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the duties as proposed in that tariff, is equally in-quire the constant fostering protection of govern-whenever any attempt has been made to auord capable of being maintained; as this point has ment to guard them from the competition of fo-relief or protection to manufacturers, have exbeen fairly tested and set to rest for ever, in the reign rivals; and that where they undergo a se-lerted all their efforts to prevent its succes. case of coarse cottons, which are subject to du-vere depression, all classes of society, as well as ties averaging 50 to 85 per cent. and actually pro-the national resources, suffer with them. That past experience forbids us to place dehibitory. The consequences have been highly That to the experience of Holland, so full termission of the public suffering, so long and so pendence on a continuance of the present insalutary in various points of view. A market has fraught with the most irresistible admonitions, severely felt-an intermission, let it be observed, been afforded for a very large quantity of the may be added that of the United States after their far from universal—as it does not extend to the most important raw material of the United States, two wars, which furnishes powerful additional three great western states, Ohio, Kentucky, and whereby a depreciation of the price in Europe proof of the pernicious consequences of exposing Tennessee-nor to the interior part of Pennsylvania has been prevented-employment has been given the manufacturing industry of a nation to the and New-York-embracing, together, about a to thousands of our citizens, of whom many were overwhelming competition of foreign rivals, pos- fifth part of the population of the Union. There in a state of pauperism-the poor rates in our sessed of all the pre-eminent advantages which are strong appearances of at least a partial recities have considerably diminished-house rents improved machinery, consummate skill, immense turn of the scenes we have lately beheld;—or, and mill-seats have risen in price-the internal capitals, and the aid of bounties and drawback like causes producing like effects, the great imtrade of the country has greatly increased-and at home, can afford. At the close of those wars, portations recently made, and still expected, can the manufactures thus protected, are better in this country was in a highly prosperous state. Idle- scarcely fail to have a similar effect with those quality, and more reasonable in price, than the ness was banished the land. Every man, woman, or of 1815 and 1816, though probably less extenrival articles formerly imported, but now exclu- child, able and willing to work was fully employed. sive and oppressive in their operation. Nothing ded by prohibitory duties. Were it necessary we Pauperism was in a great degree unknown. Happi- can secure this country from periodical returns could add a variety of cases of other articles ness pervaded all ranks of society. But the cessation of those scenes of distress, whose fatal traces, which afford full and complete proof of this of war produced calamities which war had in vain like those of hurricanes and tempests, are to be theory. attempted to inflict. Enormous importations took found indelibly marked throughout our country, That the accusation of extortion on the part of place, which glutted the markets, and bereft our but a protection of manufacturing industry equal the manufacturers, during the late war which was citizens of a chance of sale, and of that reward to to that bestowed on commerce and agriculture. the principal reason for the reduction of the rates which industry has an indefeasible claim.of duties proposed by Mr. Dallas's tariff, was "Goods," to use a favorite phrase, “were imporYour memorialists, therefore, respectfully pray wholly unfounded-as the great rise of raw ma- ted cheaper than they could be manufactured at consideration, and adopt such measures as you you would take the premises into your serious terials, of labor, and of sites for manufacturing home." Ruin spread among our manufacturers. establishments, would have warranted a greater Thousands of the working classes of society, male may judge adapted to promote the wealth, powrise of manufactures than actually took place- and female, were bereft of employment and of er, and resources of the United States, and give and the extraordinary rise in the price of the the means of supporting themselves and their them that stand among the nations of the earth fruits of the earth, wheat, cotton, and tobacco, helpless children; devoted to idleness and pau- natural, moral, and physical, give them so fair a to which the transcendent advantages they enjoy, which have been often advanced forty, fifty, and perism; and exposed to the lures of vice and one hundred per cent. in the course of one, two crime. The productions of the country were enor three years, and likewise the enormous advan- tirely inadequate to pay for the enormous amount ces laid on imported goods, fully evince the in- of foreign luxuries calculated to demoralize us, consistency of the accusation of extortion pre- or conveniences and necessaries, most part of ferred by so many of the cultivators of the soil which we could ourselves have supplied. To disand the merchants. charge the balance exhausted the metalic medium That the assertion so confidently promulgated, of the nation, which spread a paralysis throughthat "the nations of Europe, in admiration of out all the operations of society, and produced the success of our policy, are relaxing the rigor that distrees which engendered tender and apof their systems," is wholly destitute of founda- praisement laws, and all those unhappy meas- If the Editor of this excellent paper which we tion-as is proved, among other things, by the ures, to which embarrassed communities are so have often recommended to the patronage of our war of commercial regulations now actually waoften driven. Commerce, which had been an ef- readers, would endeavour to call the attention of ging between this country and the two greatest ficient agent in producing these scenes, partook his correspondents and that of the intelligent nations in Europe, France and England, which in both cases of the ruin which it had produced. Farming interest generally to an inquiry into the pertinaciously adhere to the most obnoxious re- Agriculture, by a few years of this ruinous sys- causes or what is called "the sedging of wheat," Strictions, notwithstanding repeated efforts on the tem, has lost nearly all the advantages it derived (a term made use of to describe the diseased si te part of the United States to induce "a relaxa- from an uninterrupted course of prosperity for and decline of wheat before it begins to joint, tion of their systems," by negotiation and by nearly twenty years. And our finances, to which which is marked by its first ceasing to grow and countervailing laws. And in no country whatev- the attention of many of our statesmen appeared then withering away, or growing up in a little er is there any proof of such relaxation. More- exclusively directed, and of which the lasting bunch like narrow flags and producing nothing,) over, "the success of our policy," for the last prosperity was predicted with unlimited confi- he would probably render an essential service to seven years, holds out nothing for other nations to dence, have failed, with the general impoverish- the cause of Agriculture. imitate, but much to avoid. ment of the nation-an impoverishment which is Our Farmers complain much of this evil the That the immense wealth, power, and resour'as certain a consequence of the sacrifice of do- present year-it has appeared in a great deal of res acquired by Great Britain, with a popula-mestic to foreign industry, as heat is the conse- the best land, and we believe we are correct in tion of only about 14,000,000 of people, obvious- quence of fire-or light that of the presence of saying it more commonly appears on light loamy ly by the restrictive system, whereby she keeps, the sun in his meredian splendor. soils than on stiff lands. We are apprehensive this evil is increasing very much.


Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1822.

Signed by order,

WILLIAM TILGHMAN, President Pennsylvania Society for the Encouragement of Manufactures.

Attest, MARK RICHARDS, Sec'y.


To find out the cause and the cure of this de-
Editor Easton Gazete.

structive malady is a most important concern.

the national industry employed on the raw mate- That we have beheld with satisfaction the fosrials of their own soil, and on those collected from tering care bestowed on commerce from the orevery quarter of the globe-trebling, quad:u-ganization of the government to the present time pling, and quintupling their original value-and whereby the tonnage of the United States was elelike wise the present prosperous state of France,). vated in a few years to the second rank among the (notwithstanding all her sufferings during a twen- Inations of the earth; the coasting trade secured The Editor trusts it is unnecessary for him to ty years' war, and her subsequent prostration un- by prohibitions under penalty of confiscation of say how much he should be pleased, to receive der hostile armies,) resulting, in like manner, any foreign vessels interfering in it; such a dis- and disseminate observations on the subject adfrom the restrictive system, afford the strongest crimination in tonnage and light money as affords verted to above-which would enable the cultivacorrobation of its soundness that can be conceived. American vessels a decided advantage over fo-ors of the "staff of life," to arrest an increasing That the distress and suffering which actually foreign vessels from ports into which our vessels the Philadelphia Agricultural Society, or elsereign rivals; the prohibition of the entry of evil. He thinks he has seen, in the memoirs of exists in Holland, together with the lamentable are not admitted; a difference in the duties on all where some remarks on the subject, but whether failure of her finances, in consequence of a sys- imported teas, except Bohea, amounting to near-remedial or merely descriptive of the disease, tem similar to, and enacted cotemporaneously ly forty per cent. in favour of American vessels and declaratory of its existence, he does not rewith ours, whereby the national industry has in one word, the adoption of every practicable collect. He solicits to this enquiry, the particuheen paralised, and the national manufactures measure that could be devised to protect and pro-lar attention of his correspondents, to whom he prostrated, by immense importations of rival ar- mote commerce. And yet too many of the mer-ught to embrace all occasions to tender his acticles, satisfactorily prove, that manufactures re-chants, enjoying these transcendant advantages, knowledgements -Edit. Am. Farmer.

Extracts from the last file of the London Far-closer; but they kept 24 ewes and lambs six mer's Journal, received at the office of the Ame-[days; and 235 ewes, 206 lambs, and 28 dry ewes, rican Farmer.

[blocks in formation]


Edinburgh, Oct. 24, 1821.


eight days; and afterwards, at the second feed-
ing, which began on the 20th of June, they sup-
ported 458 sheep one day, 637 sheep four days, The result of an experiment made by that in-
an excellent crop of transplanted Swedes, which Curwen, Esq. M. P., Workington, deserves to be
and 186 sheep one day. On that field I have now defatigable and enlightened agriculturist, J. C.
were put in as soon as the tares were finished. On made known to the whole of the farming world.
the whole, I consider tares as one of the most The great difficulties which Mr. Curwen had ex-
profitable of the green summer crops; and Iperienced in the soiling of his cattle during the
hope that the statements I have given above will latter part of the season, determined him to sow
convince other persons of their great utility. his turnips much earlier than on any former occa-
I remain your obedient servant,
sion, for the purpose of supplying the deficiency
of green food during the latter part of August,
September, &c. With this view, he sowed the
yellow, white, and green turnips, during the two
first weeks in May, and his crop is, without ex-
ception, not only the best in his own neighbour-
hood, but is not surpassed in any part, either of
the north of England or of Scotland. On the
18th of August his turnips weighed 224 tons; and
on the 36th of August they were 30 tons on su-


We shall be happy at all times to hear

Observing in the Farmer's Journal of Oct. 29, an answer to the inquiries of a correspondent on the mode of raising and using Tares, I send you the following remarks, which may perhaps afford some userul hints to those of your readers who are not in the habit of introducing this valuable plant into their rotation of crops. The spring and winter tare are of a distinct species; the latter comes from this correspondent.-Edit. Farm.Jour. into blossom soonest, and bears the severest weather uninjured, whereas the former will not stand the cold of winter. On a farm of 300 acres (whereof two thirds are in tillage,) I sow annually about 30 acres on part of my wheat stubbles, or alter my early potatoes, and I find them of great benefit to any sort of stock that I kee



Hants, Nov. 1, 1821.

Being partial to sheep stock preferably to that perior soil, and raised with manure; and on the is to break up the stubbles as soon as possible being rather in a strong soil, and subject to poach September, his turnips raised with bones, sown a My plan of larger cattle, a considerable part of my lands 24 September they weighed 32 tons. On the 10th a.ter harvest, and to put in the tares with one in winter, and in moist seasons, some difficulties week later than the former, weighed 224 tons, ughing, either drilling them, or sowing broad- have arisen in my mind, formed upon calculations and those raised with a kind of manure from Cast, after an implement called a presser, which throws the land into ridges, and causes the grain wish to submit to some of your best informed cor- town ashes produced a crop of 27 tons. On the of the relative consumption of stock, which 1 London, 20 tons, 16 stones, whilst the common to fall into the regular furrows prepared for it. I bein to sow in September, and continue to do so, on the subject. It must be an exceedingly pro- the 7th October, the green globe weighed uprespondents, who may possibly solve my doubts 28th September they weighed 36 tons; and on at the intervals of a fortnight, till the end of Oc-ductive acre of the best meadow grass that will wards of 40 tons. The great advantage derived tuber. I use about two bushels of seed to the produce one ton and a half of hay and a ton of from this system is, that those who soil are not unacre, and sometimes mix a little light wheat with rowen or aftermath, in the whole two tons and a der the necessity of cutting their clover crops a se

it, which I find of use in supporting the tares hali. Supposing the grass or green produce to cond time, which not only very much deteriorates whilst growing. The sowing of the spring crop have sunk one third in weight upon being dried the soil, but in some instances, as was the case commences in February, and may be continued, and made into hay, the whole green produce frequently this season, it hardly repays the exto May or June, by which means a constant suc- would be within a fraction of 7332 lbs. Now, sup- pense of cutting. It is very possible, in good seacession of excellent green food will be provided. I seed off as many acres of tares as possible with Posing every sheep of the middling average size to sons, to have the turnips ready for drawing in the my sheep (commencing as soon as the first flower would appear a very scanty allowance, each all seasons they have been ready in August. If consume 6 lbs. of green produce daily, and that end of July, since during this most unfavorable of shews itself,) and reserve the rest for my horses, my milch cows, (which are soiled in a yard all less than 34 sheep throughout the year upon the this season, he could not possibly have continued sheep would consume 2190 lbs. of that produce- Mr. Curwen had not adopted this plan during the year,) and my pigs. For the latter animals and for horses, they are a most nutritious food in very best meadow. Now, suppose the average of to soil his 100 head of very valuable short-hornseed. On the land where the tares have been dow, and that is rather a laige average calcula- In average years, one acre of clover, at the sefed off, I immediately put in drilled turnips the consumption of the whole, or 14 sheep per Twelve acres of the second cutting of clover this tion, then a moiety of that stock would suffice for cond cutting, may be estimated at five tons, so (without any other manure than what the sheep that one acre of turnips is equal to five of clover. have dropped,) or transplanted Swedes, or trans- acre. Supposing again the average produce of a planted mangel wurtzel. It is also very good hus-sheep to be 15s. which I consider as a large al- year, would scarcely have produced 30 tons of bandry to put in a crop of spring tares after the lowance, and certainly rather more than the ac- grass. The expenses of cutting and securing the winter ones, on the land intended for wheat.tual profit, the whole amount per annum would clover would vary in different situations; but the Where the clover has been killed during the 1.6s. 3d. ; this would be the whole gross pro- great advantage derived from turnips, and their winter, spring tares may be put in about Februa-duce. Deduct from which, interest of capital, comparative cheapness, must be manifest to all; ry with great advantage. I this year sowed in tithes, poor-rates, expense of shepherds, acci- since if clover be given in a succulent state to that month about 15 acres of spring tares on land dents, &c. &c., the whole would be more than mitch cows, the quantity consumed of turnips and where the clover had perished, and on the pro-calculations are verified, it would clearly appear swallowed up, and nothing left for rent. If these clover is nearly the same. If clover be given in duce I kept 650 sheep 20 days, besides supporting that such stock, reported the most profitable of milk must always be expected. Besides all a state not sufficiently succulent, a great loss of 10 norses during the same time; 7 milch cows 14 days, and about 100 store pigs two months. A-any, on grass lands, would be worse than none at these advantages, less injury is invariably susbout twelve acres of the land were cleared of the all, leaving the farmer without profit, and the tained by the good ground in case of pastura e, tales in time for turnips, which are now a good landlord without rent. I confess I suspect some than when cut for soiling a second time. In iacrop. These I could have off in time for sowing error in these calculations, or farmers would yorable years, Mr. Curwen's stock of cattle will be supplied with turnips during nearly 46 weeks,

the autumn, when they are podded and full of a grass farm produces one moiety of the best mea- ed cattle at the most critical period of the year.


Mr. Curwen finds that one acre of turnips will support a hundred head of cattle,* which

wheat this year, but I shall let them stand through never have ventured to encourage this stock pre- and thus he will only find it necessary to supply the winter, and put in a crop of carrots instead, ferably to all others as considering it the most pro the deficiency of six weeks with clover, vetches, in March or April. I did not plough the land table. In a mixed farm, consisting partly o for spring tares after the clover; I only scarified table and partly of meadow and pasture, aided &c. It ought also to be remembered, that the it ence, and immediately drilled in the seed. The by sufficient crops of turnips, sheep may not only period for cutting the second crop of clover is scorher and drill are the same implement, on- be useful but necessary: but in a farm wholly laid very important, being in general the time of harly altered a little for their different operations; down to grass, I fear it is impossible to render they each work at the rate of six acres per day, the stock productive to any beneficial amount, the former with four, and the latter with two should the above calculations prove tolerably corrses and perform extremely well. I had there-rect, and the reasonings deduced from them valid. fone very little expense in tillage and sowing. A the opinions of some of your numerous and infid of five acres, which in September, 1820, 1telligent correspondents on the subject will wed with winter tares, was forward enough, in reatly oblige, Sir, your very obedient servant, the spring of this year, to receive my ewes and A. B. lambs on the 27th of April. I passed the flock P. S. The above calculations are supposed to rapidly over the first time, and did not eat theme correct, subject to a small fraction.

affords a clear proof of the great superiority of
turnips over clover, when used for soiling in the
latter part of the year.
In my next, you may expect a more accurate
view of the state of the crops in Scotland; and
* Our correspondent probably meant to a
week, which is abou a hundred weight per diem
to each.-Edit. Farm. Jour.


I am, Sir,

Your obedient servant, ROGER POSTLETHWAITE.

some remarks on Mr. Curwen's plan of im-call the braxey, and if this can be ascertained, it in some measure, perhaps assist to dissipate the proving wastes. Your's, &c. F. SIBSON. will be well for us to adopt the Scotch name for prejudice against the planting of whole potatoes, this sort of mortal sickness. We should be hap- from fear of a great quantity of seed being neWe have the pleasure of adding to the py to learn from any experienced correspondent in cessary. above, an extract of a letter recently received Scotland, what are the symptoms? What the from Mr. Curwen, wherein he says, "I this year season? What the keeping and other circumsowed my white globe, and the yellow turnips, stances (as the age of the sheep, &c.) of, at, and on the first week in May, and began to puil them the which sheep die of the braxey? We find by the ON THE QUARTER EVIL. 20th of August, weighing then 24 tons, and be-explanation of Hogg (the Ettrick shepherd,) that fore the end of the month 27 to 30 ditto. By these there are several species of this disease, or what means I can feed more than nine months on tur-is more likely, several diseases called by this The Quarter Evil generally appears after a That which he calls the water-braxey, series of dry weather in the end of autumn, or a nips, &c. The difficulty of procuring food for name. soiling, in April and September, is by these means answers by his description to our red-water, or long succession of the calm frosty days in winter. removed." In another paragraph he says, "If resp (bloody urine). Another species of this, Even in summer, calves are liable to this fatal straw and turnips will not fatten cattle, there is called the yellow sickness, he mentions as a rare distemper, if the juices in their pastures have little profit to be expected. I have for some distemper, but by the symptoms it is the bloody been highly concentrated by intense heats. Unyears reared and fed my stock in sheds on green urine, only attended with some peculiarities of equivocal signs of putridity are manifest in the carfood, and I find no difficulty in bringing my three-appearance, owing to the different state of body, casses of animals that die of the Quarter Evil; years-old steers to 80 stone of carcass (14 lbs.)-period of continuance, or time of examination af- but one quarter is peculiarly affected, and if the I steam the chaff of grain, which I give them with ter death. disease lodges in a fore quarter, the danger is

salt; this keeps them in good health of body, and It has long been our intention to enter at some greatest, because the neck is tainted, and from I never give them corn, cake, or hay." It would length into this subject, with a view to divide and thence to the lungs. As the progress of malady be a great pleasure and satisfaction to us to be distinguish the diseases of sheep which cause is so rapid, whenever it appears, all the cattle, informed, what may be the expense per head in speedy or sudden death, because no subject re-except inilk cows, should be bled, and medicine lating to stock is so much neglected, or so little given by way of antidote. The instrument emunderstood.-Edit. Farmer's Jour.

fuel and labour.-Edit. Farm. Jour.


Kelmarsh, Oct. 30, 1821.

SIR,-Observing in your Journal of yesterday the Query of Rusticus, I beg to refer him to that truly valuable work, entitled " Every Man his


Gargreave, Kirkby, Lancashire,
October 15, 1821.

ployed in bleeding must be specially cleaned with warm water, and dried between each operation, since the least tincture of blood from a diseased subject would convey putrescency to a sound animal. One of the most decided in lications of the Quarter Evil, is a tension of the

own Cattle Doctor, by Mr. Clater; he will From some little knowledge which I possess of skin, which like a dry hide, rattles if we attempt there find the disorder, called Red Water, con- the physiology of the plant Solamum Tuberosum to handle it. All the cattle should be minutely cisely, but clearly and satisfactorily explained, or common Potato, as well as from frequently examined, in case they require friction with a together with the cure, or rather, perhaps, reading accounts of the superior productiveness hard brush, to remove this symptom. After rubshould say, the prevention of this destructive from whole potatoes, induced me, this season, bing, let them be driven into the sea, or into a malady. I shall however, subjoin the recipe for (early in May) to plant a row and a half through river, lake, or pond, and when they have swam the use of those who may not like to purchase a two-acre field of 158 yards in length, at one about ten minutes or a quarter of an hour, give the work, of the efficacy of which I can speak yard between and 15 inches in the row, with large them quick motion on land; and it is hardly with confidence, after repeated trials. Take Epwhole ones; and getting them up myself a few needful to suggest, that the quantity of friction, som salts six ounces, nitre in powder four oundays ago, the produce was 20 bushels, 75 pounds exercise, and medicine, must be according to the ces, boiling water three pints, which pour upon to the bushel, which is equal to 408 bushels and age and vigor of each animal. Our prescription the salts. When new milk warm, add spirits of a half per statute acre. I also took up three rows, is adapted for calves three months old; and no turpentine four ounces, bole armoniac in powplanted at the same time with sets, at 27 inches remedy should be used for an hour at least beder half an ounce; mix well, the dose from three between and ten in the row, which produced 22 fore and after the calf has had milk, either from to four table spoonsful, and the above about suffi- bushels and one third, nearly 305 to the acre.-a dish, or by suction from the mother. Indeed, cient for 30 sheep. Mr. Clater recommends that The potatoes, were subsequently treated alike, it is indispensable so to divide the time for the sheep be fasted two hours before and after with the exception of raking in the dung, in the each application, that regular intervals of rest the drink is given; and in order to perform the first case, into the furrows on each side of the may be allowed; and such prescription must be business expeditiously, if several require the potatoes, though no more was originally spread up- repeated three or four times daily: but in winter, medicine, a small horn should be provided, hold- on the ground; but it was long and could not be well or chilly days of a milder season, it would be imturned down otherwise. The method of planting proper to give a cold bath, therefore the cattle ing the proper quantity. I have sustained some loss this year, as I suppose, through the luxuri- potatoes in the northern part of this county, must have more exercise or land. The drink for ance of the Swedish turnip tops, though changwhere large quantities are annually grown, being cattle in hot weather should be whitened with ing from superior to good grass keeping will of the chief food of the labouring classes, is to put barley meal; and for medicine, an English pint them into furrows, raking in the dung, and co- of warm water, whitened with barley meal, is to ten cause the disorder, which for the most part attacks the best sheep, not one, however, out of vering them with the succeeding furrow upon a be employed to dissolve two tea spoonfulls of salt240, has died since I gave the drink. During the flat surface, planting in every third furrow, and petre grossly powdered; to which add a winetime of giving the medicine it should be con- not in the ridge or turnip system. The first glass full of a strong infusion prepared from method I consider better, unless upon heavy, wormwood, or rue, sage, angelica, or juniper berstantly stirred. retentive soils, imperfectly under-drained, as the ries. As juniper berries contain much camphor, common harrow, on the first appearance of the! they are preferable, and should be well bruised plants, will more effectually extirpate the weeds before the boiling water is poured over them.We thank this gentleman for the ready and a greater quantity of fresh mould may be Immediately before the dose is administered, answer to the Querist, and are happy to find, by brought up to the stems; two very important mix with it two tea spoonfulls of vinegar; put his description of the disease, that he is accu- processes. Every person who communicates his the dose into a bottle, and pour it into the throat rate in his notion of its identity; no benefit, how- observations to the public, should sedulously en- of the calf. If herbs, or juniper berries, for the ever, is to be expected from the astringent earth deavor not to deceive; and upon that principle, infusion, cannot be speedily procured, two ounces (bole armoniac) in the foregoing recipe. I have to observe, that those potatoes which elon- of the best gunpowder, mixed with warm water



We learn by perusing Ellis's Gentlemen and gate their bulb fibres to a distance from the root, and barley meal, will supply the place of these, Shepherd's Guide, that Red Water was the name are the best to plant whole, which are character- and of saltpetre, until they can be obtained. then generally given to the disease attended with istic generally of those with white flowers, and bloody urine, and the reply of Mr. Thorpe shews, of great increase. Those which form almost imthat this is the case at present: the name is cer- mediately from the stem, are improper, as they¦ tainly a very proper one, although this disease, is occupy too little space in the ground, and mutucalled the rest in the fens and marshes, and ally prevent each others' growth. another disease, of which sheep die more sud- Should you conceive this worthy of insertion in denly, though not in such numbers, nor on the your valuable miscellany, you may do so, as it same sort of keeping, is called the Red Water.- will strike the minds of the readers through a I presume you are quite impatient to hear from This latter is probably the same which the Scotch different medium to a verbal communication, and me, respecting your cylinder straw cutter: I

[ocr errors]



January 29th, 1822.

SWEDISH COFFEE-from GEO. Cox, of Charleston, S. C... Remarks thereon.

should have written to you sooner, but wished richness of the milk of an Alderney and that o to be perfectly satisfied, that the machine would two other cows, considered the best in a her answer the purpose it is intended for. Five months where all have been reckoned very fine, and "I enclose you a few seeds of the Swedish Coftrial has convinced me that this straw cutter far where the three were pastured and managed fee. It is grown in Sweden for the express pursurpasses any that has been offered to the the same way. There is undoubtedly in this pose-it is a hardy plant and requires to be sown public. I have taken the knives off, ground them breed some peculiar constitutional tendency in drills about 18 inches apart, but rather thin. I and put them on without any difficulty. I have cut which fits it exclusively for the pail-or rather grew a small quantity in my garden last year, about 2500 bushels of straw and find that the for the churn. When the cow has brought he and it produced a great abundance. If people knives bear on the steel as hard now as the day I calf, she seems to yield up every thing to its would become acquainted with this grain and aptook it from your shop; to sum the whole togeth-support-the lactescent secretions predominate prove it, it would become a valuable thing to er the machine is simple in its construction, sub-over all others, and the extraordinary richness of this country." stantially strong, and easily kept in order, and will the milk, is as visible to the eye, as it is perceivacut, of good straw, 50 bushels per hour with ease;ble in the result, after churning. They are reno person I think who wants a straw cutter, willmarkable for their resemblance to the deerpurchase any but yours.


Mr. Jonathan S. Eastmun,

I am Your's,

would be avoided by a stranger purchasing milch
cows, by the eye, and for the shambles or the
yoke, are not to be recommended.
Edit. Am. Farm.




Flour from the wagons, superfine, $6 87 to $7-Wharf do. free from garlic $6 624 to $6 75. Wheat, white, 143 a 145 cts.-Red, 133 to 145Corn, white, 83 to 85-yellow do. 74 to 76-Rye SIR-I am so well pleased with the operation of 80 cts.-Barley, 55 to 60-Oats, wharf, 35 to 40. the cylinder straw cutter (for chaffing all kind of One parcel of White Wheat, raised by J. P. PACA, bag forage,) purchased of you last November, Esq and fit for family flour, sold for $1 45.-Very for the use of Orange Farm, near this city, belittle Red Wheat soid as high as $1 43, and it is longing to Robert Smith, esq. that I now transmit In publishing discussions on the great flat to day (Wednesday) at $1 40.-Whiskey, 31 to you the result of my experiments. Previous question of governmental protection to Domestic cts.-Wool, 30 to 50-Beans, N. E. 130 per bush. to the purchase of your machine, Mr. Smith rewholesale Grass Seeds, same as last report.-Industry, some rule must be laid down, lest in quested me to send for two machines, (say East-the interest excited by the importance of the Salt, coarse, 54 to 65 cents-Liverpool ground, fair trial, and the one that answered the best pur- tained upon it, we should be called upon to ap Mess Beef, $11-do Pork, 13-Shad No. 1, trimman's patent, and Barnard's Patent,) and make a subject, and the very opposite opinions enter-50 do.-fine, 40 to 44 per bushel-Plaster of Paris, ground, $7 per ton or 125 cents per bbl.pose, he would purchase for the use of the farm, propriate to the discussion, a greater propor

set to the machine.

as he was determined to have every description of tion of this journal than could be yielded to it, med, $7-Do. do. No. 2, $6 50-No. 1, untrimlong forage chaffed. The two machines were having a just regard to other topicks. It is al-med, $6-No. 2, do. do. $5-Herrings, No. 1,2 50 procured, and brought to the farm on the same ready known that our first wish is to communi- to 2 37 3p. bbl.-No. 2, do. $2 to $2 25-Eggs, 12} day. Barnard's patent had a fair trial but would cate the experience of the sun-browned practi- cents per doz.--Butter 31 to 37) per lb.-Comnot answer the purpose at all; but whether ow-cal Farmer, in preference to the fine spun lu- mon fowls, per pair 75 cts.-Beef, prime pieces, ing to the principle of the machine, or bad work-cubrations of the Philosopher, or the calcula-8 to 10 cts.-Live Cattle, $5 to $6.-Other artimanship, I will not pretend to say. Yours, tions, however profound, of the political econo- cles same as last report. (Eastman's Patent) had also a fair trial and mist. Yet it cannot be disputed, and we must Some hogsheads of very superior tobacco really surpassed my expectations, and has been not forget, that the plough works most effici- have been sold lately for $25 per hundred.—One in operation ever since, (upwards of two months) ently when industry takes the handles and sci-made by Judge Dorsey sold, we understand for cutting all the long forage of every kind, that ence hangs her lamp upon the beam. This $26; and it has been asserted that one brought to has been fed to upwards of seventy head of stock; number, it will be seen contains a memorial in market by Mr. Montgomery, of Montgomery during this time the knives have been taken off relation to the existing tariff, and we give it County in this State, sold for $28 the hundredbut once, and then ground on the farm, and re-place as we have done those from the united We have procured a few bundles, that we might Two hands with this ma- Agricultural Societies of Virginia. It appears them see what it really is that commands this exinclose small pieces to some of our friends, to let chine, will readily cut from sixty to seventy on reflection, that as societies have been organ-traordinary price. We should be glad in cases bushels per hour. I have no hesitation in saying, ised to guard the interests of these two classes, of this sort to learn from the growers of the arit is far superior to any machine I have ever seen that the better course will be to select for our For the same purpose; and it is my decided opi-readers, the expositions made by them, without ticle, any peculiarity which may have existed as ion, that at least one half of all kinds of forage, admitting in reply the essays of anonymous to the soil-time of planting, kind of tobacco— is saved by cutting and steaming it. commentators, without number. If an indi-management, &c. &c. vidual appear, under his proper name, let him be answered in the same way; but we should prefer, now that societies are organised to conWheatland For Sale. centrate and express the opinions and views of Wishing to remove to a city, for the benefit these interests respectively; that our readers of my children, I offer this fine estate for sale. would feel satisfied with the representations WHEATLAND is situated in the fertile county emanating from them. If we have taken a of Jefferson, in Virginia, 4 miles from Charleswrong view of the subject we are open to con- town, and a less distance from the celebrated Shannondale Springs, 55 miles from Washington, and 75 from Baltimore. It contains about 950

Respectfully yours,

Manager for R. Smith, Esq. at Orange Farm.
February 7th, 1822.


Hampton, June 1st, 1819.

Miss Eve Igau requests to inform you that sheviction. had the creani from the English (Alderney) Cow, from Friday evening last, churned to-day, (3 days) SEED SENT TO THE EDITOR SINCE LAST NOTICE. acres of first rate limestone land, in the highest frn which she had 3 lbs. butter, and also the cream from two of the others picked out for the best milch cows, churned, which produced 44 lbs. ; they were all in the same pasture, and milked in the sheep pens, for the same length of time. 1 am, Sir, respectfully,

Your very obedient servant,


state of cultivation; one third in Wood. The INDIAN CORN AND NUTMEG SEED-from ED-water is extremely fine, and the place remarkaMUND RUFFIN.... Remarks. Lly healthy. All the buildings are in complete "I have filled in the interstices in the box be-order, and are ample for every purpose either of tween the different parcels of earth, with some of comfort or necessity, and are chiefly constructed my crossed corn. It retains enough of the flinti- of stone. The stone dwelling-house is spacious ness and early maturity of one of the parent stocks and singularly convenient in the arrangement of and yet has 22 rows on all prime ears, and a great- its apartments, containing 14 rooms. The large er depth of grain than any equally hard corn. I and convenient barn, (60 feet by 40,) is also built The above note from a person employed at hind, however, that its produce shews a continual of stone. The fences and enclosures are all in Hampton, to the hospitable proprietor of that effort to run back into one or the other varieties the best state of repair; they are constructed of gitadid estate, relates to a comparison which from which it is made, and not one ear in ten is the most durable materials, a considerable porhe ordered to be made between the Alderney fit to be selected for seed. I believe that all new tion being of stone. ( and two of his best cows. It will be observed varieties produced by crossing, require many ge that it is not stated as the greatest quantity that nerations to become fixed in their characters. Som ether might have given, under more favorable nutmeg seed are also sent-if fashion would per Circumstances. It is not adduced as an example of mit, their taste would well admit their stoppin great yield, but as a fair comparison between the all further importations of that spice."

A more particular description is deemed supertuous at this time as it is presumed that persons vishing to purchase, would view the property, nd the proprietor will promptly answer any inquiry by post.

I will remark however, that I believe it to be the best, and, (at the price I am willing to take for it,) the cheapest estate that has at any time been offered for sale in Virginia, or elsewhere.

The payments (being well secured,) will be made perfectly to correspond with the wishes and convenience of a purchaser.

The farm will divide advantageously into two or three sections, and will be sold entire or divided to suit purchasers.

About 65 or 70 valuable NEGROES, with the Stocks, and every other description of property attached to the Farm, will be included in the sale, at the option of the purchaser.


[blocks in formation]


N. B. Wheat Fans and Smiths' Bellows repaired.

A Gentleman and Lady Who has conducted a Seminary in Baltimore for the last four years, wish to remove to a healthy situation in the country, and open an Academy

On Ellicott and Light streets, near Pratt st. wharf for both sexes; any information of a suitable The subscriber having provided himself with neighbourhood, either by message or letter, left at For a more minute, and as we are quite confi- good workmen, will make, and sell on the most the office of E. H. Cummins, Esq. Tammany-, dent, a just description of the above most valuable reasonable terms street, will be thankfully acknowledged. A farm estate, the reader is referred to vol. 2, page 401 of WHEAT FANS AND STRAW CUTTERS, in a populous neighbourhood, would be preferred this Journal.-Edit. Am. Farm. assorted

as a residence.

[graphic][merged small]

A Teeswater Heifer, by George, the Sire of the celebrated Bull BERGAMI.


NELL, a very deep milker of three years, with remarkable points, from Countess by Bonaparte, price $120.

COUNTESS, the dam of Nell, a very large cow of six years, with great points-her pins are 25 inches apart-she weighed 1344 lbs. in February last, when she was merely in good milking condition-price $100. CHERRY, the heifer described above, price $120. TOM JONES, a singularly fine Bull Calf, of 8 months, with extraordinary points, from Cherry, by George-price $120. BARON, a very large Bull Calf of 10 months, from the Queen, by George-he weighed when seven months and seven days old, 700 lbs., price $100.

BILLY AUSTIN, a large Bull Calf of seven months, from Prize, by the noted imported

'ull Denton. Prize was by Denton, out of aghorn, (a fine Cow of tried milking stock)

she took the Prize at the Worcester Cattle Mr. William's Bull Denton, was bred by Mr. Show, in October, 1819-in October, 1822, she John Wetherell, of Kirkly, Leicestershire. le took a silver plate at the exhibition of the same has been invariably considered perfect in form, place-price $150. by all who have seen him in this country. ROB ROY, a three year's old Bull, with very Denton was by old Denton, dam by Baronet, great points, fine head, horns, chaps, and great grandam by Cripple, great grandam by Irishman Length of carcase, by Denton, from Brindle, re- Old Denton was by Comet, grandam by St. markable as a milker-price $250. John, great grandam by Sir Old Danby. NONSUCH, a large and well formed Bull Calf, Persons desirous of purchasing will please ap nearly 12 months old, by Denton, from the ply to the Editor of the American Farmer.-To Marlborough Cow-price $150. those taking more than one some abatement may

STEAM BOAT, an uncommonly large Cow of be made.
five years, showing much Tees-Water blood,
her pins are 27 inches apart-in February last
she weighed 1736 lbs.-price $150.
The QUEEN, the remarkable Cow of five years,
which took a silver cup at the Maryland Ex-
hibition in June last-price $150.

BESS, a large Heifer of three years, of the Hol-
stein and Alderney blood-price $75.

Printed every Friday at $4 per annum, for JoHN S. SKINNER, Editor, by JOSEPH ROBINSON, at the North West corner of Market and Belviderestreets, Baltimore, where every description of Book and Job printing is executed with neatness and despatch-Orders from a distance for Bining, with proper directions, promptly attended to.

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