should be prevented from being at neighbourhood, is certainly not new in districts distance of the latter.

a solemn feast which she had a great desire to see as far south, as parts of Virginia. And if found "4th. You increase your labour by present because there would be a corpse in the house, ora labour saving, and admirable method on the handlings."

dered some loaves of new bread to be brought, rich tract of the South Branch, even where wheat Compare the two methods closely. If you have and having opened them, poured wine into them, is not to follow, it must certainly be vastly more difficult weather, the difference will be still greatand so kept himself alive with the odour of them expedient where it is to follow the summer crop. er in favour of cutting off the whole plant at once; until the feast was past. I should hope that this "fashionable," yet never-but suppose every day to be favourable, you cut The sprigs of this plant were formerly stuck theless excellent method, will every where re-the tops and throw them down to cure, when cuinto beef whilst roasting, and they are said to ceive a fair trial; and if it does, it must prevail red you must again pick them up and carry them have communicated to it an excellent relish. The wherever wheat is to succeed corn. leaves were also boiled in milk pottage, to give to the turning rows and place them in heaps for the Permit me to examine a little into F.'s state-carts. Here are at least two distinct operations it an aromatic flavour; and before simples were ment. He found no good fodder after an exami-and handlings, and twice walking over the field. 30 much out of use, the apothecaries made a dis-nation of 20 fields, and if he had gone on to ex-You pull your blades (a tedious and piddling operatilled water, a conserve, and an electuary from amine 20 more saved in the old way, he would tion, and the dearest work that the farmer does this plant which also produces by distillation an still have been unsuccessful in finding good fod-in the whole circle of the year)-again you go essential oil, which was much esteemed for all af-der; for it is within the recollection of most far-lover and collect them into bundles and tie up; fections of the brain. mers in Virginia and Maryland, that a most un-again you go and collect into arms full, and carry

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