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fastening would prevent it from siuking with the a great part of the strength that the manure and round the stem, will keep them from climbing earth. The earth would sink from it, and leave tillage bring. the tree; but they are still alive. As to the di cavities about the roots. 294. Now, then, as to the trees in my garden; minutive creatures that appear as specks in the 288. When the trees are short, they will re-they are to be choice peaches, nectarines, apricots, bark; the best, and perhaps, the only remedy quire no stakes. They may be planted the se-plums, cherries, and grape vines, with a very few against the species of disease of which they are the cond year after budding, and the first after graft- apples and pears. The sorts will be mentioned symptom, consists of good plants, good planting and ing; and these are the best times. If planted in hereafter in the Alphabetical list; but, the good tillage. When orchards are seized with the fall, the tree should be shortened very early tillage for all except the grape vines, is the same; diseases that pervade the whole of the trees, or in the spring, and in such a way as to answer the and the nature of that exception will be particu- nearly the whole, the best way is to cut them ends to be pointed out more particularly when we larly stated under the name of grape. down: they are more plague than profit, and, as come to speak of pruning. 295. It was obsreved before, that the ground long as they exist, they are a source of nothing 289. If you plant in the spring, it should be as is always to be kept clear of weeds. From the constantly-returning disappointment and early as the ground will bear moving; only, bear spring to the fall frequent hoeing all the ground mortification. However, as there are persons in mind, that the ground must always be dry at over, not only to keep away weeds but to keep who have a delight in quackery, who are never top when you plant. In this case, the new roots the ground moist in hot and dry weather, taking so happy as when they have some specific to apwill strike out almost immediately; and as soon care never to hoe but when the ground is dry at Ply, and to whom rosy cheeks and ruby lips are as the buds begin to swell, shorten the head of the pot. This hoeing should not go deeper than four almost an eye-sore, it is perhaps, fortunate, tree. After a spring-planting it may be neces- or five inches; for there is a great difference be- that the vegetable world presents them with pasary to guard against drought; and the best pro- tween trees and herbaceous plants as to the renewal tients; and thus, even in the cotton-blight or tection is the laying of small stones of any sort of their roots respectively. Cut off the lateral canker, we see an evil, which we may be led to round the tree, so as to cover the area of a circle roots of a cabbage, or a turnip, of a wheat or a rye hope is not altogether unaccompanied with good. of three feet in diameter, of which circle the stem or an Indian-corn plant, and new roots, from the (To be Continued.) of the tree is the centre. This will keep the parts that remain, come out in 12 hours, and the ground cooler than any thing else that you can put operation, by multiplying the mouths of the feedupon it. ers of the plant, gives it additional force. But, the 290. As to the distances, at which trees ought roots of a tree consist of wood, more or less hard: the subject of Bees, induces me to mention, that A paragraph in your Gazette of Saturday, on to be planted, that must depend on the sort of they do not quickly renew themselves: they are tree, and on other circumstances. It will be seen of a permanent nature: and they must not be India, and a more merciful one than what is genean easier method of gathering the honey than in by looking at the plan of the garden (Plate I), much mutilated during the time that the sap is in rally pursued in this country, is practised in Gerthat I make provision for 70 trees, and for a row the flow. of grape vines extending the length of two of the 296. Therefore, the ploughing between trees tivated to great extent, frequently as an amusemany. There, this interesting little insect is culplats. The trees will have a space of 14 feet or the digging between trees ought to take ment, and very commonly as a source of revenue. square each. But, in orchards, the distances for place only in the fall, which gives time for a Many treatises have been written on their singuapples and pears must be much greater; other-renewal, or new supply, of roots before the saplar nature, domestic arrangements and the best wise the trees will soon run their branches into, be again in motion. For this reason, if crops mode of treating them. Perhaps I put some of and injure, each other. be grown under trees in orchards, they should be your readers in mind of the renowned Baron of wheat, rye, winter-barley, or of something Munchausen, when I state that in some parts of that does not demand a ploughing of the ground Germany they are regularly taken to pasture! yet 291. The Cultivation of fruit trees divides in the spring. In the garden, dig the ground well such is the fact. I have seen on the great heath itself into two distinct parts; the management of and clean, with a fork, late in November. Go of Luneburg in the Hanoverian dominions, hunthe tree itself, which consists of pruning and close to the stems of the trees; but do not bruize dreds of Hives that were carried there from distying; and the management of the ground where the large roots. Clean and clear all well close tant places in the spring of the year, for the bees the trees grow, which consists of digging, hoeing round the stem. Make the ground smooth just to pasture on the heath flowers; herdsmen atand manuring. The management of the tree there. Ascertain whether there be insects there tend them; and in the autumn they are taken itself differs with the sort of tree; and, thereof any sort. And, if there be, take care to de- home again.


fore, I shall treat of the management of each stroy them. Pull, or scrape, off all rough bark


Messrs. Editors,

The mode of securing the honey is this, early

sort under its own particular name. But the at the bottom of the stem. If you even peel off in the fall the Bee-father (as the person who culmanagement of the ground where trees grow is the outside bark a foot or two up, in case there be tivates Bees is called) protects himself with the same in the case of all the larger trees; and insects, it will be the better. Wash the stems gloves and a kind of cap long enough to hang for that reason I shall here give directions con- with water, in which tobacco has been soaked; over his neck and shoulders, and which has a cerning it. and do this, whether you find insects or not. wire mask-and in dark rainy weather, or early

292. In the first place, the ground is always Put the tobacco into hot water, and let it soak in the morning or late in the evening, when all to be kept clear of weeds; for whatever they 24 hours, before you use the water. This will the Bees are at home, he turns the hives upside take is just so much taken from the fruit, either destroy, or drive away, all insects. down-a match made of dry herbs, such as rue

in quantity, or in quality, or in both. It is true, 297. But, though, for the purpose of removing wrapped in tow and linen, which burns without that very fine orchards have grass covering all all harbour for insects yon make the ground smooth flame and makes a great smoke, is lighted and the ground beneath the trees; but these orchards just round the stem of the tree, let the rest of the smoke blown upon the hive, which drives the would be still finer if the ground were kept clear the ground lay as rough as you can; for the bees to the lower part of the hive, and gives him from all plants whatever except the trees. Such rougher it lies the more will it be broken by the an opportunity of taking what quantity of honey he a piece of ground is, at once an orchard and a frost, which is a great enricher of all land. When thinks they can spare, leaving a sufficiency for pasture; what is lost one way is, probably, gained the spring comes, and the ground is dry at the winter provision. Should it happen that the Beethe other. But, if we come to fine and choice top, give the whole of the ground a good deep father takes too large a tribute, or that an early fruits, there can be nothing that can grow beneath hoeing. which will make it level and smooth winter prevents the Bees from replenishing their to balance against the injury done to the trees. enough. Then go on again hoeing throughout the stock as expected-they then are regularly fed 293. The roots of trees go deep; but the prin- summer, and watching well all attempts of in- with a composition consisting of sugar, honey cipal part of their nourishment comes from the sects on the stems and bark of the trees. top-soil. The ground should be loose to a good 298. Diseases of trees are various in their kind; a saucer under the hive. wine and water, boiled together, which is put in depth, which is the certain cause of constant but, nine times out of ten they proceed from the moisture; but trees draw downwards as well as root. Insects are much more frequently an effect upwards, and draw more nourishment in the for-than a cause. If the disease proceed from blight, mer than in the latter direction. Vine-yards, as there is no prevention, except that which is sugTULL observes, must always be tilled, in some way gested by the fact, that feeble and sickly trees are or other; or they will produce nothing of value. frequently blighted when healthy ones are not; published in the Quebec Gazette, says "There He adds, that Mr. EVELYN says, that "when but, when the insects come, they add greatly to the has been some stir this winter in consequence of "the soil, wherein fruit trees are planted, is evil. They are generally produced by the dis- the Tobacco trade. Next spring I think there constantly kept in tillage, they grow up to an ease, as maggots are by putrefaction. The ants will not be less than one hundred hogsheads shipOrchard in half the time, they would do, if are the only active insect for which there is not a ped from hence. The Lower Canada Merchants the soil were not tilled." Therefore, tillage is cure; and I know of no means of destroying will soon have to find us other Markets than useful; but, it were better, that there were tillage them, but finding out their nests and pouring Montreal and Quebec, for the quantity will inwithout under crops; for these crops take away boiling water on them. A line dipped in tar tied crease at least ten fold the year after.





A letter from Amherstburgh, Upper Canada,



The following notice of the singular diseased fibrous substance, abortively attempting to put der is placed horizontally across the frame A, appearance of wheat, on the fields near York in forth new roots. I have discovered neither on leaving room for the clearer D, on one side, and side, are totally destroyed, and present a hard and from two to five feet in length. This cylinVirginia, was furnished by a very respectable the leaf, nor stalk, nor roots, any thing like an in- the hopper E, on the other. In the cylinder is and esteemed correspondent-and we beg leave sect, or its eggs, though I use an excellent mag-fixed an iron axis, which may pass quite through, to refer him, and our readers, to the full, and in- nifying glass. The external leaf of each shoot or consist only of gudgeons driven into each end. teresting remarks of many careful observers, decays first. I have marked several bunches and recorded in our former volumes-to be satisfied roots, but can make no discovery of the insect; any horizontal variation, and it extends so far of the peculiarities of the disease which he de- can this be the fly-does it feed under the surface without the frame as to admit a winch at one scribes, and the difference between those and the of the earth, and upon the roots of the vegeta- end, by which it is put in motion, and so far at There are shoulders on this axis, to prevent usual ravages of the Hessian Fly. Edit. Am. Far. ble? are such the appearances of the plant, when the other end, as to receive the whirl, by which York, Va., 1st December, 1822. DEAR SIR, I have never known so mild a November as the field, that its decay is seen at present. I was, un- which are at such a distance from each other, as assailed by the fly? At a distance, the wheat looks the clearer is turned. The surface of the cywell and healthy; it is only when you visit the linder is filled with teeth, set in annular rows, past; I have now green peas, in full bloom, in til recently, a sceptic as to the existence of the to admit a cotton seed to play freely in the space my garden, and shall gather some to-morrow or fly, in this part of the state; all my neighbours between them. The space between each tooth next day. Our forward wheat crops were very differing with me. If not the fly, it is an insect, in the same row, is so small, as not to admit a promising, until within a few days; they are now or a disease of the plant, which is producing the seed, nor a half seed to enter it. These teeth decaying; and, it is thought, the Hessian Fly has same effects, as the fly; and I learn that some of our are made of stiff iron wire, driven into the wood made its appearance with us. Can you inform me farmers, are preparing to plough up their wheat of the cylinder, the teeth are all inclined in the if the Fly attacks the roots of the wheat? I to re-sow! have been this day partly engaged in examining the present appearance of my crop, and that too, included between the tooth, and a tangent drawn some bunches taken from my wheat field, which upon land in fine heart, under good tilth, manu- from the point, into which the tooth is driven, will I never experienced any thing like same way, and in such a manner, that the angle was seeded the first of October; the blades are red formerly with kelp, and which produced a be about 55 or 60 degrees; the gudgeons of the turning yellow, generally beginning at the points, heavy crop of Indian Corn. and advancing to the stalk; the roots on one Your's respectfully, cylinder run in brass boxes, each of which is T. G***** in two parts, one of which is fixed into the wood of the frame, and the other is confined down upon the axis with screws.


3d. (C.) The breastwork is fixed above the cy




The principal parts of this machine, are, 1st,
frame; 2d. the cylinder; 3d, the breast work;
the clearer; and 5th, the hopper.
st. (A.) The frame by which the whole work
ported and kept together, is of a square or


Fig 3


parallelogramic form, and proportioned to the
other parts, as may be most convenient.

has transverse grooves or openings through which the rows of teeth pass as the cylinder revolves, and its use is to obstruct the seeds while the cotton is carried forward, through the grooves, by the teeth. breastwork is two and a half, or three inches, and The thickness of the the under side of it I, is made of iron or brass.

4th. (D.) The clearer is placed horizontal with, and parallel to the cylinder. Its length is the same as that of the cylinder, and its diameter is proportioned by convenience. There are two or four brushes or rows of bristles, fixed in the surface of the cleaver, in such a manner, that the ends of the bristles will sweep the surface of the cylinder. Its axis and boxes, are similar to those of the cylinder. It is turned by means of a band F, and whirls ;-it moves in a contrary direction from the cylinder, that puts it in motion, by means of the two small whirls G G, whose axis are pivots made fast in the frame, and it so far outruns, as to sweep the cotton from the teeth, as fast as it is carried through the breast work.The periphery of the whirls is spherical, and the band a broad strap of leather. And at H, there is a groove to permit the wheel G, to recede from the other, to tighten the band by a screw at the end under A.

5th. One side of the hopper E, is formed by the breastwork C, the two ends by the frame, and the other side J, is moveable from, and towards the breast work, so as to make the hopper more or less capacious.

The cotton is put into the hopper, carried through the breast work by the teeth, brushed off from the teeth by the clearer, and flies off from the clearer, with the assistance of the air, by its own centrifugal force. The machine is turned by water, horses, or in any way, most convenient.

There are several modes of making the various parts of this machine, which together with their particular shape, and formation, are pointed out and explained in a description with drawings; attested as the Patent Laws direct, and lodged in the office of the secretary of state.

A sectional side view of parts of the machine, is given in Fig. 3, above, wherein


perfectly described by its name, and its dimen-other metal teeth, which pass through I, the
2d. (B.) The cylinder is of wood, its form is
sions may be from six to nine inches diameter, brazen or lower part of C, the breast work, which
B, represents the cylinder, with rows of iron or

with the cotton.

keeps the seed from passing through the machine D, represents the clearer, with bristles in it to brush the cotton from the metal teeth, as the cylinder turns round. E, the hopper which holds the cotton, but permits the disengaged seed to pass through the grating at K.

our readers, a complete view of so important amore or less, would make less air. When the the nature of the reported improvements. machine, and enable all of them to understand brush or fan, as it may be called, roars loudly, it is an evidence that we have air sufficient. At Alter Having sarefunyamined the foregoing the end of the brush cylinder, where the pulley description, any one may easily form- ect will be placed, there should be a box on top of opinion as to the value of improvements, detailed the gudgeon, and also at the bottom, as the band below. For this account of Dr. Nutt's improve-tends to bear it upwards. The boxes should be ments, we are indebted to J. R. Bedford, Esq. of made of brass, lest they should take fire, as the When we received the following account of im- Alabama, as we formerly mentioned. And we motion of the brush is very great. provements made on cotton gins, by Dr. Rush have taken great pleasure in preparing the arti- Figure 10. Gives a side view of the brush cyNutt, near Petit-Gulph, Mississippi: we applicle for the press, as we indulge the hope, that it linder, with its pulley at one end, and a set of ed to Wm. Thornton, Esq. of Washington City, may be useful to many persons, and entertaining to arms; for one board or flange, 3 inches wide, for a description of Whitney's Cotton-Gin, from every reader.-Edit. Am. Farmer. with the hair inserted and worked in, like a shoe the Patent Office-that we might place before! brush.





Figure 1. Is the seed board.

lect on them; and if not taken away, will be Figure 2. Is the grate screwed on at the low-forced into the cotton room. end, as in all gins; but above it continues up, and

Figure 8. Is to show the eddies in the trunk
and forms a curve for the roll, keeping a distance below the screen. The screen lays on, and is
from the wood of two inches; then turning back, supported by them. The term eddies I have
it is screwed to the top part of the first cross bar, applied to the cross boards, which form twelve
forming in part the grate fall.
divisions. These partitions break the current of
Figure 3. Is a straight grate, designed to de-air below the screen; consequently, very little
tach false seed from the cotton, before it reach-cotton is forced below it, although it affords every
es the brush.
opportunity for the dirt, leaf and false seed to go
Figure 4. Is and end view of the brush, 18 in-down. These boards should be about a foot and
ches in diameter, and has six motions to one of a half, or two feet apart.

the rag cylinder. The end of the board, which Figure 9. Shows a door, covering two eddies.-
is seen at the extremity of each arm, and has the It is necessary to have doors to all that part of the
hair inserted into it, is 3 inches broad, which trunk, under the screen, so that it may be clean-
will generate more air, than if wider.
ed out occasionally; it is sufficient, for one side

At each end of this board, will be seen repreFigure 5. Is the under sheeting of the brush, of the trunk, to have them; and as I have be-sentations or end views of the board, to show how made of plank, forming part of a circle, until it gan with one door to cover two, so it may be con- it is made, and a hole through the thick part, is perpendicular to the brush; then it runs tinued; say, six doors to twelve eddies. The with a bunch of hair inserted. Another represtraight off to the screen, which is represented by side of the trunk, where the doors are to be, need sentation also serves to show how the board is not come lower, than half an inch below the let on, and screwed to the arm. The planking now turns down to form the low-screen, as the doors can close the balance-these Figure 11. Shows how the screen is made. er part of the trunk, say four and a half inches, should be hung by hinges, and kept in place by a and then turns and goes forward to form the bottom of the trunk.

the dots.

wooden button.

The joints of the doors should be directly oppoFigure 6. Is to shew the upper sheeting be- site every second eddy, so that no air can escape ginning as near the rags as possible, and conti- from one eddy to another, and indeed the sheetnues round, a true part of a circle, until it gets ing around the fan or brush, and the trunk, should within five inches of the lower sheeting, on a be air tight.

perpendicular line. It then sets off in a straight This trunk is supposed to be 20 or 24 feet line, and forms the upper part of the trunk; ma- in length. My own is twenty-four feet; but king the trunk five inches above the screen, which if there was sufficient room, I would have it foris four and a half inches above the bottom. It ty.


[ocr errors]

should be remembered, that the upper and lower The cotton should be blown into a room, apart sheeting of the brush, should not be nearer the from the press room, to prevent it from attaching hair in the brush, than a quarter of an inch; if to the screws. At the top of the room, into it be so near as to touch, it will roll the cotton, which the cotton is blown, there should be a garand defeat our intentions. Near the mouth, or ex-ret, and an opening in it, for the air to escape tremity of the trunk, the upper planking is ele-through, as it will carry with it, a great quantivated, which makes the mouth larger; this Ity of dirt, and short lint. I have endeavoured have found by experience to be best. The slight to turn the current out of the house by a small touches of the pen in the trunk, shows the di- trunk put through the wall, but the circulation rection the cotton takes, when struck down from of the air without, was such, as to keep back the saws. the dust, and lint, and soon choak the conductor. Figure 7. Shows where the siding doors This lint and dust should be got rid of, as it is veshould be on the top of the trunk; they can be ry injurious to the machinery of factories. One slat at each end of the cross sticks, with rabbited in, and slide, presenting a smooth sur- At the sides of the gin stand, there should be holes at equal distances in the slats, to receive the face within. It is necessary, almost every day to air holes of about 12 or 13 inches, cut out of the ends of the cross sticks. There is a slat to supslip these doors, and sweep the screen, as in damp upper part of the stand, in form of half a cylin-port the sticks in the middle. This stick should weather, many false seed, dirt and leaf will col-der, and opposite the upper half of the brush cy-be nailed to this middle slat, to prevent their linder, or clearer, as this is the only way that air springing or warping out of a true line; they can be admitted to the brush, with advantage-should be regularly spaced at such distances in this manner, likewise, the greatest quantity of apart, as to suffer a cotton seed readily to drop air, will be generated. It is evident, that a brush through; the sticks should be nearly round, being serving as a fan, should have but four arms, as a little flatted at bottom, and made of a wood that

* We have only shown a portion of the trunk, in its length, of course the slight elevation, at the extremity is not seen in our cut. Edit. Am. Farmer.

will receive a good polish. My own are made offbent, when laid with steel; this can be done, and cherry, and polished with sand paper, they are hardened, after being bent.

nearly half an inch in diameter. I have given It is perhaps unnecessary to camach on the end views of the side slats; sharp at top, so score of nullies, their size will depend

and from ten to twelve pounds of sugar to it. t is, if properly made, and of good cider, a fine inous beverage, to drink in summer, when dilutd with water; and in the German Counties of

that when the screen is laid in the trunk, they taerent motions, small pullies should be solid, Pennsylvania, it was the favourite drink, when per gradually from the sticks, to the sides of the nd large ones have spokes, each should be they got any refreshment at taverns, by all those trunk, and no trash can settle on them. The made of plank, and placed so as to preserve the persons who could not afford to get wine. Those middle slat is rounding on the top edge, for theircle, if the timber should shrink. Tightening persons that I knew most famous for makng ullies should always be large; their axles will good cider royal, put rye whiskey to it instead of same purpose; they can be made of plank, one eat less, and also enable us to cause the band to brandy, as it sooner became assimilated to the inch thick, and three broad. Figure 12, in the above cut, gives a side view embrace more of the pulley that is to be driven cider and vinous than brandy,; that is, it was of the eddy boards, that are to extend cross-The placing of the pullies depend entirely up- not to be tasted, when brandy, could always be wise of the trunk, with the niches on top of on the form of the stand. My gin has on the discovered by a nice palate. Brandy put to cider or wine after it is well fermented, never loses its it, for the lower edges of the slats to drop in. Up right end of the rag cylinder, a pulley,a, flavour in either cider or wine, and instead of beon these boards, the screen will rest its whole excoming vinous, as it ought to be, by fermentation, it tent. An end view is also presented of this is only branded cider, or what used to be called, board, made sharp at top, to prevent trash from some 30 or 40 years ago, Sampson; which was settling on it, in passing through the sticks. one gill of brandy or other spirits, put to a tankard of cider, which always produced head aches.

Figure 13. Is to give a front view of one bar of a grate, with a niche, at the upper shoulder, to enable us to take out the false seed.



The roll will bring up the tag of cotton attach


ed to the false seed, on the back of the grate, to of 11 inches; this, coupled to a drum or big band
the turn at Figure 2; then as other tags come on, wheel, b, of 8 feet diameter, drives the cylinder,
the preceding ones will be forced on to the niche, and is tightened by a pulley, c, 3 feet diameter
when they can either be removed or suffered to at the other end, or to the left is a pulley, d,
drop. If they drop, they will be stopped before
they reach the saws, by a piece of leather, that
sets off from the wood, in a direction towards
the grate, and touches it; the leather will yield
to the passage of the false seed, and then fall

or roller and lever.

You also, in the last Farmer, make mention of the naked Barley-I remember it for at least fifty years, and it was used by the German farmers of a part of York County, Pennsylvania, and Frede ick County, Maryland, to make coffee of; and I recollect of hearing it spoken of as infinitely superior to Rye, as to its flavour and salubrity-But I do not recollect of seeing any of it for upwards of thirty years; but formerly I have seen it brought to York Town, Pennsylvania, and Frederick Town, Maryland, for sale by the name of Coffeet Barley-The Germans call it "Coffedgerst." To make Barley Coffee.

Roast it in the manner that common coffee is roasted, then take one portion of coffee to about as much as one third of the quantity you commonly use for one meal; then take three times that quantity of the roasted barley whole (not being ground) and boil it by itself, then strain it through a tin strainer, with smaller holes than a cullinder; put that liquor over the first portion of cofI knew a very respectable Clergyman, who was fond of some of the good things of this world; that for several years, I was acquainted in his family, always used his coffee made in the above manner-and he used it, because he thought it an improvement on foreign coffee.

back to its place; this piece of leather is noticed of 26 inches, which is coupled to the brush pul thus, * in cut numbered one to nine. Were we ley, e, of a little more than 4 inches diameter, to have the niche at the top of the roll, where and a tightening pulley f, of 20 inches diameter, the grate makes a sudden turn back, the false hung in a sliding frame nearly over the brush pul-fee and make it in the usual manner. seed would be brought into the roll again; but as ley, which keeps the band to a necessary degree the ginner has time to remove a great many, of tightness by a weight suspended to a sweep, I adpoted the plan to make the place for their removal farther back. I consider this form of a grate, very essential in a point, not yet noticed; which is, that it enables us to gin much faster; for when there is a tag of cotton throwing up the P. S.-I have called on a German's son, now roll just above the saws, preventing them from tamiddle aged, who says he has often assisted his king as much cotton along with them, as they father in making Cider Royal, and he says, that my would otherwise do, and a wad of false seed unDear Sir,-I observe in your Farmer of yester-receipt for making it, is correct. His father was der and between the grate, the saws are always day, a receipt to make Cider Oil, as you call it-famous for making good cider royal of the best robbed, of more or less cotton, in their passage. I have some doubts that the person who furnished quality. He himself, attempted this last year to Where the saws pass the grate, as above, at 14, you with the receipt, is ignorant of what it ex-make one barrel of it, and it turns out to be as it will be observed, that the bars of the grate actly is; as well as of the manner of making it-hard as the hardest cider. He spoke to a person slightly narrow, which will prevent the possibili- I have seen it made very often by Germans, and who makes good cider, one whom he could depend ty of the fibres being cut or broken. it is by them called cider royal; and by putting on, and gave him an extra price: the cider was

Vineyard, near George Town,
Feb. 8, 1823.



It is better for a small seed to escape, than for sassafras, or any thing else to flavour it, I am cer- made early in the morning, and brought to him the fibres to be injured; and as it is almost impos-tain would injure it; the way I have seen it made before 9 o'clock; he immediately drew off some of the cider, and put to it ten pounds of susible to keep always from rubbing, I have adopt-as follows: gar, and four gallons of apple brandy, and bunged

To make Cider Royal.


ed this plan, and I think with advantage: From the upper end of the grates, to an inch below the Take a clean well hooped cask, and burn a sul- it up tight immediately. He attributes the hardpoint, where the saws pass through, (saving the phur match in it, and keep the bung close stop-ness to a fermentation having taken place before niche,) they should be very near to each other; ped for about two hours; then put in four gallons the sugar and brandy was put to it, instead of the then the distance between them should gradually of good apple or cider brandy; then take four gal-sugar and brandy being put in the cask first. widen, so as to let the dirt, leaf, and small beards lons of the cider immediately from the press, and fall readily as they get loose. It is a matter of put it to the brandy, shaking the barrel well to the greatest importance, that every grate, be-absorb the sulphurous gas, (the cider ought to fore going to a gin, should be laid with steel; a be strained through a flannen,) and then fill the DEAR SIr, short, thin piece, can be easily welded on that barrel with the cider before any fermentation has I have just read the remark in your paper on part of the grate, where the saws pass. When taken place, and bung up the barrel tight imme-raising cellery; and set down to give you an acthis is done, one set will last longer, than six or diately, and put it in a cool place, and rack it off count of the arrangement of his plants, when fieight without it. I have never known a gin to in March following. If it is not fine when rack-nally planted out, by one of the best regular scienprepare cotton as well the second and third ed, it may be fined with the whites of eggs-and tific and practical gardeners I ever knew; his aryears, as the first; and the reason is very obvious: as soon as quite bright, rack it again into a clean rangements were such, that I never saw a vacant the corner of the grate, wears a little, and as soon as cask and it will keep for years. Some persons do space in his garden; as one article was marketthis is done, small seeds are crushed and carried not sulphur the cask, under an idea that it produ- ing, another was coming forward in the same through. It is folly to say a grate cannot be well ces head-ache; others put but three gallons of bran-bed.



His method of raising cellery, I give you exact- NOTE.-After a salt marsh has been completely as I saw it, and noted it down; but you may ly, diked in, and inclosed froin the inundations of The proprietors of an extensive bed of wha vary it by making more rows or less, at your own the tide, according to the method described by A competent judges have pronounced to be genuin pleasure. His bed or trench was dug by hand, Chotanter, in No. 31, Vol. 2, of this paper, it might porcelain clay, are desirous of obtaining som PORCELAIN CLAY. about one foot deep, and five feet wide; well ma- often during the winter, and in the summer too, particular information concerning the same. Un nured with well rotted manure, and then planted when not charged with a crop, have its surface der the belief, that either the editor of the with nine rows of cellery, about six inches apart coated over, elevated and fertilized by this Ita-American Farmer himself, or some of his intel in the rows, and the rows six inches distant, as lian Colmata. There are few salt marshes so se-ligent correspondents, can furnish the desired inper enclosed plan: by this method, a bed fifty cluded as not to admit of being covered by the formation, the following enquiries are respectfulfeet long and five feet wide, contained nine hun- muddy streams, from the adjacent hills. The me- ly submitted. dred plants; they took less ground, less manure, thod of pouring on the turbid current, when reand one third only of the necessary covering in quired, and of preventing its escape for a while manufactory for converting this kind of clay inwinter, that the single rows would; and if water-through the tide trunk, must be so obvious, as to to wares? Is there at this time, in the United States, a ing was necessary, once passing by the side with a need no explanation. Three or four Colmata, durwatering pot, as on a bed of a single row, sufficed ing the winter, would add as many inches of ele establishment-the expenses in carrying it onfor three rows; so what was sufficient for three vation to its surface, besides the additional soli- and can persons be procured in this country, who What would be the probable cost of such an hundred plants, in the common way, did here do dity and fertility. for nine hundred. I never knew him fail, and I thought, that when so combined, the manure and understand the business? water had more effect than the lengthway. I saw three beds this year, so managed by his widow, about fifty feet each, with twelve or thirteen rows as fine as any I ever saw.

The manner of earthing them up was to place two planks edgeways across the bed, and between two adjoining rows, and putting the earth between the plants. With respect I remain,

Your obedient servant,

Thus you may extend your bed to any length.


an immense morass.


thankfully received.
Answers to these enquiries, as well as any other
information connected with the subject, will be
Rowan County, (N. C.) 28th January, 1823.
C. F.

A Virginia Farmer, in No. 47, Vol. 3d. of your with vermin, and how to destroy the vermin after paper, asks for information on the best course to be pursued to prevent hogs from being infested FROM POULSON'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER I will state, for his information, a method which hogs are infested. In answer to this inquiry MODE OF BURNING CLAY FOR MAI have practised with success in removing vermin NURE, AND WARMING A HOUSE AT from hogs. It is, to tar them. The operation is THE SAME TIME, viz: performed by taking a small mop, and rubbing the is wanted, and make it, with the addition of watar on each hog, on different parts of the body.-ter, to the same consistence as that used for Take a quantity of clay, as many cart loads as The lice will leave the hogs and crawl into the bricks; only there is no occasion of mixing any straw or leaves where the hogs sleep. These loam with it; and for the sake of having the clay beds should be burnt two or three days after the in a convient form, a mould may be made the hogs are tarred-and the tarring should be repeat-same width as a brick mould, and half the length; ed for a fortnight or three weeks, as often as once then fill this mould half full of the worked clay, a week, so as to destroy the young vermin which and put a handful of spent Tanners' bark or small will be hatched from the knits on the hogs, at the chips, over the clay, and fill the mould full, so time of tarring them. The first and perhaps second that the clay will be over and under the tan, or time, to add a little brimstone to the tar is chips; and when dry it is fit for the fire; in this thought advisable. Will you or some of your numerous correspon-red hot, become combined or converted into soot, dents, inform us of the best method of removing which makes a fine manure for cold clay lands.way the tan or chips, when the clay is heated vermin from cattle, sheep, mules and horses-my The grates used for burning Lehigh or Schuylkill sheep and cattle are very badly infested with coal, would be admirably adapted for this mode them at this time. They are an insect of not the of burning clay, as they have a strong draught, twentieth part the size of those that infest hogs, especially when the blower is put on; and there but infinitely more numerous, and when a sheep is no occasion for more coal than is just sufficient or cow becomes infested by them, it is almost im-to completely destroy its adhesiveness. possible to keep them alive through the winter. A North Carolina Farmer.

March 12th, 1822.



Albany, N. York, 4th January, 1823.

It is presumed this mode of burning clay would very much diminish the expense of coal, and a boy could make it up in the form proposed.Count Rumford recommended using clay, incorporated with charcoal, and formed into balls, for fuel; but charcoal is expensive, and tan may be got very low in the Summer season, though dry weeds, or chips, are as good. A Lover of Improvements. Philadelphia, January 23d, 1823.

We have been favoured with a specimen of the

"The Knights of St. Stephen have conquered ver lay. The grass is cut about the 15th or 20th My improvement in the ruta baga culture cona large part of this vale from the river Chiana, of June. If I have manure, and the scrapings of sists in growing them as a second crop, upon a clowhich, being subject to floods, had formed here my yards will always afford me a few loads, I employed, is called a Colmata, and seems to have an acre. The ground is then immediately plough from the Rocky Mountains, near the sources of The method which they take about a dozen carts full and spread it upon wool of the Ovis Montana Americana, brought been known in the Antoline reigns. It consisted ed well, one pound of seed sown broadcast per the Missouri and Columbia rivers. This wool, here of an enclosure of stupendous dikes, which acre, and harrowed in with a light harrow, length-in fineness, softness, and delicacy, resembles that received the inundations, and confined them for a wise of the furrow. A single thinning and clean- of the Cashmere goat, from which the beautiful while on the morass. When the river had fallen, ing with the hoe, is all the further attention I give shawls of that name are made. We learn on the this water was sluiced off into its channel; but, them, until they are drawn in November. My authority of a gentleman, who has traversed the during its stagnation on the surface enclosed, it first experiment gave me a product of six hun- Rocky Mountains from the north branch of the had left there a deposite of excellent earth; and dred bushels. They should be thinned to a dis- Columbia to the Athapercow, that numerous a succession of such deposites has given solidity tance of eight or twelve inches; and for this ope- flocks of these sheep inhabit that region. No to the bog, raised it above the level of ordinary ration a skim hoe of the required width has a de-doubt is entertained that this animal may be dofloods, and converted into the richest arable. By cided preference over the common hoe. The mesticated, and its fleece wrought into fabrics, this enterprise has the Religion of St. Stephen de- stubble and roots of the clover decompose rapid- which will rival in richness and beauty, the farservedly become the first proprietor of the plain; y, afford nutriment and moisture, and render the while the lands immediately round Cortona count soil friable and light. more masters than any Township in Tuscany."

I am, dear sir yours, &c.

Forsythe's Remarks on Italy, 100.


J. B***.

famed productions of the east. The French gov-
ernment have recently imported several hundreds
of Cashmere goats from their native region,
which thrive well in France, and promise to be

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